Games You Hate That Everyone Else Loves?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by RiderOnTheStorm2.0, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    So we have all been there: the anticipation of waiting for a game trailer, the "FUCK YES!" moment of watching it and waiting for the release date, the happy forking over of cash to get what you just KNOW is going to be the best thing ever, the excited squeal of watching the intro, the rush of finally getting past the obligatory tutorial section into the real game, and......

    "What the fuck is this shit? What the hell were the devs smoking when they designed this combat system? Who the hell could possibly like this game? There must be pissed off gamers EVERYWHERE, filling up forums with rage and homophobic slurs! We'll rebel against this bullshit. Everyone else feels the same, right?


    Seriously?!??! Am I the ONLY motherfucker in the world that doesn't like this game???"

    I don't want to start a flame war among gamers, I just want to know what games you've played and hated, but that everyone else that played it seems to ADORE. Were you disappointed because you were looking forward to it for a long time or because you heard about how good it was from people that had been playing it for awhile? Was the disappointment for another reason, like really terrible game choices on the developer's side?

    My biggest gaming disappointment thus far has EASILY been Skyrim. I have spent many hours on this game, each time hoping to enjoy it, but when I'm honest with myself, I just don't like ANYTHING about the game. Period. I don't like the visuals, I don't like the storyline, I didn't care for the skill tree design, nor the execution of several larger "impressive" moves.

    My disappointment stemmed from just how much I love The Elder Scrolls. I have Arena and Daggerfall on my old desktop, and I can't even count how many times (or literally weeks, at this point) I've played Morrowind, and even the quite sub-par Oblivion claimed many, many hours of my life. After the unimaginative and monotonous letdown that is known as Oblivion, I was thrilled that Bethesda was going to make another Elder Scrolls AND it was going to be in Skyrim!! (The Nords are my favorite melee class in ES games).

    Essentially I was looking forward to this game since they first confirmed the news. You could almost say that I had been anticipating a good followup to Morrowind since Oblivion was announced lol. So the combo of disliking everything after waiting YEARS to play it was too much.

    I know I'm in a small minority in the gaming community of people-that-love-RPGs-yet-hate-Skyrim, but we exist lol. So what about you? What was your biggest gaming disappointment or that game (or games) that you just don't seem to "get?"
  2. Death

    Death Grim Reaper Lifetime Supporter

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  3. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    Skyrim didn't even hold my attention. Morrowind was the shit.

    I dont like call of duty games or battlefield much. I guess im not big on fps all around, but i find call of duty particularly bad.
  4. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    I love you for this. :sunny:

    Yeah, I'm not big on FPS at all, so I can't say that I have been disappointed by any of those although I have been pleasantly surprised once or twice in that genre. Overall though, not my cup of tea.
  5. Death

    Death Grim Reaper Lifetime Supporter

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  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i couldn't get into the 3D zelda games. granted, i didn't try very hard to do so, but people act like i'm retarded for not creaming my pants in the first 15 minutes of playing.

    i think i might love you. between real life and the internet, i've only come across one other person that realized how much oblivion was a step in the complete opposite direction from where the series should have been going.

    and yes, i still wasted days on it, but i did so begrudgingly.

    oh, no wonder i agreed so much with your post; you're just me apparently posting from another account while in a fugue state.

    i actually haven't managed to play far enough into skyrim to have an informed opinion of it (due to outside factors, not the game itself). it seems like it might be better than oblivion (although the leveling system seems pretty stupid at this point) but i don't have enough experience with it to say more than that.

    and back sort of on topic, i'm really not a fan of playing games online, even though most people don't even seem to realize that single player gaming exists anymore.
  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Haven't played a ton of games lately, the last game I remember being slightly disappointed with was Resistance which was supposed to be the first big FPS on the PS3.

    I'm playing Zelda: Twilight Princess at the moment. Had you said you hadn't creamed in the first 15 hours :coffee: of playing than I may have thought that.
  8. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    Oblivion was a joke. Oblivion was a decent game and it's still one of the most visually striking games I've ever played, but it would have fared MUCH better for me and, I think, for many other people, if it had just been Oblivion. No need to tie it into the ES franchise. Let it stand alone as its own independent entity. You can't have a game like Morrowind, where you're the goddamned reincarnation of the greatest and most controversial hero in Vvardenfell history, slaying the most chaotic, destructive god the world has ever seen and follow it up with a game where you're the fucking ERRAND BOY for the REAL hero (who is in no way heroic, instead he mopes around in his little hilltop refuge reading books and spouting off melancholic lines from a 16 year old emo kid's diary).

    FUCK THAT. Especially if you dig deeper and see what horrific fate befell Morrowind after the events of the game. Because YOU slew Dagoth Ur and because YOU brought about the end of faith in the Tribunal, the whole goddamned province was weakened, the Imperials pulled out and the Argonians mounted a vicious assault and basically took control of the whole island after a long and bloody war. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SET UP A STORY LIKE THAT AND FOLLOW IT UP WITH OBLIVION?????

