humans are a disease. time to exterminate.

Discussion in 'Living on the Earth' started by verminous_plague, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I'm sorry,but the Universe wants to play!!!
  2. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    The earth is a rock, floating in space. There are billions of other rocks out there in space.

    What is so special about this one that you need humans to die? What do you want to save it for? You know the sun is a star that will eventually die, right?

    There have been mass extinctions in the past and there will be more. So relax, and be the change you want to see.
  3. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    no i'm actually fighting for the option for people to end there lives with dignity! this is a legitimate issue and people are beginning to understand how important it is, that people who are in pain, people who are crippled, mentally inferior, the degenerates, who is really fighting for them? we need to give these poor people a way out. they desperately want it. we who can function normally, should do our duty as fellow brothers and sisters and let them leave with peace and dignity! so that their souls can be freed from the chains and they can have a second chance at another existence!
  4. War John

    War John Member

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    I agree with this post. :2thumbsup:
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Mentally inferior,eh? And who will be deciding that? You?
  6. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    no not me. the ones who can make that decision themselves and if not them, a higher council.
  7. Burnt

    Burnt Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    If a higher council is involved in deciding who lives and who dies it throws your whole assisted suicide thing out the window and becomes assisted murder.


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    That's a heavy statement man
  9. Adin Tellus

    Adin Tellus Guest

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    Zoological Infanticide

    Youtube video: Polar bear eating a cub

    YouTube video: Grizzly bear eating a cub

    Do not beavers build damns? Does this not flood the area? Does this not kill things that normally do not survive in aquatic ecosystems?

    Wolves killing for sport. Perhaps a little controversial

    How about go get an education or read a little. Heck, watch an Animal Planet episode once in a while.

    Nevertheless we are instinctual animals as well. The triumph is, that almost everywhere on earth you or I could go for a walk down the street without getting murdered, eaten or raped, on almost any day. There are bad actors out there, be we call them "criminals" they are outside of our natural law. We do not as a group perform this way.

    We triumphed over our basest instincts and thrive as a species.

    We triumphed and generally care for each-other who are not in our families. We care for those who are not in our communities. We care for those we are not in our nations.

    We even care for those who are not even in our species.

    No other animal in history can make that claim.

    We are no less natural than any other animal here on earth. We didn't come from out of space. Either some flying spaghetti monster put us here with everything else or some benevolent designer created all life here on earth, or we evolved here naturally over 4.5 billion years.

    Take your pick, but no matter, we belong. We are no virus. As I said earlier, if any other animal here on earth evolved the brain we did, they would act in pretty much the same fashion. Because, even without our advanced brain, they tend to reshape the environment, commit atrocities, wage war and waste in their own capacity.

    People like the OP are the people we should be terrified of. Those people, when they get into power, love to see their eugenic / genocidal programs carried out. But, they never ever decide that they too are the problem. They just want you to get out of their way and let them enjoy their version of utopia on "their earth".

    I personally subscribe to the latter of the theories. That we evolved on this planet. If so, we are little more than stardust. But the most beautiful part of that is that we are the tangible part of the universe that has grown to contemplate itself.
  10. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    LOL...I like that Aeri.^ Maybe he left a little blood there too...:sultan:

    Oddly enough I've been researching them lately. I've been there twice but have only recently discovered their (strange) website.

    I'd also agree that this "interesting" OP seems to have been seriously instructed & immersed by Mr. Christian.
  11. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    ( for the dear reader, I don't support the op's point of view.)
    Thanks cleatus

    settle down cleatus...:rolleyes:

    this ones obvious..some things are killed, some thrive.
    Wolves do what wolves do. Doing things for sport, fun , shits and giggles, all human ideas, not wolves.

    Go fuck yourself. :smoking:
  12. Adin Tellus

    Adin Tellus Guest

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    I will. Probably at lease once tonight.

    But, I'll still be right, and you'll still be the jerk that went hostile and showed their ass.
  13. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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  14. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    We are a part of nature, and we have a purposeful place in the scheme of things. Our greed is almost nescessary evil that has risen out pressures of our evolution.

    We do not need to kill the people, but only the ignorant consciousness we have let dominate our lives. We have to evolve ourselves back into harmony with the universe.

    Thats why we makes beats, that exhilarate the heart and exterminate the weak. Super sonic frequencies are being send to disrupt your mental patterns. We must return ourselves to the midbrain where our true non ignorant consciousness is in play. We can return ourselves to be in peace with nature.
  15. Still Kicking

    Still Kicking Members

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    After reading some more of the OP's statements, I will stand by what I said in my last post.
    You are obviously very depressed.
  16. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    i'm not depressed. personally i look at human life as short lived and expendable mostly. now for those who are mentally strong and able to stand on their own and live respectable lives, sure they should live and sure let them breed. but for the degenerates, the mentally inferior, the unproductive time to go. we need to get a grip on population somehow. let's start with the losers, the drunks/druggies, get rid of them. because ultimately we are just putting up with cancers that will infect the children from good strong families.
  17. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    I mean in certain cases. But for everybody else, they can decide themselves or their family.
  18. Still Kicking

    Still Kicking Members

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    Then you would be a candidate for your own Final Solution. Only a person who has the mental deficiencies you obviously despise would suggest that people who are perceived as "lesser" to some degree be eliminated.

    To suggest that murder of perceived inferior people is a way to "control population" or as a way of dealing with people with mental issues, or were unfortunately born with physical or mental problems shows an unbalanced mind in itself. Cue Adolf Hitler and friends.

    There are other solutions to the problems you are so concerned about, but they involve some personal responsibility, changes to government, and other actions that infringe on individual rights. Since people are more concerned with their pleasures than their responsibilities, we will always have problems with society and the results of excess that are some sources of the troubles you despise.
  19. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    I disagree we can move away from this sort of passive acceptance that there will always be drunks and druggies and welfare moms. look we are making a choice everyday to put up with the losers. we can finally just make a declaration and say, we aren't tolerating it anymore. and we mean business. now either choose to leave or we as a society will force you to go away and stop sucking off of the productive. and besides these degenerates grow in number and they infect the good families and neighborhoods. but like i said before we need the option to allow these people to leave with some dignity. and they would jump at the opportunity most likely.
  20. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Great...I've always wanted to live on the Moon.

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