I want a dumb girl

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Born25YearsTooLate, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    I've been torn up from smart, witty, decent looking girls that're always analyzing EVERYTHING.

    I want a stupid girl who's sweeter than sweet, good looking, likes doing the domestic thing, and loves to fuck.

    and I feel like an asshole for it, because I've tried to be an "enlightened male"
    (i.e. not a lying, cheating, abusive asshat), but dammit, continually getting my balls handed to me by some girl who thinks she's always gotta be right got old about 15 years ago.

    hell, she doesn't even have to be dumber than a box of bent cotton balls, just so long as she's nicer/sweeter rather than emotionally attached to proving that she's a godsbedamned total genius avatar of intellect.

    I LIKE intelligence. I don't like it being used to manipulate me.
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  2. jaredfelix

    jaredfelix Namaste ॐ

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    Yeah lol all these girls taking psychology
    Look out!
  3. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    yeah, I went from loving women to 'fuckit, the only thing a girl can offer me I can't do myself or get from hanging with friends is pussy'

    I don't like that I've developed this attitude, and it's hard to break. I'd rather not be 'that pump and dump asshole'
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  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    "enlightened male" is a euphemism for "pussy-whiped dumb-ass". you need to deprogram, dude.

    go for what you want, not what your told you're supposed to want.
  6. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    yeah, figuring that out.

    just keep thinking there's gotta be a middle ground... a sweetspot between 'crapsack doormat' and 'complete asshole' you know?
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  7. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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  8. Veebie

    Veebie Member

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    You probably think you're a hypocrite. You're not. And you're not hard to "please" or an "enlightened" douchebag, either.

    You are mature. And you seek a woman who is your match. Not stupid. Wise.
    It is not the feminine nature to compete or attempt to manipulate men. A woman is the expression of care, tenderness, grace and service - and you need a woman who has realized this. Realized that she is a woman, one who has embraced the divine feminity within - and will thus take her rightful place by your side.

    "Treat a man as a king, and he shall make you his queen."

    It is love at a higher level. It vibrates on higher frequencies, and will absolutely blow your mind.
  9. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    you don't have to be an asshole or a doormat

    why not just do what comes naturally rather than doing what you're told?

    give up "I have to like x, because that is what an 'enlightened male' is supposed to do".

    Depending on your age, you may have grown up completely surrounded by feminist control of the media and education. in other words, you've been brainwashed to serve feminazis, and their control of information is broad enough that you may not even realize what has been done to you. the voices of criticism are few, and the ones that are out there typically get silenced.

    example, you're told what you're supposed to be attracted to in order to be an "enlightened male". now, many feminists insist that females be called women from birth, but you only get to call yourself an "enlightened male", not a man

    it sounds like you're a nice guy, and you care about girls. that's a nice thing. being nice doesn't mean that you can't also be dominant. you need to throw out this horseshit that "a relationship that isn't equal is abuse!"

    dominance is a necessary part of male sexuality. let yourself be a man. the nice girls that you are looking for probably aren't going to come on to you.

    you gotta go get em.

    you also don't have to force yourself to do something that you don't want to. your choice is not between conforming to a traditional macho role, or submitting to an emasculated, submissive, "enlighted male" feminized role.

    figure out who you really are and become yourself
  10. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting the type of woman you described. You're not an asshole. You're just changing what you want in a partner based on past experiences.
  11. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That's right. Let's hide their shoes,knock 'em up and get them-there bitches back in the kitchen where they belong. And why are they allowed to vote?

    Unfortunately for some of you neanderthals, smart women get you figured out in a hurry.
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  12. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    ... so any man who doesn't want to accept the emasculated role that feminists try to force on him, or criticize feminism in any way, is the enemy of women?

    do you really feel entitled to criticize the intelligence and sophistication of other folks on this thread?

    looks to me like you're the one who has resorted to facile mischaracterizations and name calling as surrogate for a cogent argument
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I don't know - even as a woman I kinda get where he's coming from. His wording isn't the best, but I think it ultimately boils down to wanting someone uncomplicated, not necessarily dumb.
  14. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    if the entity is missing a penis, its probably complicated..
  15. Ivory62

    Ivory62 Senior Member

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    Why categorise? Just find someone you love.
  16. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    this is what I get for drunkposting. lol

    yeah, uncomplicated, unpretentious, and not setting out to 'win' the relationship.

    basically, in my drinkaddled mind, I'd gotten started thinking 'well, I've seen nice ones, and I've seen smart ones, but not a "smart, nice" one. so if I gotta choose, nice takes precedent.'
  17. Born25YearsTooLate

    Born25YearsTooLate Hunting the mighty whifflesnark

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    Why? all that effort, and I can cook for myself, do my own laundry, sew whatever I want, and don't have to listen to anyone else's crap.

    I don't need someone to 'take care of me', I've been doing it for years. Just kinda tired of talking to myself, because the 'smart women' that I've known are too busy trying to prove how superhigh their intellect is, rather than remembering that we're two human beings that came together to try and enjoy each other's company, socially bond, and not suffer the suckiness of being 'lonely'.

    but then again, this neanderthal don't think so good... shoved one too many berries up my nose.
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  18. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Don't get all het up. That's just my style. Somewhat hyperbolic,but gets the point across. I never met women like some who've been described. Perhaps it's that I can match intellect for intellect and do not get fucked with. Then again,maybe I'm too dumb to notice. All kinds of possibilities. I have to say--why would any man accept a nut removal from ANYONE? Anyone tries it--innie or outtie--can you say GONE?

    It just hit me wrong and I was having fun with it. So it goes.
  19. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I've dated men like the women the OP described - emotionally complicated, so arrogant in their intelligence they don't care about their partner's point of view, constantly talking down to people

    so it really goes both ways, which is why I didnt really take it as an attack on women.
  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I understand. Frankly,I've always liked women better than men anyhow. Just the way it is. I suppose I'm affected or have been in the past with macho bullshit,but that's the characteristic I dislike most in men. Causes all sorts of trouble from personal relations to the problems of the world. Took me years to see it,I guess,being old now.

    I like to make points with sarcasm and I go over the line sometimes---maybe.

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