    I really dislike MMORPGs or even just MMOs in general. One of my biggest peeves about Diablo 3 was the fact that a single player game off server was an impossibility & that they unabashedly steered the game towards multiplayer, whether you wanted to play in an MMO environment or not. I don't know if you have played it (it begrudgingly won me over) but the higher you go in the difficulty levels, the more the games actually forces you to play MP. You are 99.999% guaranteed to NOT be able to play the game through with one character from Level 1 - 60 without going into at LEAST one multiplayer game.
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I understand your issues very well (especially with mmo since I share the same opinion on that) :) but I love Skyrim myself. I guess the battle and level system in Morrowind was a lot better. It's really easy in Skyrim but I dig this setting and how it is made a lot so that compensates a lot here too. Storyline could be slightly more deeper or intruiguing in some of the bigger side quests but the main quest was pretty entertaining to me.

    Anyway, on topic. I don't really have a good example :D Of course I was annoyed with WoW but I never anticipated that game myself. I guess I was more annoyed with the obsession of certain players :p
  10. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    Fucking COD, I like the older style FPS games, and this auto-lock bullshit takes most of the skill out of it. You don't have to be skilled to play COD, just some simple experience. As for skyrim, I didn't play it as much as I played Oblivion, but like Asmodean said, a lot of the other things make up for what I didn't like. When it comes to WOW, I was totally pissed when there wasn't really a point to working hard for sweet mounts or gear anymore when the noobs were just going to get it so much faster in the next releases. Also on the topic of Blizzard, Starcraft II was slightly less exciting than the first game to play (did you guys really ignore 10 years of gaming innovation). It seems that the noobs are actually getting their wishes carried out, and companies (especially those that make MMOs) are appealing to those idiots...
  11. BuckStacyBuck

    BuckStacyBuck Member

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    never did get into WoW but Frozen Throne and Reign of Chaos were both the shit.
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    another game i hate that everyone else loves is "hitting on women."

    yup. it does make sense; they make a game that anyone can play and it sells more copies. and unfortunately, nobody is making really good games anymore so even the hardcore people have to settle for the crappy game that anyone can play if they want to play anything.
  13. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    FPS games suck. There's basically 2 FPS games that I've enjoyed over the past 17 years and that's Duke 3D and Halo 3. Got into Halo 3 as it was the only 360 game disk I had for testing 360. As a repair tech, I hate the entire PS3 system. Both PS3 and Xbox 360 are designed for a short, unserviceable, lifespan. If you want either of these systems to last, get the fan speed modified! The only PS3 game I've enjoyed playing was Super Stardust. Xbox live sucks, I think anyone who subscribes to that is a tool. I wouldn't pay Microsoft even if it was $5 a year for that bullshit! Also Nintendo 3DS is shit, and the Wii is mostly shit. The Ipod touch is shit, I call my son's ipod a "conformity device" I was opposed to him getting one. I flat out refuse to repair those damn throw away devices. "I broke my screen trying to replace the battery" - That's because Apple doesn't want you to be able to replace their damn battery, be an i-tool and buy a new one... Me, I'd much rather play 80's games, arcade and NES. Pac Man and Dig Dug... Anyone into NES, check out UberNES. Got me some high scores.
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Only FPS I played in the last 10 years is Call of Juarez: bound in blood :p I enjoyed it a lot but it did not really trigger any interest in other FP shooters
  15. FlyingFly

    FlyingFly Dickens

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    battlefield 3
    compared to bad company 2 it is crap

    Nice graphics don't automatically make game fun.
  16. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    I couldn't agree more! :2thumbsup:
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I think that is rather obvious. Same with that a really bad looking game make a game less fun as well. That's my problem with Daggerfell :( Can't get over the dated graphics, too much pixels.
  18. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    I'm not a big gamer, and I don't have the slightest clue how to do these things, but my brother tells me that with Morrowind on PC, and I assume you could do the same with Arena and Daggerfell, you can download patches that people have made to up the graphics to current standards. I'm sure others know much more about this than I do, but I'm just saying it looks pretty fucking cool.
  19. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, he is correct. There are many, many patches you can put into the game files to alter the appearance of the game. Morrowind, in particular, looks stunning with some of the really enhanced graphics. I've played with them on before and it was a very cool experience to play a game I'd played many times and have it feel like a brand new game. Ultimately though, Morrowind is best left alone for my taste. I have a sentimental attachment to the original displays, not to mention visual familiarity with the original layouts which helps the game play. However, I have had to use mods to convince other people to play it because they bitched about the dated appearance.
  20. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    as far as drinking games, power hour is retarded. it's not really even a game, it's just "drink at an uncomfortable pace so that you get too bloated to continue drinking after the hour is over."

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