Activism = Acknowledgment + Acceptance

Discussion in 'Activism' started by Evangelical Atheist, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Evangelical Atheist

    Evangelical Atheist Member

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    I do see skin color.
    I do see cultural folkways.
    I do see alternate environments.
    I do see complicated histories.
    I do see differences among us.
    I love all of it.

    Don't pretend there aren't differences among us. There are.
    Rather than deny them, we should embrace them.
    Would you rather see the same painting your entire life, or view many?
    Would you rather hear the same song your entire life, or listen to several?
    Would you rather eat the same food your entire life, or taste lots?
    Would you rather smell the same fragrance your entire life, or sample plenty?
    Would you rather feel the same sensation your entire life, or experience alternates?

    Variety is the spice of life, no?
    I do have [color] friends, I do have [sexuality] friends, I do have [gender] friends, I do have [age] friends, I do have [adjective] friends ... in no way do I qualify them or myself by [it], but I acknowledge, appreciate, and enjoy all of my friends' diversity, and smile.

    (COUGH I still have a problem with accepting blatant ignorance but that's another topic lol)

    I see activism against prejudices as easy as acknowledging and accepting people.

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