How many is too many?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by fraggle_rock, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    So yeah, this question might upset some people and it has probably been asked before as well, but how do you feel about the number of sex partners your potential relationship has had in the past?

    I've always tried to be as open as possible but to be honest, when someone tells me they've had 20, 30, 40+ partners, I have a hard time not feeling a little uneasy.

    So yeah, how many is too many?
    Joboo6 likes this.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Sexual partners? That shouldn't be too concerning.
    Relationship partners can start to tell you things about the person. If they've had a lot it might mean they're terrible to be with or very hard to please.
  3. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    The answer is a number that means one's entire life was ONLY sex and all other activities life had to offer got pushed aside, including necessary acts like eating and sleeping.

    For instance 3 does one lead a balanced and healthy life and reach that number? The answer is you don't.
  4. sxynae

    sxynae Members

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    Don't really matter as long as it stills feels good. Man will pay a prostitute that's had Lord knows how many in her but yet it still feels good to them. It's psychological.
    Joshua Van likes this.
  5. Arlene Foxy

    Arlene Foxy Members

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    Alice in SC likes this.
  6. Arlene Foxy

    Arlene Foxy Members

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    I'm married and have kids, but I've genuinely had sex with more than 15 men in over a period of 22 years. And the number is increasing. I don't put myself in situations where I end up a piece of meat, instead I'm sophisticated about it and will never let my husband and kids know that the one night I'm working late I'm actually out at a hotel or guys house having protected sex. My husband still gets good vagina because I make sure I have protection with others. People can say I'm a whore but my husband flaunts me with love and my kids adore me, so I'm just honest enough to say it.
  7. His Eden

    His Eden Queen of Mean

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    It depends entirely on the individuals involved. Some get anxious if their partners numbers are higher than their own. Other people don't particularly care about their partners past liaisons. There are even some who get turned on by a high sexual partner body count. It takes all kinds. My husband and I have been together 17+ years, and who he or I were with before we got together really doesn't matter at this point. Why worry about something that happened so long ago, as most of them are just shadowy images we barely recall.

    If it is something that upsets you, or your partner. it may be time to reevaluate the priorities in your relationship. If the numbers don't matter, then leave them in the past where they belong. As long as the person doesn't flaunt their past conquests, leave it alone. Everyone has a past, and sometimes it is best left as exactly that; the past.
    lost in Earl Grey, F6C and NoxiousGas like this.
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Wow, kinda fucked up viewpoint.
    So you regularly cheat on your husband, lie about where/what you are doing and still have the fucking gall to call yourself "honest".

    Something in your brain is broken.
    BeatinFeet69, His Eden and Piaf like this.
  9. Arlene Foxy

    Arlene Foxy Members

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    Fact is most women have or are being adulterous. Typical of you though because you claiming to be righteous. Your opinion is simply an opinion and does not affect me in any way. Because if you're a guy you'll screw a married women if the opportunity arises. And if a woman at your sexual prime will give in if seduced. So shove your opinion right up your backside.
    mr man, Si69, Joshua Van and 2 others like this.
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    No, noxious gas isn't like that, you need to pick fights with the people you know. And you can't justify your adulterous behavior with a made up justification like "oh well a lot of women are doing it" the fact you're even justifying means sub consciously you're well aware of the faults you're expressing and encouraging.

    But hey, as long as you're having protected sex...

    mango_23, His Eden and NoxiousGas like this.
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    If its the husband and kids at home, and Im guessing youre at least into your second decade of marriage, guys on the side you mentioned sometimes.

    What contact would you have had with other women over that time frame, maybe a few high school friends, some co-workers.....maybe a dozen or so over the last decade, even with them you have no real idea what they are getting up to or not getting up to. And you cant really trust anything online.

    Truth is you dont really have any idea what "most women" are like even though you are one. You would understand the ones like you, sort of, even then not completely, but when it comes to the ones very different from you, you would have absolutely no idea

    Certain things about other women you will simply never see becuase you are female, certain types and social settings you completely missed out on because you have been married for so long
    2 people like this.
  12. Anaishenrix

    Anaishenrix Members

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    I wonder why you do this? IS it the thrill of the illicitness of the sex or isn't your husband much of a lover?
  13. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    More than one is way too many for me. Preferably 0.
  14. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i think most people that troll internet forums do it because they run out of things to do in mom's basement. the sex forum trolls are slightly different though; their mom usually has their porn sites blocked, and since they can't get near a real vagina, typing shit that they imagine a slutty woman would say on an internet forum is their only sexual outlet.
    1 person likes this.
  15. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    What the fuck was I thinking. Even one is one too many.
  16. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Fact is you're not honest at all. It's not an opinion of NoxiousGas. It's a fact you are cheating on your husband. Just because you might be honest to others about this doesn't change shit.
  17. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Also, just because a certain behavior is prevalent that doesn't make it correct or applaudable.
  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    On topic: its not an exact number for me. If an intensive sexual past would be unsettling it would be because of other details.
  19. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    More than 2x my number would make me feel bad if I was going for a long term relationship, so more than 10. If the woman was a lot older than me, or if it was 'just sex' then that number would be a lot higher.
  20. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Hi NG, quoted your post as an example of White Christian Values professed here, despite this being a hippy/alternative lifestyle forum, not getting at you in any way (PEACE man).
    Just wondering why so many on this forum seem to still follow their White Christian upbringings ....... it's not hippy and it's not alternative.

    I'm married to a lady less than half my age, and she has at least two regular lovers, she's at university and I really don't want to deny her meeting/dating men of her own age. She is very discreet and doesn't wave her lovers in my face, that would be impolite. I also have a girlfriend, my wife knows I have a gf, but we don't ever speak about it because that would be rude. You can be honest without sharing all the gory details of your life with your partner.

    I was formerly married (30 years) in a monogamous relationship in the west for 30 years, until I realized she had been cheating on me for 30 years, and I was the only one being monogamous. Now I'm married (7 years) and in a fairly open relationship, which is much easier for everyone concerned.

    Back to the topic,
    I once asked my wife how many? ........ she replied more than 1,000 but less than 3,000 (I won't be asking questions like that again, it was a bit too many).
    As for me, 7 this year (including wife and gf), at 60, I'm slowing down a bit.

    I've come full circle, hippy, free love with long hair and Afgan coat at 16, 30 years as a married white Christian, and now back to hippy with less hair and I lost the Afgan (It always smelt of Yak wee in the rain). Hard to really live an alternative lifestyle in the Christian West, but fortunately there are many other religions and countries to explore.
    Mickle likes this.

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