The Post-Money Paradise

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ideologue, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Ideologue

    Ideologue Member

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    (Scroll down for glossary)

    The Post-Money Paradise


    Consider a world in which the air is clean, the water pure, and the landscape unmolested but replete with verdurous splendour. A world, bereft of the virulence of the malevolent gods, home to an enlightened people united in compassion and existing in cooperation; a global palace of abundance, of universal satiety and unfettered happiness. Such a paradise could only be possible in the absence of money. And the abolition of money could only be made possible in the absence of the toxic few that currently reside aloft the pyramidal power structure.

    They are the puissant elite, the nefarious puppeteers of humanity. Money forms the strings they pull. Money is perhaps their greatest tool of manipulation; It is one of the most efficient and potent means of mass coercion and is a blight unto this earth.

    The money-less society would be a society free from greed, corruption, complacency, and slavery. It would be a societal paradigm in which the life of no individual is wasted in monotony and no individual is irresistibly compelled into undertaking any immoral or anti-natural activity. The individual would embrace that which he loves and be emancipated from the bondage and drudgery of commercialism and the immutable quest for pecuniary gain. With the eradication of the artificial paradigm of money would end the oppressive and aberrant plague of aeons.

    It is testament to the stupidity of mankind, his manipulation, and his inexorable slavish penchant that money has been permitted for so long. Instead of maintaining an Eden, he has raped and pillaged the fruits of Mother Earth in money’s name thus creating destruction, infecundity and desolation. This world could be a paradise but instead it is a sewer; a cesspit where the paragon masters of toxicity reign supreme over their well-trained hordes of mephitic automatons.

    Money is a greed catalyst and brutality amplifier. In the minds of men where thoughts of money would be absent morality, instead, would occupy the fore. The man who lusts for money is adversary to the man who lusts for harmony.

    The actions of those held sway by their acquisitive desire for money are often vile and rarely compassionate. Money promotes egoism and is a strong encourager of the lust of one man to overtake his fellow man in power and control. Could anything be viler than that anomalous ambition of man to hold his compeers in conceited servitude? The desire for money is the desire for the capacity to dominate and sway others at will. Following an apocalypse, the rich man, being the only survivor, once he has emerged from his slave-built bunker, would find his pecuniary wealth to no longer hold value and would thus be forced to enter into the real world; the real world in which nature, alone, dictates where value is held, not the damaged and bastardised minds of the selfish and indolent. Money only has a perceived value and represents an artificial paradigm. Furthermore, the system of money is a brutal and hegemonic system which permits no other under threat of violence and death. A man wishing to live divorced from money must usually first be forced to use money as a means of exit, and such an exit would unlikely be absolute but certainly extremely limited.

    Who would do the work, in the money-less model? Absolute money abolition could only occur in a reformed society in which intelligence and compassion have regained their rightful position. The enlightened, compassionate, and truly aware seek very little. The most moral would voluntarily end their lives through love for the worldly creatures around them, absent the opportunity to ameliorate the ways of their inordinate harm-doing contemporaries. Second to this group are those who live ascetically and desire only that which is truly needed. It is the damaged man who dedicates his life to the acquiring of material goods and who complacently becomes dependent upon the service of others.

    The money-less world in which the inhabitants happily opt for the technology of their minds over extraneous ersatz technologies, would have no need for the vast and impolitic number of current activities – the junk jobs; the level of required work would be drastically diminished. Those remaining indispensible tasks would be gladly undertaken by volunteers; volunteers motivated by true community service and by love for their particular cherished area of expertise. Those tedious and dreary duties that remain, and for which no permanent volunteers are forthcoming, would be divided equally into either a rotary or similar system. No individual would be required to work excessively in any area, particularly one that brings little joy and threatens to quickly abase the spirit - there would be made no room in the money-less world for such soul abuse. Individual life experience would be maximised; the average society member would possess a broad knowledge and many capabilities. Empathy would certainly not be an unwonted quality. The problem of unemployment would not factor in the money-less world.

