MSNBC Now More Popular than Fox News!

Discussion in 'The Media' started by skip, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I despise "Pom-Pom journalism, from the right or left.

    it is one thing if the music press is all a-twitter about Justin bibber or mick jagger, since when do politicians deserve rock star treatment?

    I wish for a political press to question government, not to be an accomplice to malfeasance in office.
  2. Jalesto

    Jalesto Jalpnoenma

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    I have to read dozens of news sources before I feel I am close to the truth. I don't favor a single one lest I become a fanatic. I don't lament any particular one for the same reason. They ALL skew the news to suit.
  3. treetop2

    treetop2 Guest

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    In all honesty I think the entire way that the news is constructed is incorrect. The news seems to be set up to make afraid and to control its watchers. Perhaps even (in some cases) scare them into buying something. A black man killed someone about drugs, a brown man set off a bomb and a white man stole some money using a suit instead of a gun. That kind of thing.

    FOX news was nothing more than a shell game. There never was any news. Just propaganda. Some swallowed it, others didn't.
    The fact that it has slid in the ratings is hardly surprising. People are catching on to the lies. However the entire basis on which the traditional news is based should be changed in my opinion. Although how exactly remains a mystery in my own mind at least.
  4. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I prefer NPR, BBC, and Al Jazeera.
  5. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Alternative media is gathering more viewers than MSNBC can ever dream of achieving :).
    So this corporate media channel pissing contest can continue on for all I care. They're falling stars
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    (This may be the craziest thing I have ever put on here--however)--It's pretty much ALL a game anyway. The whole point,IMO, is to keep us all buying,buying and buying all the junk that we have been convinced that we need. Except for those that don't count--those without any money or any way to get any money. Imagine if everyone and I mean EVERYONE determined that we would buy nothing for,say, 6 months. Except groceries. Maybe not even groceries. Seeds would then become more "valuable" than gold. People might learn the value of feeding themselves as we did before and enable ourselves to stop the dependance on corporations to feed ourselves. Let's say-No one goes to work--no one pays their mortgage-no one makes car payments.No one pays ANY bills. Nothing. What would/could the money grubbers do? What would happen to our "fair" economy? The world economy? Would the powers that be, MAKE us go to work? Make us pay the bills for the useless crap we buy? Call out the armed services and make us go to work? Slaughter some of us in the streets as examples of recalcitrant "consumers". Yeah--far fetched as hell,but are the people in control running things to benefit themselves and using all of us as pawns in their money games? Except again ,those with no money and no way to get money. At the present rate though,they'll be gotten to in due time. Haven't "they"
    MORE than shown their hands over the past few decades. Millenia? Are the rules of life on earth,the rules of present world economies,the rules of who gets to eat,who gets to starve,who decides when wars are "needed",who decides the "price" of commodities,who decides the results of medical decisions regarding which people live or die according to unknown funtionaries, who rises to the decision making political positions and what are the processes that are used to keep them there? The results of such? Consider everything you know,everything you've learned,everything you do or don't do,everything you believe--all of it is of HUMAN CONSTRUCT. All of it. Languages,science,education,religions,devices,governments,wars,ect,ect.

    Therefore, could/should the rules be changed to benefit ALL humans? Should the long term condition of the earth/island on which we live/depend upon, be considered more carefully? Could/should the "rules" everyone adheres to through and from human tradition continue? Would a major shift in world thinking cause only chaos? The betterment of the human condition? Does it matter? If so,to whom?

    I wonder about these things because either I'm insane or I see only chaos coming from over population,dwindling resources and panic by those in control, at the very thought of huge changes to the world order. But, for those of you that will remain alive,these ideas may become very important to think of, long after I've bit the big one.

    So--------ideas needed or ignore this. I'm willing to agree that I'm quite mad.

    Oh yeah--the media--fuck 'em.
  7. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Step away from the computer, and enjoy smoking your joint.


    Have a great weekend! :D
  8. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Love this post because you hit the nail on the head about one thing... the ONLY way to ever make a difference in this world is for everyone to do something at once (I've talked about this in other threads... how everyone would have to decide A- to ACT and B- uhh...what are we acting on???! all at once. and I've mentioned it won't ever happen)... I still don't think it'll happen but you have answered the WHAT...everyone needs to drop out, stop watching the news, stop buying.... at once. And the machine will break down.
    Even though I'd be willing to beat it won't happen it would be lovely if it would and I'd give it a try if I ever thought people were going to be coordinated at once.
  9. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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  10. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    It's not an election year, so everybody is tired of their endless political analysis. That includes me. They need to cover a wider variety of stories.
  11. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    LOL. Left wing shills galore. FOX has some poor personalities and boring stories ; what's this obsession with the royals? Ah, but good looking women. Hence the name. LOL. Give me Janine over Racheal any day!!!!!
  12. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    MSNBC interrupts congresswoman's interview to report Justin Bieber's arrest"]MSNBC interrupts Congresswoman for report on Justin Bieber - YouTube

    Yes, this is and many other reasons why MSNBC has lost half their audience

    Seriously NBC, the only people who care about that shit are pre-teen school kids.

    And while MSNBC liberals and Fox News conservatives are busy having dick measuring contests over who's corporate controlled program is better, the mainstream media is dying off with a 23% trust rating!!


  13. Jalesto

    Jalesto Jalpnoenma

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    They're all a bunch of creeps who will lie up front or by leaving shit out, crucial shit sometimes. Look how they exploded the thing in Florida. When I first heard about it someone said a Jewish guy had shot a little black kid who was making too much noise. Granted, I was in Rome at the time. Then a tape was doctored and ALL of the news shows, even Fox showed pictures of Trayvon when he was 12.

    It's the same as left/right politics. Extremes are extremes for a reason. Where is the middle ground in the US these days?

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