My Solution to Violence.

Discussion in 'The Future' started by Jimbee68, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    A lack of oxytocin due to a lack of bonding at birth is probably related to violence, but to simplify it ignores all the social issues involved. A supplemental bonding hormone is not going to make a child feel loved or erase the culture of poverty, neglect, and violence in which the child may grow up.

    Plus I can think of a few cultures where breastfeeding is just as common as war and violence.

    Violence is ultimately a social problem.

    Also keep in mind that medicinal treatment for other mental problems, such as depression were never meant to be used as a long term solution.
  2. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    Big problem in the claim. To claim all violence is the same, is like claiming all sexual activity is the same. Now sex between consenting couples is the exact opposite of rape, isn't it?

    The reality is the violence can also save lives, remove oppression, even dissuade evil behaviour. Gratuitous violence and anarchy and completely different to this.

    Women and little children also display violence, so its definitely not an over-testosterone problem. Infact, some of the highest testost. people rarely if ever use violence - perhaps because their capabilities mean they are never themselves threatened or abused.

    Gratuitous violence has its causes tho, and they are numerous.
    Western society wants violence, otherwise how would it fill its armed forces and have a "competitive", materialist society. Its not the way I'd want things, but I'm not sure what the answers are.
  3. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I think what it does is give the mind/body a sort of memory of what it is to be loved. Not just breastfeeding but ample production/release of oxytocin naturally in the beginning of life...the first few years actually. So even when societal issues take place, some people can get over them in those circumstances, overcome their circumstances or bounce back quickly once they are out of those circumstances.

    Some people cannot. Some people even in situations that would be considered favorable feel unloved, unattached, the world is against them, that they have to control/manipulate everyone and everything in their lives and that violence is their way of getting the attention/social bonding/relationships that they want in life. There are many violent people born into affluent families as well, who never struggle financially until they absoultely screw up their lives with legal trouble. So I think healthy release/receiving oxytocin(as well as other hormones) in those first years makes it much easier for people to be able to feel connected to the world, that their actions have meaning and a sense of morality and cohesion within humanity. Empathy, basically. It is that chemical memory within the body of feeling deeply and healthy pleasure. It's not just from breastmilk, if you read the article, but skin-to-skin contact and more, basically being properly nurtured in the first years of life... vs. never getting nearly enough oxtocin or getting it in relation to abusive or inappropriate reasons or quantities would make it quite difficult to remember or feel that reasoning against being violent against people without real cause.

    Also, these people likely feel threatened nearly all the time because they have felt nurtured very little in their lives and probably have felt violence as a norm more than they've felt feeling threatened, although logically they may not be, is a reason for people like this to be violent. I think of psychopaths when I'm discussing this.
  4. yoruichi

    yoruichi Member

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    Some people are just naturally violent. Example...

    Two children grow up in the same home. Each are given the same food,love,attention, etc. As the children get older child A. is shy, soft spoken and doesn't need as much attention as child B. who is overly aggressive, rude and obnoxious and is given more attention because of behavioral issues. By the time the children reach adulthood Child A has not shown any violent behavioral issues, while Child B. has been to jail several time due to violent behavioral issues.

    My point is violent people are violent from birth. No amount of nurturing and attention can change a person's nature. You can't change nature with a pill either. All a pill will do is suppress the aggression and let it build until it reaches a breaking point and then all hell breaks loose. Nice idea though.
  5. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    In my school there were 2 identical twins. One was gay and very camp. The other was an evil, pyschotic nut who'd glass people and stuff. I beat him up one day too.
    He'd previously been violent not because "thats the way he is". He was because he chose to be, and would usually get away with it. If he was intimidated, he wouldn't do it. So why should he try and initimade others? Simple.
  6. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    You have not shown nearly enough evidence that anyone can be born violence. It is impossible to give any two children the same attention, love, circumstances, etc. Yes, everyone has their own personality and chooses to be who they want to be, but they choose that based on their past, their surroundings and their beliefs about what is good, appropriate and possible.

    So while a person can choose to be violent, it is only in relation to what they have experienced in their lives, internal and external. Children at a very young age don't even have the capacity to purposely hurt anyone or perceive of their own affect on other people. You will never see a baby purposely and knowingly commit violence to anyone, person, place or thing.

    Violence is cultural, chemical, environmental...
  7. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    So for 10+ years you pissed away time on somthing that will never happen unless obama goes full hitler.

    Its inside all of us, Some channel it and some use it to their advantage like me. Im not a hand holding bleeding heat libtard and would let my violent side shine through if a batch of them were in my way. Everyone needs to vent every now and then.

