Monsanto & GMOs

Discussion in 'Boycott' started by SunnyHappyVegan, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. SunnyHappyVegan

    SunnyHappyVegan Member

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    Monsanto is probably one of the most evil corporations today.
    Made up of selfish, greedy people who don't care about the environment or the public health, invading our food system and making us completely ignorant on what is and what isn't genetically modified.

    If advocating artificial sweetners as horrible as aspartame (reported to cause 94 diffrent health issues ) and the carcinogenicn saccharin wasn't enough, they also :

    1.) were the major financial beneficiary to the herbicide Agent Orange, which was used to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam, " and destroy the health of American troops and their offspring."

    2) Support rBGH (bovine growth hormone), which is a genetically modified hormone injected into cows to produce more milk. This causes the cows"excruciating pain due to swollen udders and mastitis." It's a wonder pus has been found in inorganic dairy milk. This is also one of the reasons why antibiotics must be pumped into factory farm animals (to prevent these diseases).

    3) They use RoundUp. And only their patented crops can resist the glyphosate-infested herbicide. It has been linked to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and may be the cause of several other ailments. It also leaves toxic residue on the crops.

    4) They are all GMO. It's what makes them. All their crops have had gene splicing done to resist RoundUp, and all of them are patented. Patented crops. Tell me what's wrong with that.

    5) They use terminator seeds. In other words, their seeds will not germinate, are all clones of themselves because of it, and will never have offspring. Why? To keep farmers buying more of their seeds each year rather than saving their seeds from the previous harvest. But these terminators "can cross-pollinate and contaminate local non-sterile crops putting in danger the future seed supply and eventually giving control of the world’s food supply to Monsanto and the GM industry." Now, GMO have been found in the wild and in developing countries.

    6) According to the Organic Consumers Association, “There is a direct correlation between our genetically engineered food supply and the $2 trillion the US spends annually on medical care, namely an epidemic of diet-related chronic diseases. Instead of healthy fruits, vegetables, grains, and grass-fed animal products, US factory farms and food processors produce a glut of genetically engineered junk foods that generate heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Low fruit and vegetable consumption is directly costing the United States $56 billion a year in diet-related chronic diseases.”

    7) Because all of their crops are patented, whenever seeds fall off a truck or somehow make their way onto a farmer who chooses to do real farming, they can sue the farmer for growing their crops without permission. In most cases, the farmer did not even want the GMO on their fields, and in all cases, Monsanto wins.

    Small farms are being destroyed by them, and we have to stop it. We have to boycott GMOs, bill s510, and return to the natural, local farmers.
  2. WorldLove

    WorldLove Member

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    Unless you can find everything organic, how do you know if you are not buying one of Monsanto's crops??
    I do my best to avoid them but they are EVERYWHERE.

    Also, here in Canada it is illegal to SELL bovine growth hormone, but not to USE or IMPORT it. I wonder what the percentages are in our milk...?
  3. broony

    broony Banned

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    Problem is, they are hiding the GMO's but not even telling us that they are selling. Very few products do NOT say (Modified Starch) on the package, for example, all corn tortilias. I bet you a huge percentage of the population (America) doesn't even know who monsanto is. It is very hard to educate people on this matter because most seem to think everything is fine, since the food the eat still tastes the same.

    Might taste the same but in the long run you have a better chance of catching some life threating diease. The evidence to support GMO's linked to cancer is huge. It has been proven many times over in rats.

    Its hard to say if we have enough concrete evidence to prove that GMO's cause cancer. IMO i believe they may be linked in some way or another. Either way I strongly believe its HORRIBLE for your health.

    Lucky for me i'm now in a small town and our lettuce, cabbage, breads, coffee is all grown local and i feel good knowing there are no GMOs in that.

    Monsanto's goal is to own everything, even down to your water supply.
  4. SunnyHappyVegan

    SunnyHappyVegan Member

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    It's so sad- those poor rats!
    Haven't they made it mandatory in Europe to label all GM foods?
    Hopefully, the states and Canada..and everywhere else, will make that step.

    It's so scary to know what they are doing to us, and to the environment, and ot know the government is more than just okay with it. How can they be so big and have so many people completely oblivious to them?
  5. broony

    broony Banned

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    Television; repeat the word long enough, the viewer will remember its spelling.
  6. WorldLove

    WorldLove Member

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    Actually, a law is being passed in the UK that CLONED MEAT does NOT need to be specially labelled as such. The genetic defects and suffering involved are horrendous...I think even non-vegetarians would shiver. One step forward, two steps back, eh Britain?
  7. makihiko

    makihiko Official hippie since 2005

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    I know genetically modifying anything is kinda messed up..

    but can you imagine a bag of potato chips, that has unusually large chips... I'm cool withg that!
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    i learned who they was from HF.. :D
  9. cactusmann

    cactusmann Member

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    Peru has just passed a moratorium on G.M.O.s for ten years.Horrah! Monasanto already spread some gmo potatoes genes over there ,so some of the potatoes varieties are probably destroyed.They are doing the same thing with corn in mexico as well as other countries around the world.They want to destroy every countries native crops and pollute the crops with their GMO genes.
  10. SunnyHappyVegan

    SunnyHappyVegan Member

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    That's great! Now the Savvy Eaters can have more time to fight :D

    Here in the states... they now allow GMO-alfalfa (completely unnecessary, since alfalfa is so naturally bug free!), sugar beets, and frankenfish! :(

    All they want to do is control all of our food supply so they can then own all the money, and then, with that, completely take over the government (since they sure have a strong grip on it now...) , and then take over the world.
    Goddamit, why is the U.S so fucked up!?

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