High Prices…. A disaster

Discussion in 'Consumer Advocacy' started by midohabib, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. midohabib

    midohabib Member

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    High Prices…. A disaster

    One of the phenomena that have become frequent in our societies is the phenomenon of rising prices. New in this series is the large increase in the price of vegetables, and before the increased prices of sugar, meat, poultry and rice, there is wheat, and cotton, while rising oil prices threaten small factories. And each time the price goes up, so do complaints. Once the consumer gets used to these increases, another set of goods increase prices, thus continuing complaints of rising prices without comprehensive solutions. With the growing tide of imports, statements and promises are not enforced and creates many problems for those with low-income.

    Watch an incredible video about high prices

    What is the reason for the high prices???
    Do we have as citizens of a role in limiting the rise in prices??
    Who is responsible?
  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Unfortunately consumer goods are now the object of Hedge Funds who buy up huge amounts of commodities trying to drive the prices higher, then they sell later when the goods are scarce for much more, pocketing $billions.

    So when people buy food goods now, just like oil, they're not just paying for the cost of production and distribution and retail, they're also paying BILLIONS to hedge funds for having done NOTHING at all...

    It's one of the worst crimes being perpetrated on the people of the world, causing death and misery for millions of poor people.

    It's time to RISE UP AND UNITE! Stop the Class Warfare!

    The People, United, Shall Never Be Defeated!
  3. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    With all the efforts on the part of the media and establishment to keep us divided becoming united and speaking with a single, clear voice is a serious undertaking in and of itself. When I look at the population I see a a fractious disorganized and generally antisocial mass that has become totally dependent on the infrastructure for sustenance. Of course the profiteers are going to exploit that. Our willingness to pay the usury markups that result from speculative investment driven inflation mean we are part of the problem.

    That the government encourages the speculative trading and run-up of the costs of necessities means their hands aren't exactly clean and only bolsters my view of congress as a criminal organization. We allow ourselves to collectively be brainwashed into perpetuating the very system that oppresses us- playing the game that has us chasing an elusive and intangible goal as defined by fads and fashion- a game whose real purpose is to have us continually shed one of the very few things that gives us any real power in this "system"-- our money. I say that because from where I sit, the power of the vote limits us to choosing which individual we want to lie to us over the next four or six years.
  4. indydude

    indydude Senior Member

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    Is there anything the 'people' can do? Seriously? The average wage earning consumer has very little power. Corporations are well funded to lobby and get laws made and changed to benefit them. We the 'people' have no one lobbying for us.

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