What benzos are you on rightnow

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by AceK, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I'm currently on 60mg temezepam

    Anyone else on any benzos right now? and maybe what dosage?
  2. ZenStateOfMind

    ZenStateOfMind Member

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    2mg of lorazepam and lots of dank bud.
  3. Silent_Bob92

    Silent_Bob92 Member

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    Lmao, same here. did 2mgs like an hour ago, now enjoying my bowls.
  4. CriticalD

    CriticalD Guest

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    I just got a script to 10mg temazepam last week. I'm not on any ATM. I been taking alprazolam a lot lately, about 10-20mg per week for the last few and seems I have a tolerance going. I took 40mg temazepam a few days ago and noticed nothing. How long till a tolerance can go away for benzos? I have not had any previous history of tolerance or benzo use prior to what's already been mentioned. Nothing worth mentioning with regard to this tolerance anyway. Also, first post first time here. Whatup
  5. CriticalD

    CriticalD Guest

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    Wait. I'm not prescribed to temazepam at all, its diazepam. Valium. These benzos are so many in number and so strangely named. I'm not sure really at all about these benzos.
  6. Silent_Bob92

    Silent_Bob92 Member

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    There's a few of them. Same family though.
  7. CriticalD

    CriticalD Guest

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    Well, after a week of no xanax, I took 30mg of the diazepam and it kicked in while I was doing70 on 94. I realized then that these are good, but I was (am) too fucked up to drive 70-80 mph in a straight line. But I made it home safe. So, OP. I am on 30mg of diazepam aright now.
  8. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    hell yea man..i still prefer valium to xanax but nobody seems to have those these days....i remember one time a buddy of mine had an altoids can full of valium...he kept feeding me pills all night forgetting how many he'd already let me have...we were supposed to be driving somewhere and we got on the highway loop that makes like a circle around the city and I think we made at least one or two loops around. We kept forgetting how long we had been driving for and kept missing the exit. Man I think we left at like 8pm and didn't get there/get back until 4 or 5 in the morning...I still can't remember if we ever got to our destination...I think we may have just said fuck it cuz the person went to sleep and ended up comin back to where we started.. Can't believe we dodged goin to jail that night. I know we both ate at least 100mg of valium but I really can't remember how much we took.
  9. CriticalD

    CriticalD Guest

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    I've had a similar experience in Chicago while on LSD. I wasn't driving but we were both hit, I remember it being a really good time. Why do you prefer valium over xanax? Ive always been under the impression that xanax was the best 1 of them all.
  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    ^well its actually been years since I've had actual valium but for one the fact that xanax is so much more common that I can appreciate the differences. The buzz is different, possibly makes me less drowzy but has the calming effects on a high dose of xanax i might be moving so slow that I can barely get up. Xanax is one of the best however but I can't say 100% which benzo is the best because they all have differnces in effects that can be appreciated. Clonazepam, alprazolam, temazepam, diazepam, etc all nice except I thought lorazepam was a little weak except in high doses it was pretty nice when i had a script for it, maybe I just had a tolerance?
  11. CriticalD

    CriticalD Guest

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    So, temazepam or restoril ? At what dosage would you say is recreational? I always thought restoril was a sleeping pill, like ambien. exclusively a sleeping pill. Am I wrong on that? While we are at it, what is everyone's favorite benzos and what do you like.them for or mix.them with? I I like to mix mine with opiates, mainly alprazolam and recently diazepam (new script) and it works. And is cheap 12 bucks for 30 tens without insurance. however this behavior is new to me, and I am just now starting to experiment and having good results both therapeutically and also just for pure enjoyment.

    That mixing them especially, or even just benzos alone, make it VERY HARD to type properly on my HTC EVO 3d which, due to current living arrangements is all I can really use to talk online with you and other fine internet men, women, boys and girlies. Frustrating thing is I have a computer and monitor, but no place to them up.
  12. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    temazepam is restoril...it is prescribed as a sleeping pill as opposed to an anxiety medication as it is one of the benzos with more hypnotic properties. Alot of people really love temazepam and have good effects at 30 or 60mg, I think my body requires more of this particular benzo for some reason, 60mg at least to be recreational but 90+ is better for me but ymmv. With xanax 2mg will have me feeling pretty good and on 4mg i will be barred the fuck out. Opiate/benzo combinations are nice...a morphine/temazepam combo is really chill, very calm, free from all worries and nice nodding.
  13. blitz7341

    blitz7341 Banned

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    Temazepam is great its one of my favorite benzos for recreational use. im not on any at the moment but ive got a Clonazepam script that i take daily. As for the potency of the temazepam i would either find a benzo conversion chart or at least look at erowid or somewhere for basic dosing info. if not just start small and keep taking them till you get to where you want to be. just please dont take a whole handful before you get a feel for it.
  14. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    ^i've heard of someone taking a few temezepams and then blacking out. when they came out of the black out sometime the next day or so they were extremely fucked up and found the entire bottle was gone!

    I've had an experience similar to this on ambien. I had just filled a 30 day script of 10mg ambien and crushed up 3 and snorted them (i did have a good tolerance so 3 wasn't a crazy dose). I was supposed to go to work the next day so I thought I'd just enjoy being fucked up before falling asleep like usual when I do ambien. I blacked out and came to at like 10 in the morning with quadruple vision and shit. One of my friends was over there, said i had called him to come over and was really fucked up. There was puke on the wall and a huge pot with macaroni noodles floating in it where I had tried to make macaroni but with way too much water (good thing i didnt burn down the building). I looked for the ambiens but the bottle was empty and I only found 1 pill behind a desk. At first I thought someone had stolen the pills knowing I wouldnt remember who did it but as fucked up as I was I think I just blacked out and then compulsively redosed until they were all gone. It's always possible though that it was a combination of both, I guess I'll never know.

    I had been without ambien for several days since I had to wait until they would let me refill the script. I guess my tolerance had gone down quite a bit in those days.
  15. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    There is klonopin in my system now and will wash down around 7-8mg of xanax and klonopin around 8pm ish.

    Valium is nothing compared to xanax. I can take 160-200mg of valium to get the same feel from a couple xanax. I used to eat valium like candy until i could get a real benzo.
  16. Silent_Bob92

    Silent_Bob92 Member

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    bump for 1.5mg xanax
  17. Brady_to_Moss

    Brady_to_Moss Member

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    about 2 mg of xanax..maybe 2.5? i forgot...AH..forgetting shit on xanax..who would have thought. No work next two days..little celebration with some bud

    Never really taken this much in one sitting before...makes me very talkative
  18. Silent_Bob92

    Silent_Bob92 Member

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    gotta love the deep voice ;)
  19. ness33

    ness33 Member

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    half a bar and a beer. Just got off probation.
  20. Brady_to_Moss

    Brady_to_Moss Member

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    took 2 1/5 upjohn 1Mgs

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