I don't want a 9 to 5 job.

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by meltingminds, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    I'm 16. I've recently decided to drop out of school and get my GED. I am planning to move to California with a few friends I met online. I want to make my living from music and art. But to do that, I actually need the time to practice these skills and improve them. Not to mention needing the time to explore myself and continue on my spiritual journey. I'm very good at learning on my own and I have no concerns of missing out on an "education." I have heard that getting a GED is fine, and I've also heard that getting a GED is the worst mistake I could possibly make and that getting a diploma is the only way to go (this kind of response has been from the people who want me to spend my life seeking "financial stability," and I really don't care about that at all). I'm getting no support from my family which is no surprise as they have never supported me with my journey. Any deviation from what they did or think is "ok" is condemned by them. I guess I'm just looking for people to tell me what I already know...
    I CAN survive with a GED, yes? I can find a job with that, if necessary. One of my best friends has no diploma or GED and makes more money than my father, who went to college...

    It really caught me off guard when my family made it clear that they only support one route in my life: birth, school, college, work, death. ): I refuse to follow this path, and I honestly do know that I will be ok, but with so many pushing against me it'd be nice to get some support and realistic ideas from people who understand why I'd make this decision...

    What do you guys think of my situation? I definitely think that my spiritual journey, intellectual journey (certainly not fulfilled by a public school curriculum), artistic talent, and job (so that I can save up some money before I leave) are all more important than killing myself over loads of ridiculous busy work in high school for two more years.
  2. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    No sense in me giving you any advice. Your 16 year Infinite Wisdom has it all figured out.
  3. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    I guess you think I should finish school?
  4. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Oh yeah you can forget about the 9 to 5...it'll be more like 11pm to 7am with a GED. Graveyard srs

    Oh, you could go to work in the oil fields ( Bakken comes to mind) they'll pay you more than your dad with a degree... 's nasty dangerous work though

  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I have to agree that getting your high school degree is probably a good idea.

    if later on you want to go to college, art school, or get a job, you'll be able to do that with a hs degree a lot easier than with a ged.

    not getting a hs degree will close some doors for you. somewhere down the road, you may find yourself broke and decide that you want to change your plans. a degree would help you.

    I think it's good to follow the path that you truly believe in, but it's also good to understand that things may not work out the way you imagine.

    the friends that you met online may be nice people, but if you haven't spent a lot of time with them in person, you don't really know who they are or what to expect from them. I recommend not counting on relationships that could easily fall apart.

    If you want a change, maybe see if you could live with a trusted relative somewhere else. I don't know if you drop out of school for a year and then return.

    good luck!

    Retired Hippy, no need to condescend :(
  6. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    Sounds like the perfect hours for me.

    You guys sound waaay too caught up in society for my tastes. Should have known this website sounded too good to be true.
    Have fun working for the rest of your life.
  7. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    At 16 you won't be able to rent a place
  8. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    Thanks :) I like your response a lot better... Sounds like you actually have good intentions in telling me these things.
  9. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Good luck starving on the streets. :smoking: been there, done that.
  10. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    2 of the 4 of us are already over 18, and the 2 of us who are younger are planning to wait until we're 18 so that we can legally move away from our parents.
  11. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    Better than crushing my soul daily doing a job that I hate. I'd rather starve in the streets than live a life I resent with all of my heart.
  12. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    graveyard sucks. ask someone who actually works these hours. they call it graveyard for a reason.

    go the path you believe in. it's just that many people have gone down the same path only to regret it, and don't have a chance to change.

    I'm just advising you not to close any doors.
  13. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    Cool, good luck
  14. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    you're welcome :)
  15. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    I prefer to be awake at night, so odds are I'd have a job with these hours anyways.

    I understand that many people regret it... But did they do what they needed to do to achieve their goals? Did they take the necessary risks and not give up...? Because it sounds like they hit a very difficult time and went "fuck this, it's too hard, I WISH I had gotten a job and completely conformed..." ._.
  16. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    I know retirement sounds a long way away to you right now but think about this. I'm 5 years from retirement, I went to college, learned a trade, got an associates degree is all, 2 years. It may not be the best job in the world but I'm very comfortable, not rich by any means, but comfortable. Anyways to my point, when I retire at 63, with my 401K's, my retirement from my job and if Social Security is still around I'll be making more thanI am now working. Thinks thats going to happen being artsy and playing music. I had the music illusion when I was your age too. It ain't gonna happen grasshopper.
  17. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    I like how you know what "ain't gonna happen" without knowing anything about me and very little about my plans. You got the outline, not all of the details. Big things happen to those who are committed and actually work for it. I'm sorry you didn't achieve what you wanted, but I refuse to wait until I'm 63 to start living my life. My doctors don't seem to believe I'll live that long anyways. Wasting my life reaching for shit that doesn't really matter isn't an option to me. Your money is an illusion.

    Also, did I not state that I don't care about making lots of money? I just want enough to get by. I'll live off of Ramen noodles for a while if I have to. Pretty sure a GED could get me there. d:
  18. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    Like I said earlier in an evidently condascending voice. No sense giving you any advice, you have it all figured out. I know hundreds of guys who thought they were going to be the next best thing musically. It ain't gonna happen. I'm not starting to live my life after I retire, I have been living my life all along and enjoying the fuck out of it.
  19. meltingminds

    meltingminds Guest

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    If your only advice is "fuck your dreams" then you're right, there's no sense in giving me your advice.
    Glad to hear you've enjoyed it, at least.
  20. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    Just trying to be realistic. Dreams don't pay the bills.

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