Sexual change in straight women?

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by JDboots, May 13, 2012.

  1. JDboots

    JDboots Guest

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    Maybe it's just me but do you think women go through some sort of sexual change when they are in their thirties?

    What I mean is so many woman I read about on the internet, including me, seem to become attracted to women around this point in their lives. Women that claim to have never liked other women before. In my case I know I wasn't into women before then and it's just really one woman since. Though I do look at them more.

    Do we go through some sort of hormonal change? Do we become more comfortable with our skin and less afraid to go after what we really want? In denial all this time and something got us out of it? More experimental or just tired of men? What is it?

    Until it happened to me, I just assumed you were one way for life sexually. Gay from birth so to speak. But so many women seem to be sleeping with other women for the first time after they turn thirty, I was wondering why?
  2. girl with wings

    girl with wings Member

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    I would put it down to just being attracted to the person, no matter what gender they are. Maybe there's just something about this woman in particular? Or maybe, you are changing. I hate labels, they are so 'straight'forward. Gay, bi, straight. I think its a lot more complex than that. People are so different. Is say embrace it and go for it ;)
  3. Pink_Panther

    Pink_Panther Banned

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    I know tons of girls who are bi - some around the age range you mention. They sem to just have more time to think about it - maybe less pressure too, from peer groups and so on.
  4. JDboots

    JDboots Guest

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    I just meant women in general and not me in particular. I am pretty sure it is as you said "girl with wings." I was just attracted to this particular woman. Physically and because she played the role of my protector. But my question was more for women in general. It just seemed curious to me that so many women's first lesbian experience seemed to be in this age range.

    Thanx Pink, that answer is as good as any.
  5. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    The vast majority of lesbian women I know have followed a similar path to me - that is, they are all mothers and have come from a hetero background and it was only in their late 20's/early 30's - or later that the full extent of their sexuality became apparent.

    I am not a doctor/psychologist, so I can offer no studied research, but talking to these women, they all grew up with the expectation of being married, having 2.5 children, a dog and a house in the burbs.
    Those strange, inner feelings that sometimes arose were greatly ignored because for my generation, being lesbian (or bi) was not really a discussed option - unlike today's Gen X/Y.

    It was only after the initial pressures of child rearing and mortgage stress were somewhat released that those strange feelings could be addressed ....... and guess what!!!!!!!!

    For me it happened around 30.
  6. YoMama

    YoMama Member

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    I think a lot of women gain more independence in their 30's and perhaps become a little disillusioned with men and end up in the arms of another woman as a result.

    I haven't ever had sex with a woman and don't intend to. However by 30 I was getting really sick of men...
  7. jill8

    jill8 Member

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    Late 30s is when it began with me and now my partners are exclusively women although a very slight but not physical interest in the opposite sex remains.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I find more and more mid 30's wives are testing the waters. Might be on to something ladies. :D
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