MSNBC Now More Popular than Fox News!

Discussion in 'The Media' started by skip, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Despite having far more potential viewers due to more stations around the country, it appears Fox News has now yielded first place to MSNBC in the prime demographic (25-54 yrs old).

    Since the Democratic convention, MSNBC has seen its ratings increase across the board. Leading the charge is Rachel Maddow who now outperforms Hannity at the same hour in the Prime demo.

    The prime demo is very important since that is what determines what a station can charge advertisers. As Fox News viewers get older, fewer young people are tuning in, thus their viewership can only decrease as these old farts die, along with their bigotry and conservative values.

    But it's not just the prime demo where MSNBC has made headway. Overall their viewers are increasing, regardless of age. Fox News still maintains a lead in that category, but MSNBC is catching up.

    Meanwhile CNN continues its slide and can only compete when there is some big breaking story that they cover. And HLN, CNN's headline news station has so few viewers I doubt it can stay in biz much longer...
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I despise Faux News...
  3. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Msnbc isn't any better than fox. Too little news, too many political pundits spouting out their insignificant opinion
  4. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    :party: :cheers2:
  5. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    I hate fox news.
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Fox is merely the mouthpiece for the republican party exactly like Limbaugh,Weiner,et al. Roger Ailes runs it and it's been proven that Fox watchers are much more ignorant on factual issues than MSNBC viewers. I don't mind watching Fox ocasionally for the comedy value and to remind myself of their constant,rude interuptions if someone starts to make a point that goes against their marching orders/GOP talking points. Fair and balanced!!! Biggest joke on the air.
  7. jamgrassphan

    jamgrassphan Get up offa that thing Lifetime Supporter

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    Rupert Murdoch, Faux News and Newscorp have destroyed the notion of unbiased network news. It is very debateable whether there has ever been an unbiased news network, or newspaper, in the history of world media in the U.S., or the world for that matter. MSNBC is nothing more than a profit motivated reaction to Faux News. They wisely recognized that one-half (at least) of the U.S. population was completely alienated by Faux News (and yes, I will forever refer to Faux News as Faux News) and it comes as no surprise that it has eclipsed Faux News (I told you).

    The question, I put forth is: Is this a good thing? To some extent, yes, sadly, it is a good thing in the short term.

    Right-wing propaganda has dominated the media since 9/11 and the disturbing fact is that a huge percentage of the U.S. population has proven to be extremely vulnerable to propaganda. I personally know people who, if you put a gun to their heads and told them you would shoot if they disagreed with you, these folks would insist that Faux News is completely "fair and balanced" and furthermore would insist that it is the "only" news channel that is "fair and balanced", AND moments before you pulled the trigger, would insist that all media in the United States is under "liberal control". I'm deadly serious. This is how fucking brainwashed these people are. You can show them clip after clip, proof after proof, of how Faux news deliberately LIES to its viewers - undeniably and deliberately fabricates "facts" and "statistics", and don't even get me started on the "spin", convenient omissions, catch phrases and the image, graphic and footage slight of hand they use to color their lock-step political agenda. It truly is "bullshit mountain" as Jon Stewart call it.

    MSNBC does provide a badly needed counter-weight.
    The problem with MSNBC, is that it's in real danger of becoming the flip side to its wacko opposite. I still see MSNBC putting out logical, albeit unapologetically left leaning, arguments to support the facts they present. They are more conscientious in the "news" they present. Their stories to a large extent pass the logical rhetoric test and they would receive A's in any college logical self defense class, whereas Faux would be getting F's and laughing defiantly as they ditched class to snort coke off a sorority girl's ass, knowing full well that they had 6 figure salary waiting for them at daddy's firm no matter what.

    BUT, is this a really a good thing? There's a real danger that the voice of the left will get as loud and fascist as the right. Some would argue that this is already happening, certainly the extreme right would and do - any critical statement of the right is already viewed as such, no matter valid it is, but I'm fearful of the day when they would be proven correct.

