2010's = Modern 60's?

Discussion in 'The Future' started by HumanBeingIntellect, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. Cloaking Device

    Cloaking Device Member

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    He wasn't fired but there was a report released (Hutton enquiry) which put him in the position where he had to resign

    In England there were two people who suffered from that fiasco, him and David Kelly who was the weapons inspector who pointed out that there were no WMDs to find, he 'committed suicide'
  2. Cloaking Device

    Cloaking Device Member

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    Not so much, it shows why noone protests though, the government don't listen

    We also had the massive riots in summer this year

    I don't know in America, was there not just quite a lot of protesting about that To Kill a Mockingbird style execution?
  3. Hippy-Chick

    Hippy-Chick Member

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    We get lots of american news (or as it is said in my area, United Statesian) but I'm in Canada. So I'm not certain about a Mockingbird execution.

    But we 3 days ago 50 soldiers from the Canadien military were doing exercises within 300 metres of la Milice Patriotique Québécoise. The government said it would be only a few hours but there are more soldiers puting in tents
  4. Cloaking Device

    Cloaking Device Member

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    That black guy in Georgia who was executed even though the evidence was all proved to be faulty

    It was massive in the English papers
  5. Hippy-Chick

    Hippy-Chick Member

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    Nothing said of it in Canada. I'm not even sure where Georgia is. I know it's south United States but that is all.

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