why do you tolerate female irrationality?

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by meridianwest, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    One persons rationality is anothers insanity. Yup-I'd say it's relative.
  2. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Whose to say the woman is wrong in this argument? If women are irrational, men are insensitive. Which means a man could easily say something that a woman isn't going to take well, yet his insensitive male brain blinds him to the fact that he was being a little rude or harsh.

    And yeah, rationality is relative. Humans are not, by nature, rational creatures. If we were rational we would live in a utopia by now, but we're irrational so we're still killing each other over stupid reasons. Might I add that wars are generally (and by generally, I mean pretty much always) started by men. War is about as irrational as you can get.
  3. SunnyHappyVegan

    SunnyHappyVegan Member

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    I'm only irrational with my nuclear family. I'm stuck in a house full of people I don't fit in with, a redhead Taurean who values her alone time far more than she can satisfy, so what do they expect!?
    I'm very calm and mellow otherwise. And I know many, many women and girls who act normally. And men can be very irrational too. The testosterone spikes, and they are embodied with a pettiful anger that manifests from such miniscule things. Of course, I know plenty of males who do not undergo this.

    To the OP, maybe if you didn't "rarely interact with women", you would meet some normal ones...

    Also note that many irrational Angry-Woman scenarios are simply played out by entertainment and don't go on much in real life.
  4. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    depends. a lot of wars are/have been fought for land and resources. and that makes perfect sense. also wars are generally started by heads of state and/or their generals, there has usually been a small group of people and specific set of circumstances behind initiation of war and when you study it there is usually something that makes you understand what propelled people to engage in such an act. the cause may not always be just, or well-founded though.

    utopia is not a possibility in a world which inhabits this many people. idea of utopia is one purest manifestation of irrationality there is.

    but, yes, you are right in that our species has irrationality in it as a whole. however, sometimes things that seem irrational, can still be explained, we just don't know all the factors pertaining to each and single case and most people won't reveal such intricate inner details about why or how they felt need to act in one way or another. and sometimes irrationality is just camouflaged stubbornness. i'm sure, actually, that even what i called 'female irrationality' can be explained and made sense of on rational terms if we knew all the facts.
  5. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    Logic is irrational. :biggrin:
  6. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    I think, the gender-loyal male version of this is that "the testosterone-is-more-reactionary-than-estrogen" thing is just a rumor spread by a bunch of misogynist gals who got fucked and didn`t make it into girlfriend status one too many times.

    Just sayin`. :D
  7. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM&feature=player_detailpage"]Show Me Your Genitals - YouTube
    1 person likes this.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    touche, my testosterone driven friend. touche.
  9. jmt

    jmt Ezekiel 25:17

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    I think ur post is irrational.

    Women are.very ilogical and are more driven on the emotional side of their brain this is almost fact. For example I know women who date man for the sake of the emotional investment they have with them even when their lover is extremely abusive which makes no logical sense. If this particular women been more logical she should leave his abusive lover for the more logical better sense of her FEELings.

    Also at work I have a female leader running the operation schedule and its done so extremely bad that she runs in a way so that she FEELs in POWER then to operated it in a more logical efficient way......

    Its rare for women to be able to have the ability to balance out the two well which I have met such women.....
  10. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    My girl doesn't get it bad. So I mostly just tell her what she's doing, wait it out, and ask her again later if she realizes how silly she was being.

    That feminist 101 throwaway line is about the most sexist (and illogical) thing said in this thread.

    I do agree with the idea of women irrationality being overrated, and men's irrationality being underrated - mostly it seems this way to me: spoiled, egotistical, needy people are usually irrational - well-rounded individuals have their moments, but are usually cool.
    I also think women are more loud about their emotions, feelings, etc. in general; so it's easier to spot them being irrational.

    I also agree that it's hard to say what's rational.

    Let me give a stereotypical scenario:
    Friend 1 talked bad about friend 2 to a mate of the opposite sex.
    Asks what the fuck is up, disses friend; goes out drinking with him that night
    Tells all her friends, ostracizes that female

    Now, is it more rational to forgive and forget, with no consequence -- or is it more rational to punish and separate yourself from an untrustworthy friend in one sweeping move?

    Another thing a lot of people in this thread seem to have forgot, or somehow been completely unaware of - is a lot of the gender roles have been changing and even reversing for the last couple decades.
  11. jimmydean885

    jimmydean885 Member

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    I don't pit up with anyones irrationality.
  12. RenmenTout

    RenmenTout Member

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    irrationality of females lol.. Its not that bad, I've had the same irrationality from guys.. gay boys. Its not a female thing.. its an emotional human thing. Lack of control of ones emotions..

    "if you do one tiny little thing to offend them, they turn all crazy-psycho-bitch on you." some do.. but not all.. You say yourself "I rarely interact with women" so you really have no idea but your sexist judgments. What did your mother do to you?
  13. The Imaginary Being

    The Imaginary Being PAIN IN ASS Lifetime Supporter

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    lots of chocolate generally.
  14. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Because they control 80% of the money and 100% of the pussy.
  15. The Imaginary Being

    The Imaginary Being PAIN IN ASS Lifetime Supporter

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    i don't tolerate women... it's my penis that does.
  16. Fingermouse

    Fingermouse Helicase

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    I slap them about a bit. It calms them down.
  17. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

  18. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Agreed, and when women are heads of state they.. guess what? Start wars. The fight for resources and land does not begin and end with men, but with the animal kingdom. Even plants will kill each other in order to receive the lions share of water.
  19. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to scratcho again"


    GLENGLEN Banned

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    I Just Gave Him One, I'm Happy To Share Mine With You e7m8...:)

    Cheers Glen.

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