Understanding The New Black Panther Party

Discussion in 'People' started by Aerianne, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    After the acquittal of Zimmerman the NBPP has placed a bounty on his head.

    Who is the NBPP and what do they stand for?

    I found the answer spelled out in 10 Points:

  2. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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  3. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Okay, end to Zionism... good.
    But, yea, they want free health care and to be tax exempt.... and wait...they want to be exempt from military service? We have a volunteer military (technically it's not all volunteer and they can draft but they haven't in a while sooo stop signing up)..
    LOLZ... they want all black people in jail or prison released. All of them. Nice..
    okay, so I was just thinking "why don't you just leave here then since you hate it here and want nothing to do with this country" then read they want their own land.. a "New Africa"... so basically they want like an Israel.. well, then create one... - I really don't think it'll fly inside the U.S. though, but there is plenty of space in Africa ... why not create one there?
  4. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    And thanks for posting that, Aeri. :)
  5. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    Almost every one of those 'points' is them wanting handouts. I've done hard labor most of my life to get where I am now, and I've noticed a trend that occasionally a black guy will come around.. work for a couple months at best while missing a bunch of days, then quit.

    If you want something, you have to WORK for it. Period.

    Now hispanics? Those are some hard working guys. And they have respect across the board in the blue collar world.
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  6. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    It sounds like they want reservations in Africa, like Native American Indians have in the U.S.

    They can't just go to Africa and make their own nation, look at Liberia. In order for anything similar to reservations, or an Israel-like situation to occur they'd need a ton of help from governments, several of them.

    They certainly have some points, but sometimes I wonder if these organizations exist just to polarize people further. I mean, in a conspiracy theorist sort of way.
  7. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Yes, absolutely.
  8. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yeah, I noticed they basically wanna be given everything. Everything. Their own land here... with their own free health care and police force and housing ... oh and somehow we are not supposed to police the place but we are supposed to guarantee BLACK PEOPLE stop bring drugs into those communities...
    so yea, they want ALL THIS STUFF...
    but then, what I'm wondering is..
    what are they gonna give back or do with it when they get it?

    And I mean seriously...why don't they just ask to own the moon too? And a couple planets?

    the whole thing seems like a joke cause they know damn well they aint getting all that shit...free health care and housing and all their ppl outta jail.. no matter what...
    I mean, why not just focus on reparations or something you stand a snowballs chance of getting?
    but no, they want that AND no taxes and free housing ...w no drugs and all this other shit.

    Well, I'm sorry but I don't have a lot of sympathy for a group of people advocate killing all of a certain race, even if they are not racist and even the newest of newborns..
  9. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I would like a pretty purple planet named Love and Peace please and the space craft provided to me to get there...
    and I'd like a star named after me..and one named after my son...
  10. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I think you're missing the point entirely...and actually I'm pretty sure they're including "hispanics" when they say "brown people".

    It's not about a few black people or a few hispanic or a few white people that you and I know. It's more about the culture. The point is that for several centuries in the U.S. and other countries, but nowhere like the U.S. the culture was ruined and that ruin was never corrected or even acknowledged. Sure, a lot of black people now are doing well and never even experience or notice racism or prejudice, etc.

    But as a culture, the majority of U.S. black men are in jail and live their lives in fear of hostile police officers. Many of them targeted simply because they are black. Many of them completely law-abiding, normal people. And that is just one of several injustices that are disproportionately targeted and focused towards the black community.

    Frankly, I don't think there really is an answer to the issue. There are so many problems with the government these days, I think it's best to band together as individuals and drift away from corporate dependence. Maybe in several more decades things will change enough to even out, but I think it will be(and has been) a very slow shift.
  11. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    whoa whoa whoa...

    Is George Zimmerman black then or white? Cause now he's being included into the NBPP and earlier he was white?
  12. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I agree with you it sounds like a joke. That's what I was getting at, maybe it is a joke, that people are supposed to believe is real.

    And who said anything about sympathy? I'm not sure if you're talking about the NBPP or all black people in general.

    But let's not forget that although of course they are trying to get repayment for work their ancestors did, the vast majority of black slaves, were SLAVES. Ya know, doing all the hard work for no pay and abusive working conditions. So it is not as if they are saying give us this stuff for free, but more like, repay us for the way you(U.S. gov't) cheated, profited from and destroyed our ancestors and our culture.

    Nevertheless, it is a ridiculous set of wants. I also think it's really lame how they use the term "the white man". Part of this seems so old-fashioned.
  13. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    So now hispanics are included in this 'protected class'..

    Yet when it fits a different agenda they are 'white hispanics'..?

    And I have no sympathy for that load of bullshit. Try being the white kid in a black neighborhood where white cops don't even go. I was targeted by black cops for years. Which I feel was way more vindictive and outrageous, than the percentage of white cops that (likely) stereotype in certain situations involving black males. Seeing as how black males commit the most violent crimes than any other demographic.
  14. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I know it's tough to have gone through all that Black Americans have.

    I understand the feeling of "We aren't doing well here; we're never going to thrive here; we never wanted to be here; we're not treated fairly here; things would be so much different if we were someplace else; if we just had a new start, in a new place; if we just had a little bit more help..."

