Morning Glory Tea...

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by Tdubbs34, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. Tdubbs34

    Tdubbs34 Member

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    Me and my buddy made 25 grams worth of morning glory tea (about 12.5grams each) we literally just drank it a minute agoe. we did the cold water extractions and followed the steps fairly well. were expecting some nausea soonish, ill let you kno as it progresses and if we start trippin. =]
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    .. well..
  3. Tdubbs34

    Tdubbs34 Member

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    alright we drank about 12 grams of tea each, got a little nausea but nothing as bad as what people complain about an hour in we decided to ease the little stomach ache we had and smoke a bowl, so we went outside and smoked one in this weird pine tree thing in my front yard and after that we both didnt feel anything (not even a high from the bud) and were getting sorta pissed. about another good hour in (about 2 hours after drinkin the tea) something just totally hit us and we were both freakin out, hearing shit, some visuals and laughing our asses off, just basically trippin, but nothing like an acid trip or shrooms but still pretty sweet. at this time its about 3 am and we got scared of some noise we heard outside so we came running inside and started watchin t.v and just bullshiting for the next 2 or 3 hours. we were definently trippin havin a good time then out of no where i look over and see my friend passed out (about 4-5 hours after drinking the tea) and then i started feelin very sleepy and just instantly fell asleep waking up through out the night having some CrAzY dreams. me and my buddy woke up the next feelin fine, we were a little sore in the morning but through out the day we felt completely normal. It was a fun night but overall i think Shrooms and Acid is still WAY better =] we heard
  4. tastyscrumptious

    tastyscrumptious Member

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    sounds like fun, 12 grams is a really low dose, try it again with 40grams each.
  5. Tdubbs34

    Tdubbs34 Member

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    really? i thought 10+ grams was a high dose.. id like to get some HBWR seeds and try them
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    you should look into Ayahuasca .. ;)
  7. tastyscrumptious

    tastyscrumptious Member

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    10 grams is about 300 seeds ide say, 1000 seeds + is getting into the high doses.
  8. Luketrials

    Luketrials Member

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    Should check out my trip report - I took an ounce of MGs....
  9. NNDimethyltryptaDream

    NNDimethyltryptaDream Member

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    Maybe I did it wrong, but the cold water extraction worked, per se, but the liquid was beyond nasty,
  10. Tdubbs34

    Tdubbs34 Member

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    Yeah there has to be a better way to extract that stuff
  11. psychedelicg1rl

    psychedelicg1rl Member

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    I always do cold water extractions, but I do mine a little differently. I prefer hwbr, they are easier on the stomach, at least for me, and I love the body high, and the visual distortion. And music sounds beyond amazing.
  12. psychedelicg1rl

    psychedelicg1rl Member

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    And with hwbr, you need less seeds than morning glory. so you save on how many seeds you have to use.
  13. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    Yeah, I've never experienced nausea on the onset of any LSA trip, even when working with almost 1000 morning glories. I guess I'm just lucky. The most negative physical thing I've felt from them are when I dropped Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. My stomach was mildly upset for a little bit, but it soon cleared. Apparently Ololiqui seeds are the best for not having nausea, but I'll have to report on how that goes when I drop some. Enjoy!

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