Why Religion causes brain damage / mental illness / VIDEO

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by loveincarnate, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. loveincarnate

    loveincarnate Member

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    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIjtZ5bGHro"]Why Religion causes brain damage - YouTube
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  3. loveincarnate

    loveincarnate Member

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  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  5. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    It's true, and imposing a religion on children that preaches the idea you're born a sinner under a wrathfull god guaranteeing eternal hell for non believers is tantamount to child abuse.
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  6. loveincarnate

    loveincarnate Member

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    Hitler was devout Catholic
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Yeah, still, I'm talking about this one.
    So many people are quick to judge my signature as the nazi battle flag and don't realise that black, white and red of the kaiser imperial flag is what I'm really talking about. At the moment we have red black and gold, the colours of democracy... should never stand for Germany! We must fight for the flag that we had in the past.

  8. loveincarnate

    loveincarnate Member

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    Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar

    hail hitler, heil Caesar, hail mary

    I guess Caesar was a religion
    said he was god.

    yes religion is psychological abuse of children


    which of the 3 would you choose as a child ?

  9. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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  10. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Absolutely. Stupidity knows no religion or color or nation. Those who try to say so are eitber stupider or more full of it than the "whole section of people" they lump into their silly propaganda efforts.
  11. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    I remember being told I was going to hell as a kid unless I believe. Not by my parents but by kids and in school. I remember asking my mom if I was going to hell and she said nope, you are here now and you go to heaven later with other people and animals who are already there. Then she told me Hell is a word we don't even use at home. It's a four letter word and it's not a nice word. But I did believe I was going to hell anyway.
    I used to be afraid of seeing the devil in the dark, as bad as I was afraid to see a vampire after watching my first vampire movie. I copped pics in my head of people sweating miserably in a room with a big fire pit burning all the time. They would never die and rest, just burn up in this hot room forever somehow.
    Didn't take me long to get over the vampire thing but hell was still there till I started seeking out religions and saw for myself what it's all about. I came to believe all people are good and when they become bad people we throw their bad asses in jail. My later belief is those who do good, or don't do harm will go to heaven and those who do bad to others will return to the earth and be forgotten and that's my story and I am sticking to it.
    It's not right that kids tell each other they will burn in hell. If my parents had their way I would have never thought that to be true. They never once said I would go to hell. My mom did however say she wished three terribly bad kids like us on each one of us when we grow up. I think it was her weird sense of humor when we messed up. Me and my sister have none and my brother has one. Can't blame my mom for that tho. Well maybe, we were brought up to do what's right but not to think we have to do what everyone else does. My mother didn't push society crap on us, she told us to do what we want with our lives and my sister and I chose to have no kids and live a free life. My brother did too but then he forgot to tie a knot in it one night. At any rate we are all religion free and yet we don't go do bad stuff to others because we know better and it has nothing to do with Hell, it has everything to do with our parents raising us to be good to others and not do harm.
    That video is right, religion is a fear instilled in little defenseless minds that are trying to grow with that weight added on. Why can't parents lean less on fear and use education instead to raise their kids? Life is an education, it doesn't have to include that kind of worry on young minds. We can educate prit near anyone if we try.
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  12. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Maybe not all religion, he's talking evangelical church. The guys articulate, his argument is well structured, logical, to the point and he's presented scientific backing.

    If you want to call down what he's saying, it's gonna take more than just thumbing your nose at it...but then again as he said, he didn't make the video for those of you too far gone already.
  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    teaching guilt/fear....all that good stuff....
  14. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Well....then why didn't the thread deal with evangelicals? Oh...wait...because it's an effort to generalize with a video about evangelicals? Who's trying to call others "too far gone already"?
    Pffft! "Gong!"
  15. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    But seriously, many religions teach this way. Even the Catholic church promoted the beating of children, don't know if they still do but I remember the principal of the school I went to for two years walking the school grounds swinging a big black strap ready to swing it on anyone who was a slight out of line. Luckily I never got it but many did. I just hung out with my friends under the big cement steps and ignored his act of terrorism on our young minds. He was creepy looking too. The movies aren't all that false about how it looked to kids. It was the only school we could go to there being a small community and the others were full.
    I can't remember if they did the Going to hell thing specifically tho but they believed in harsh fixes.
  16. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    You didn't watch the video did you. Most of us, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Muslims etc, were raised from a very young age with the idea that there would be eternal punishment for non-belief.
  17. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Yeah they thought they could beat the devil out of you. twisted fucks
  18. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Spare the rod and spoil the child, many read that as to mean beat him, it won't kill him but will save his life.

    I remember hearing Beat the devil out of kids somewhere, maybe a kid said his parents would do it, makes me shudder to think how bad you'd have to beat your kid before you see the devil leaving the kids body.

    I hated being grounded but it worked and we didn't lose any skin over it. It only took a few times and I was smart again.
  19. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    ok, evidence?

    here is what wikipedia has to say:


    So while Hitler's mother was Catholic, and he received baptism and confirmation as a child, his association with catholicism seems to end there.

    Everything about Hitler's writing and philosophy seems to be based on nihlism and social darwinism.
  20. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I can accept the premise that fundamentalist religion can be harsh and be bad for people. I can accept that there could be some association between participation in a fundamentalist church and atrophy of certain parts of the brain. However, to reach the conclusion that religion is bad because this association is too simplistic.

    It might be true, but a wide range of activities affect the physical structure of the brain. Whether one sees those activities as worthwhile or not is not necessarily a question that can be resolved by science.

    Whoever made that video might be able to make a stronger case for his position, but simply referring to a study showing an association with the size of a particular area of the brain is a flimsy argument.

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