    I wish it weren't so.

    I've felt all those feelings as a white person. I think a great deal of it has to do with being human, and that may not be something that everyone knows.

    On the topic of ancestors: My ancestors were oppressed. They were oppressed in their native lands. My people risked everything to get to America on those ships.
  15. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    We already do pay.. there are welfare programs available, and now even more benefits than ever and with no time limits.

    I paid $900 in taxes on my last paycheck. And I made that money fixing cars and sweating my ass off under the florida sun and in a 120 degree shop. Kiss my ass with your talk of reparations.
  16. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    The repayment of work is why I said focus on reparations which are at least POSSIBLE to get...
    (and I have no real comment on whether or not I think any black person alive here today should get them or not.. because though I can understand the reasoning, slavery was 150 years ago and I just don't know if something alive today should be paid for what someone who's been dead over 100 years did or not...maybe, maybe not.. I really have no opinion on the matter currently...) (oh but one more comment on that after re-reading your post... when you say the whole repay us for the work our ancestors did .. the U.S. Gov... the thing is... where would the U.S. gov get that money? From white people working nowdays? So, along those lines young white people should have to pay young black people out of money they earn because of something that happened 150 yrs ago? That just doesn't really seem fair to me either. (and I don't say that to be mean... I say that cause I got a kid and we struggle to pay the bills... if I can barely afford to buy diapers at times... yea...)

    and I meant the NBPP not all black people. (a lot of us here have seen some pretty messed up videos lately of the NBPP so if we seem overly angry it's from watching their garbage over this George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin thing..)
  17. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Apparently Hispanics can be brown or they can be white depending on what agenda is needed

    (oh and dev, to your other post about the police profiling white ppl in certain areas.. I know exactly what you mean. you have no idea how many times I've been stopped and fucked w in certain areas of philly, bmore and d.c. and told to get out of there ..that I don't belong there, etc. - cops suck.)

    (usedtobehoney- we are asking about that and mentioning.commenting on it because the NBPP is mad at white people and have declared war because George Zimmerman... a Hispanic... is somehow a WHITE person that killed a black person... yet here they are claiming Hispanics protected.. make up your mind is what I say to them about that..)
  18. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I get what you're saying Aerianne, and I agree. I think it is apart of being human. And I know there are many groups and many people who are targeted and marginalized, etc. for many different reasons.

    I'm not in anyway defending the BPP but I am trying to show(because it seems like some people relate the BPP as a representative voice of black people rather than an extremist organization) why the points are relevant.

    I don't doubt that you were targeted in an all black neighborhood too, I have a few white friends who were also targeted because they were the minority in a black neighborhood or school or whatever. However, I don't think it can quite be compared to the scale of a huge population of black men being targeted all over the country, in the majority of communities simply because of their race. And the reason black men commit the most violent crimes if that is true, is because of the lost culture, the culture that was stripped from its land, family, witnessed murder, brutality and grew to be accustomed to violence over centuries...and then, let's be honest, black men were targeted with drugs from the outside that ripped the black community apart again, hundreds of years later when things were supposedly good and equal.

    Yes, drugs and violence and oppression is everywhere and all kinds of people experience it, but if some other culture had been massively brutalized and experienced a genocide and prolonged racism for several generations, there would be an extremist organization for them too...and people would say, this is extreme, but they have a point, it makes sense that there is a group of people who feel this way. And in fact there are extremist organizations for other oppressed groups they just don't nearly as much press...

    On a side note deviate...have you ever been arrested or accused for doing something you didn't do and had nothing to do with whatsoever? I know several, perfectly law-abiding, never did anything illegal, black men who have been.
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  19. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    deviate...you are not the U.S. gov't. I'm not asking you to pay anything. I'm not asking anyone to pay anything, not even the U.S. gov't. What I'm saying is the gov't takes responsibility for some things that happened a super long time ago and some things they don't take responsibility for or pretend to take responsibility for. I think it's interesting at least that the issue of reparations keeps coming up just to show how much the U.S. gov't doesn't care about it and will never do anything about it.

    Personally I don't care much about it myself, I don't care about George Zimmerman's trial or the BPP or anything of the sort.

    Of course the idea of paying for these things is unrealistic because the gov't wouldn't dare limit it's war budget to help it's actual citizens. Who says the money has to come from tax payers...and if that was the case, wouldn't black tax payers also be paying for their own reparations...and again, the BPP tries to speak for all black people and says "all black people should" join their self-defense militia, etc. but let's be honest, I don't think most black American people would even be interested in joining anything of the sort.

    P.S. deviate, I don't kiss anyone's ass, thank you very much. I didn't know that mentioning a word that was also mentioned by someone else would give reason to insult me...
  20. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I see what you're saying. Again I'm not really following this case, but it is true that hispanics can be white, red, brown, etc. I was just reading what was written in the original thread and that was what THEY said. It is obviously a thing of convenience, rather or not someone can be included as black, white, brown, red, hispanic, etc. It's like in middle school when the "latinos" and the "blacks" had a fued and everyone in the whole school had to decide if they were black or latino...and as you can imagine it just depended on who was making the decision.

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