Mass Boycotting as a means of social change

Discussion in 'Boycott' started by dsd5bdc, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. dsd5bdc

    dsd5bdc Member

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    Boycotting doesn't have to be simply symbolic. What if, in some magical fairy world, all McDonalds (out of an infinite choice of corporations) customers suddenly decided to boycott Mcdonalds? The company would be shattered! The people have the power to cripple these unethical, greedy institutions. We have a lot of power in the way we purchase goods. What do you think?
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    1000 infant penises could be found in mcdonalds food. tomorrow 1 million people will still eat it..

    you have no idea the power that poison food has over people..
  3. dsd5bdc

    dsd5bdc Member

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    I'm speaking hypothetically.Unfortunatly it is the ignorance of the people, perpetuated by the mass media and corporate propaganda machine, which keeps these corporations alive.
  4. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    There is no doubt that the people have the power. But some seem to be week minded. I say this because the thread reminds me of when there was a boycott of a nyc korean farmers market or something like that (it was a long time ago so details are fuzzy) but the part that stood out was people were pickiting and the mayor made an announcement that you cant boycott them. And people stopped pickiting and business went on as if nothing happened after that. This all went down before my eyes were really open to the way the world is but even then I thought fuck the mayor if I dont want their peaches you cant make me buy them.
  5. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    Geeze pensfan13...I can vaguely remember similar circumstances where people will boycott something for a very short period of time then go back to it like there was never an issue at all.

    Orison makes a great point. People are totally weak-minded and afraid to stop doing whatever is in their comfort zone. Those who grew up watching TV's, etc. have to do a lot to break the chains of brand loyalty...I mean they target children so it builds in us all our lives and we feel these brands or products are a part of our identity.

    So yeah...if people were to make a concerted effort to really understand how much they've been suckered and how much power they have over the corporations who so desperately need their loyalty that they stoop to such unethical practices... then, yes big changes could be made.

    I think its up to those of us who are awakened to show everyone the truth, educate them and motivate them to see their power and care about righting wrongs. That is very difficult however, people will fight with tooth and nails to feel content with their comforts.
  6. LivinAFantasy

    LivinAFantasy Member

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    I agree with the OP, but the problem in is that in the end, the people with the money and power usually win. The rest of us don't have the staying power to play the game the way it needs to be played.

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