What are your religous beliefs?

Discussion in 'The Hip Polls' started by luckypunk, Jun 27, 2011.

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  1. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    I am a firm believer in Tao but I didn't see that on the pool so I had to vote different.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    A mix of mythologies.
  3. maroonballoon

    maroonballoon Guest

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    I'm not any of these! I'm Wiccan, which is a type of Pagan Religion. If you do this poll again or can edit it, I highly recommend you add Pagan!!
  4. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I believe in God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and all that is seen and unseen.
    I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial
    one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven: and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again in fulfilment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.
    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets.
    I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
  5. creampie00

    creampie00 If you can't DODGE it....RAM it!

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  6. Redelmo89

    Redelmo89 Guest

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    Id class myself as Atheist. Im open to the ideas and beliefs of others, but in my eyes religion is used as a power to separate us as humans.
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    My own...
  8. konq

    konq Member

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  9. birdpics

    birdpics Member

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    That is so cute!

    I believe the Bible, but original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts are different from what's taught in most Christian churches..

    Strong's online Hebrew and Greek concordance shows the Bible agrees perfectly with quantum mechanics;
    everything in the universe is made of loving, intelligent, connected energy-every thought changes the entire universe,
    "nothing exists that isn't imagined first,"
    all realities exist simultaeously in some dimension, but it's up to us to decide/choose our own.

    It's why the rich get richer and the poor stay poor, even if they win the lottery. It's what they believe in, so it happens for them.

    In fact, Bible promise verses include ALL forms of declension. For instance, when Mark 11:23 says if you
    believe (consciously and unconsciously), you can tell a mountain to be thrown in the sea, and it will obey you
    that means anything can do it, not just humans. Or even only animate objects.

    The Bible agrees with Buddhism in many things, but not in others, like Karma, for instance.
    If a mean person is rich, he still stays rich.
    If a kind person does a good deed, he still stays poor.

    The Bible agrees with many Native American beliefs ALOT, though.

    The story of the "Prodigal Son" told by Jesus confutes most Christian teaching..

    1. the runaway sinner son found out that his dad's riches belonged to him all along,

    2. the grouchy older brother also owned it all, but never used the money because he thought he had to earn it (religious person).

    3. Both sons were the DNA of the DAD (God)

    So much for people being "poor old sinners far below God, who controls everything." John 14 says we, God, and Jesus are all ONE.

    Jesus told US to heal the sick, raise the dead, etc., but he said "those who believe"-which means ANYTHING.
    If something doesn't get done, it's because we didn't decide for it.

    But preachers often want to guilt people into attending and donating, so preach God only loves you if you
    "don't drink or smoke or chew, or run around with them that do," instead of preaching what Jesus really told people who had been healed in his ministry..
    YOUR own faith healed you! (churches usually preach that Jesus, as the son of God, hit people with God's power, and they were healed..
    but Jesus told us to do the same as he did, said WE are ONE with GOD)

    But evil people use their faith also, and it works for them as well!

  10. The Instinct

    The Instinct Member

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    I think I put "Christian in the vote cast part a long time ago but ive been with a few different religions. I like the answer of "my own" the best! ill go with that! :)
  11. The Instinct

    The Instinct Member

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    yes but not to believe in god? I have to believe in god! I exist and therefore something or someone created me- I call that entity "god"

    Atheist does mean you don't believe in god right?
  12. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    Atheists comprise most of the respondents so far? Surprises the heck out of me for a hippie site. I would have thought, "spiritual not religious."

  13. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    It's hard to describe my beliefs. I believe there is a higher power and that it can take form in whatever way any individual needs it to. If you grew up believing in Jesus, then that is how it is manifested for you. For another, it can be a Pagan god or for Hindus, a bunch of gods all being facets of the many possibilities of the divine being. I lean toward Eastern traditions when it comes to religion. I believe in karma, reincarnation, and maybe even fate. I know right from wrong. As long as anyone can say that, then they're okay in my book.
  14. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    No religion for me.
    Since when are we obligated to put a name/title to our beliefs and follow a bunch of other people who believe the same shit. I choose to not be classified. Even if I did believe in god, adam and eve, heaven/hell, and all that shit I still wouldnt go to church or label myself a fucking christian. It would just be what I am convinced is true. Same for buddhism, if I am convinced that when I die im reincarnated over and over till im pure, then why do I need to worry about wearing some robe and going around saying im buddhist and I believe in such and such spirit, and I can give you some good advice. It doesn't really matter really, its so damned irrelevant what name you put to a thought. Its the thought that is important not the name for the way of thinking. The name just distinguishes you from others to make you feel like your special. Just like for vegans. They come up with some name for some unconventional way of eating, and advertise it as being revolutionary, new, and extremely healthy, and that you'll outlive all the "normal" people if you eat this way. It not only puts you in a position where you feel physically healthier than others, it makes you feel morally superior that your not eating them. All making you feel special.
    So really, its all about making us feel special thats the goal of religion for the most part it seems.

    Dont you dare go about trying to accuse me of trying to feel special by pointing out to everyone else "your trying to feel special! i got no name! nananananana! im nameless, that makes me extra special!". =O
  15. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    Put it this way - just because a certain baby boy was born a few hundred years ago to someone who never had sex - why did it have to become such a big event world wide ? A woman can easily get pregnant without having sex & the world doesn't make it an annual event to celebrate just because of that - just something to think about thou.
  16. psychedelicpiper

    psychedelicpiper Member

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    Spiritual, but not religious.
  17. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    You have a point. However, not everyone who is proud of who they are believe that they're above everyone else. If you go by that logic, then no one should use labels for anything at all. Distinctiveness isn't the problem here. It's arrogance.
  18. Tanuki

    Tanuki Guest

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    The only authority I respect is the one that causes butterflies to fly south in fall and north in springtime ;) but yeah, I guess it would be mix for me.
  19. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i'm still developing me belief system; i'd have to say spiritual, agnostic, eclectic?
    i believe in astrology, metaphysics, but i share a lot of atheistic views as well. i basically believe in what i see to be true. the wilderness, mother earth is my goddess.
  20. Aya A.R

    Aya A.R Guest

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