30 mg Morphine Sulfate(MS Contin)

Discussion in 'Opiates' started by yessirlowend, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. yessirlowend

    yessirlowend Guest

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    I can get these for a cheap price.. two a pop is it worth the buy? Anybody with experience?
  2. etkearne

    etkearne Resident Pharmacologist

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    Yes. That is good. MS Contin is extended release, so you may need to crush them to utilize immediate release effects if indeed you are in to doing that. For comparison, 30 mg Morphine (Immediate release keep in mind...) is equivalent to 15-20 mg of Oxycodone and equivalent to 30 mg of Hydrocodone (Vicodin).

    Morphine is a very strong body high, more similar to Hydrocodone than Oxycodone IMO. It is very relaxing but IMO not as sharply euphoric as some opioids. Stay safe!
  3. yessirlowend

    yessirlowend Guest

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    Thank you and much appreciated. They are the green pills with the 30 on one side and when I chewed one up it got gel like, almost like an OP would.
  4. SpENS93

    SpENS93 Illuminati

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    i dont like the ms contins as morphine isnt very active orally, id go for some vikes over morphines any day. unless they are the way higher doses
  5. JeffSorrows

    JeffSorrows Member

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    sounds fair, though I got 60mg morphs for 3$ quoted to me, I would say "eh.. yeah.." then follow with a "hmm.. maybe.." so really if that is a good amount for you, otherwise look for the higher mg's since they usually go for cheaper. Last I saw 100mg for around 4/4.50$ so if small quantities perfectly fine.

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