    You could have summed up the 10+ years wasted by just saying as mentioned, Put everyone on drugs. But it wont work, I take a high benzo # everyday and night, I can sit and take 10mg of any benzo and still have a fawk you and im going to pound you through the ground attitude.

    It will only work for a few months. No you can string them out of H if you want, But it too brought out violent moves in me and i was up to 20+ pills a day or other opiate/opimum equivelent.

    Sorry, But the world is never going to hold hands and be friends. A few to many might, But the few who dont, Have much more power than many hand holders and will shit stomp them in a quick minute.

    How bout shifting time and effort into why and how teachers are soo fawking lazy and only become a teacher for the summers off and the union they join so they can hold their hand out for more. They want more and produce less. More kids in school, Higher the # of drop outs due to teacher being worthless and a brainwasher.
  8. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    ah, shit what was that quote about sanity in relation to capital?

    something like "its no measure of sanity to be well-adjusted to an insane society"

    violence ain't a disease, it's a symptom.
  9. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    Just like another old saying goes, " If you seek peace, Prepare for war".

    Thats why "world peace" will never happen and im surprised the die hards havnt got the point yet. Its a lost cause.

    No matter what, You will always have a group that will want to buck the system. Rules and laws were placed to be broken, They wouldnt have them if there wasnt a problem at one point. They will do it for fun even at times just to keep people on edge.

    There is also alot of money in war along with all the other trouble. Do you think they want to cut that pay check? Its a cycle that will grow until we shoot nukes at each other like bullets and the last country standing wins.
  10. smoothieUK

    smoothieUK Member

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    The only way we will have World peace is for a popular uprising and show of disobedience in every country, but even then if successful eventually divisions will prevail, its Human nature to want more and to do your rivals down. Maybe one day evolution will improve our way of thinking and might even give us compassion and the part of our brain that makes us greedy will also evolve and learn to share, so for the next couple of thousand years we can enjoy destroying each other and ripping each other off...
  11. smoothieUK

    smoothieUK Member

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    I take it nobody is interested in kicking off a World revolution then?
  12. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    It sure as hell wouldnt be for peace if i did make that choice. You have to look at the problem itself.
    This country i have to live in until 2016 has a problem, Its called sticking their fawking nose where it dont belong. If they would stop sending out checks, Guns, Food, Goats, Cows etc and fixed our own problems we along with many that will follow can get closer to that goal.
    But i will never hand over my guns, Ill go down with them and take a few who try with me. So ill never side with peace as they think gun control is the answer, Nut control is the field you should be looking and they can aquire side arms at anytime and even more so if they are illegal.
    To each their own
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    ah but worrled peas will happen. all you need is the right kind of blender.

    on a more serious note, all things change, including beliefs the assumption of lost causes are based upon.

    there are several ways in which this can come about. which one remains up to the statistical consensus of behavior. one of which is self destruction of the human species, which, like all things, will end eventually.

    the difference is between over the span of a few decades, or that of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions or even billions, of years.

    oh sure, there may always be someone who doesn't want it and is determined to bugger up the works. but even that doesn't mean it can't or won't happen.
  14. aceouses

    aceouses Banned

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    It didn't work for the US

    There isn't anything you can really do about violent people (except for to kill them, but lol where is the sense in that).. there's not really a way to genetically test for violent mentalities, and even if there were then that would be giving the government access to a database of everyone born in the US's DNA then we'd have a whole 'Heroes' (for those of you who saw that show) situation going on... but then maybe it would give all the dopeheads who were tweaking bad who would come into the store I used to work who were wrapped in aluminum foil asking about radio/tv signals and if there were ways to keep out the government, lol
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    aggressiveness and evil are one and the same. it the dominant culture stops romanticizing it, or cultures that do cease to be dominant, the problem will be as solved as the diversity of existence makes possible. until aggressiveness stops being romanticized, we're blowing smoke. which does NOT mean it can't happen.
  16. Michael Starless

    Michael Starless Member

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    I like your intentions but that wouldn't work because violence is in the mind it's not a disease I have found that I am less violent by doing things like meditating and listening to peaceful music
  17. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Banned

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    People are already over medicated. The last thing we need is to prescribe another pill.
  18. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    remove politicians out of the picture, that would be a start. Also added to that people with extreme agendas and violent video games.
  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    being in the mind doesn't make it not a disease, but i would have to agree a pill isn't the answer.

    the problem is cultural and meditation is good. a culture in which meditation was popular, that's getting closer to the idea.
  20. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    One of the biggest issues we have at the moment is the worlds population. It is simply unsustainable and ways must be found to curb our growing numbers.

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