Amount of Claviceps purpurea to add for inoculation for the synthesis of LSD?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by MindCB, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. MindCB

    MindCB Member

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    "Inoculate the sterilized medium with Claviceps purpurea under sterile
    conditions, stopper with sterilized cotton and incubate for two weeks
    periodically testing and maintaining pH 4. After two weeks a surface
    culture will be seen on the medium."
    Using this guide, it doesn't specify how much of the Claviceps purpurea should be put in the culture medium. Does it matter? Also, I'm getting the ergot from infected rye grass.

    Rest assured, I know all of the safety procedures when handling these types of things. :2thumbsup:
  2. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Not that you're going to attempt to synthesise any highly illegal substances or anything.. that would be illegal.

    This is obviously purely for educational purposes, and the ergot is just a.. pet

    But no idea anyway dude, that shit's way above my head
  3. CannbisSouL

    CannbisSouL Smoke 'till you toke. Lifetime Supporter

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    Well I've never attempted it, but I would assume you don't need much. I'm not sure if you are doing some sort of liquid inoculation or just tossing in some chunks, but seeing as it is a fungus it should flourish provided with the right conditions.

    I would say as long as you aren't adding so much ergot that you can't see your liquid medium anymore you should be fine. But again, I've never attempted this.
  4. MindCB

    MindCB Member

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    Okay, thanks guys! I actually was wondering because I have a pet ergot fungus, and one of his buddies was made using that method. I'll be sure to tell him that soon. Once again, thanks :sunny:

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