    This all points to the dumbing down of America and that is a very dangerous thing to happen to a country with the world's largest Military and Defense Industry. Critical and Independent thought is quickly becoming extinct in the United States and these political propaganda channels are certainly contributing to that.

    Smart people don't talk in this country anymore, or if they do, they get shouted the fuck down, they get tear gas thrown at them and they get arrested, or worse, they get ignored. So I promise to get excited when I turn on the television some night and see a network that practices real journalism and doesn't allow its advertisers/sponsors within 10 fucking miles of its publisher and editorial staff.
  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    PBS does a pretty good job of reporting facts and when a guest is expressing a personal opinion it is recognizable as such --it's obvious. Oh,by the by ,Romney has mentioned he wants to cut the funding for PBS. Little too much actual reporting for right-wing tastes.
  9. jamgrassphan

    jamgrassphan Get up offa that thing Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah the GOP has been gunning for NPR for a long time also. I see private sponsorship for both that I don't like, but as far as news is concerned, they are definitely some of the last bastions of journalistic integrity in the United States.
  10. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Just heard a farewell interview with the " Montana Logging and Ballet co.' on NPR. They are playing thier last show here this week I think. If you didn't know, they do musical political satire. They were regulars on an NPR show during bush era, they tore bush up and were one of the most popular political humor groups around. But when NPR got new management after Obama was elected, they were told by the director 'political humor is passe, why don't you joke on something else',( 'dissing obama isn't cool' was what they heard) So they quit the program. They told all this on an NPR interview! I guess NPR though it would some how make up for it, not editing the interview

    I am fairly disillusioned with NPR as a result. :(

    PS; Hard to believe anyone could watch faux news with out tearing their fucking hair out!
  11. Bond007

    Bond007 Member

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    Go MSNBC!!! Fox News can...well you fill in the blank.
  12. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are all CIA propaganda outlets, so I don't see how any of them are any worse or better than the others. They all spew propaganda and lies. None of them actually report the news.
  13. Bond007

    Bond007 Member

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    I agree with you about Fox News and CNN, but not MSNBC buddy.
  14. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    I agree they are all military and cia propaganda mouthpieces, but really? You can't see how fox is worse? C,mon man you're an intelligent guy, watch that shit for a day and tell me they are not the most offensive with out-right distortions of truth.
  15. Dalamar

    Dalamar Member

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    I look forward to the day when no one will remember what fox news is.
  16. Kaliayev

    Kaliayev Guest

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    And MSNBC is just as crap and biased as FOX. Of course, liberals struggle with hypocrisy as much as conservatives struggle with fact-based thinking, so this doesn't get as much coverage.
  17. Man Yellow

    Man Yellow Member

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    Also, MSNBC is at least kind enough to attempt to hide their bias, which makes it a bit easier to stomach, when compared to the smarmy bastards at Fox. But yes, they are just as shitty and biased when it comes to actual content.
  18. Noahshalom

    Noahshalom Guest

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    Hahaha. That's like saying that Vanilla's not ice cream because its not Rocky Road.
  19. Noahshalom

    Noahshalom Guest

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    Nahh. That's just because you have a bias in favor of the smarmy LIEBARAL slant.

    Kinda like how that have to add a metric shitton of Curry to the vindaloo in order for you to notice it, but there only needs to be a tiny portion of jizz in it for you to notice.
  20. sextant

    sextant Member

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    FOX NOISE is so blantantly Pro Repuglican it's almost funny !! Their are still Whining about the moderator, the audience & even the young Lady who had the audacity to ask the Candidates how they felt about equal pay for women !! Which Romney wouldn't even answer. He started talking about getting BINDERS full of women, when he was Govenor of Mass. Which led to so many hits on google it was almost overloaded. Rush Limbaugh says the whole debate was rigged. Which I'm not F...d up enough to listen to RUSH, just saw a clip of his RANT. Fox is suppost to be all about Family values, morals & all that stuff. I guess Honesty don't fit that category & they always have a woman in a short skirt showing her legs.

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