Tripping 3rd day in the row?

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by FunkyTrip, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. FunkyTrip

    FunkyTrip Member

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    Hello i've tripped 2 days in a row, want to trip 3rd on 2ce i mean i have slept after every trip, and after this one i will slow down to like once a month, what do you guys think about tripping so many days? is it ok? i feel fine
  2. stoner oxy80

    stoner oxy80 *"Senior~Stoned~Member"*

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    idk... you must be young yet. to handle 3 days in a row lol

    well yeah i guess as long as ya feel good, food, sleep, drink, stay hydrated.

    (never did 2-ce/or anything RC just good old LSD and mushrooms years ago.) idk how much differant they are it was hard to eat/drink anything while on LSD. i would get burned out after a hard day of tripping and sleep all the next day.(mabye that was the booze lol)
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    it's a waste of substance because of tolerance . . . and i'd take a long break after three days in a row of tripping on research chemicals . . . like take 1-2 months off.
  4. stoner oxy80

    stoner oxy80 *"Senior~Stoned~Member"*

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    i was thinkin that too, a waste (tolerance builds fast)
    (i think his mind was made up though.)
    ahh..the old high school days, tripping, what crazy times i had. wow man the colors, my shop teacher would say to me joking, we tripped with him the last day of school senior year.( it kicked in as i was spinin a toy top lol never forget that moment) taking LSD in school with friends and a teacher took the buzz to a whole new level. it was good stuff back in 1998/99 i havent seen blotter paper since? gone?

    but i don,t think anyone should try it.(unless ya wanna get locked up)
  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I wouldn't recommend tripping 3 days in a row, certainly not a good habit to get into. Even if you are using 2ce strictly for recreation and not really interested in taking time to integrating lessons and ideas from the trip, you should allow your brain and body some time to recover. Negative effects are not necessarily acute, you may 'feel fine' currently in the midst of your daily dosing but realize that your thoughts of what 'feel fine' is in that time span, you're going from dramatic shifts in your reality and consciousness to a sense of baseline sobriety. Negative effects may not necessarily manifest directly coming down from the trip, they can potentially be more persistent and subtle.
  6. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    2c-e is nice! good choice!
    the answer depends on what you took before. If there is cross tolerance you should wait because otherwise the trip will be light and you waste the substance.

    also the chance of getting hppd is greater if you binge on psychedelics.

    have fun and if you dose: Have a funky trip!!
  7. FunkyTrip

    FunkyTrip Member

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    SWIM had a cool trip, but he felt deep inside that he should slow down with tripping.
    And he will slow down to maybe once a month and save it only for special occasions.
    And yes @stoner oxy80
    he is young , almost 19 :p

    btw even he tripped so many days it does not mean he is not careful,
    1 year ago after he took like 8 tabs of acid he had a bad trip and got anexity and many other mental problems. and after that he was so dumb and 2 months after that took, 5-6 X. and it fucked him up totally.
    After this he is extremly careful with doses, and will never take so much again.
  8. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Waste of drugs doin it that often I think
  9. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    There is still plenty of blotter around. But it is more expensive then the 90's.

    I wish micro dots were more common. It is a much better way to protect the LSD from light and air but it is also more time consuming and expensive then dipping some paper.
  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I've actually never seen microdot. I've heard people say they had it, but they'd say it was liquid microdot or some bullshit like that. It was acid tho. I've only had liquid and blotter, I've also had little gingerbread cookies with acid on me and stuff like that.
  11. FunkyTrip

    FunkyTrip Member

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    SWIM never tried liquid lol, Only tried blotters
    SWIM been told that the strongest SWIM had was 250ug ,
    and yea SWIM was pretty fucked after 1 hit :D
  12. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I had a redstar microdot for Bicycle Day last year, It's pretty crazy how tiny they are. I had purchased a microdot about a decade ago but ending up gifting that to my friend so I was greatful to come across em again.
  13. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Big trips come in tiny packages I guess :D
  14. Beefit

    Beefit Guest

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    Ten strip it.
  15. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    yeah i had few microdots too (all the same type) - things were SO so tiny

    other than that though, i've only ever seen blotter, and only since 2003, because i didn't trip before that.

    back on topic though:

    i know you already did it. but i would really recommend NOT tripping like this, dude. especially on 2ce, or other research chemicals (like the NBOMe family for example, not all RCs are created equal).

    but 2ce, i have personal experience with over-use. when i first got 2ce, it was after a couple years of not being able to find acid or mushrooms. i had never tried an RC. i got it in Nov. 2008. tried it twice in Nov., again early December, then two days in a row in mid December. i kinda realized that i shouldn't trip multiple days in a row, because i could tell there was tolerance and i felt a little burnt out.

    then i tripped every weekend in January.

    so it wasn't CRAZY, but 9 times in 3 months is overdoing it. and i feel that i paid a small price for that. i can't really be certain, but i think 2ce caused me to have persistent visual disturbances for awhile (HPPD, but not really since it didn't mess up my life). and i have had suspicions that it did weird things to my head and to my gut/intestines. but FUCK THAT. i'm never writing that again.
    i'm giving it too much power. maybe i had some after effects like that, but i'd like to think that they are long gone by now.

    point is: is it really worth the risk?

    keep dosing to once per month at most. i think a few of us have found that this is a pretty good limit at what one can reasonably sustain over several years of psychedelic use :devil:
    (even that seems a little excessive to me...but i like tripping) sometimes i'll take a break for longer than a month or two.
  16. Octopus.Tenticals

    Octopus.Tenticals Member

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    I do it at festivals. Doc/i is a good long laster, and 2cp. Good to mix with a variety of things too.
  17. Octopus.Tenticals

    Octopus.Tenticals Member

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    Did you try the rest of that paper?
  18. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    Even once a month seems too often IMO. You start to lose appreciation.
  19. thismoment

    thismoment Member

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    Well, you know, people go through various phases and it's not unreasonable for there to be periods of frequent use (>weekly for example) - but not many people can hack that for very long lol. And family situation is a factor in frequency as is job/school situation. Then there's the summer festivals issue. I averaged out about monthly last year.

    I've written trip reports, mostly for my own use. I wish I'd kept a log like Porkstock.

    It's almost like the person writing the above was stoooooooooooooned
  20. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i wish my list went back farther. i started it in 2008 when i acquired 2ce. so i don't know the dates of my acid and mushroom trips from when i was 19-23 years old.

    you can always start a log now, thismoment ;)

    last year i tripped 12 times, if i count the day that i ate 1.1 grams of mushrooms, which was more of a "high" than a "trip."
    i also tasted a hit of "LSD" that i believe was NBOMe, so i spit it out.

    so yeah, about monthly. but i didn't trip in 2013 until April, so there were a couple months where i dosed twice....what do you know? they were the two months after i first tried miprocin! seems like i have a tendency to sort of "fall in love" when i try a new, good chemical.

    i took miprocin 7 times last year. LSD three times. 2c-b and mushrooms once each.

    haven't tripped in 2014 yet. i might soon, or i might not, i dunno. some weekends, i could go for some miprocin...but i should probably take it easy with that and try to make it last for years to come. it's really quality stuff, and i don't wanna lose the magic with it.

    i haven't really wanted to take anything besides acid or miprocin lately :) i could try 4-aco-dmt again for my next trip. haven't had that since the tail end of an acid trip at my bachelor party ...when my friend had a seizure after eating ~30 mg of 4aces. that is almost two years ago now.
    and shit, i haven't taken a microdot since november 2012 at a Pinback concert. didn't eat one all last year. saving them for camping with my brother...whenever we get a chance to do that again.
    whew...that turned into quite the spiel

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