    A man, while immured in a money-based system, can never be free. Money forces him to depend upon his fellow man; not solely for exigent assistance following some life-endangering calamity, such as a failed crop, but on a regular and usual basis and for most vital things. The money-less society, fundamentally, would not be interdependent thus it would not be vulnerable, complacent, or enslaved. In terms of clothing, food, water, and energy, the post-money man would be independent producing enough for himself as well as for others, were they ever to come forth after finding themselves with an acute need. No longer would the few be able to lay claim to the bulk of the land. That most important resource would be divided equally; equally, not necessarily by number, but by requirement. The post-money society would be a merit based world in which the worthiness of proposed use and authenticity of need dictate wealth distribution.

    Once the toxic filth of the power elite has been deposed, the renewed system of cooperation, in place of competition and exploitation, will emerge. Knowledge previously suppressed will become known and benevolently utilised. Human labour would be further reduced by implementing this knowledge and by the construction of efficient machines; machines designed, not for a fixed longevity dictated by such money-based economies as replacement component sales and outlay minimising, but to last as long as they are ever likely to be required, and with a generous safety margin. Only sustainable and ethical endeavours will be undertaken, including in such areas as housing, transport, and food production. The latter will initially consist of the growing of heirloom plants organically and with diversity. Eventually, once the ecosystems have regenerated and the world has recovered from the aeons of abuse at the rapacious and desolating hand of mankind, our food will once again grow wild. When we wish to eat we would reach out to the nearest vegetation of choice, pick the fruit, vegetable, nut, or seed, and partake of it then and there in its raw and unadulterated state, as nature signals us to. Our food would grow unaided and in abundance.

    Once liberated from their commercial posts, posts abrogated by the dissolution of commerce, the worlds enablers, the great minds, scientific, academic, and intellectual elite would be available to concentrate their abilities for the collective good, for worthy pursuits, and in a truly benevolent cause. Unfettered by commerce, its secrecy, bureaucracy and paranoia, these minds would be free to implement the zenith of their collective learning and to formulate such achievements as to propel human capabilities further than the average contemporary money-user could possibly imagine. For example: Once the thinkers currently employed within the immensity of the military industrial complex - a complex to be terminated along with the filth of its originators - are separated from their iniquitous responsibilities as enablers of tyrants and facilitators of murder and misery, their talents would be redirected and put to use in beneficent, worthy, and harmonious ways. The outcome would be truly magnificent.

    No longer would the earth be devastated and systematically raped by the annihilative practices of mechanised farming, intensive farming, and chemical-based farming. Certainly no animal, fish, insect, or bird, would ever again suffer the ignominious brutality of the repugnant trades in their flesh and other derivatives; the intelligent, compassionate, and enlightened society would not permit such barbarism and never exploit any sentient creature. The post-money society is a humane society devoid of such odiousness as speciesism – the racism of species; the commodification and exploitation of sentient creatures would be recognized for the abhorrence that it is. The glaring parallels it shares with the more recognised iniquities as the slave trade, paedophilic rape, and Nazism would be understood and no longer rationalised away.

    Money makes miserable the lives of, not solely those averse to it and unable to successfully abide by its fascistic decrees, but for a considerable portion of those who succeed in enthusiastic subjugation to its code, and who, with high frequency, rejoice in the acquiring of it.

    Money obsession is pandemic; its rifeness suppresses the soul and blinds the heart. That which should be cannot in its stygian shadow. Money is the key which locks tight the portal of righteousness but frees the way for injustice. Impurity is requisite in those held sway by money; money and defilement are indissociable.

    The principal reason why money has not thus far been eradicated and replaced by pure cooperation is the blinkered collective mind of the masses, its lack of imagination, incapacity to comprehend, myopia, and obstinate misguided beliefs. Unrest will forever be an inevitable consequence of the money system. While mankind remains spiritually suppressed, impervious to reason, and blind to logic, edification will forever be afar and amelioration of this realm unobtainable.

    Without the proletariat, and others, the money-rich, the pseudo-gods amongst men, have nothing. A society without money is an equal society in which every member is wealthy instead of just the few. In the absence of an insular, parasitical class of the rich the jealousy and enviousness of the poor would be deracinated. The extirpation of money would bring enfranchisement from the bulk of anxieties and disquietude. Commensurateness would prevail and with it harmonious coexistence. Any obsolete remnant of the past phenomenon of the millionaire and billionaire, that continues to maintain overwhelming desire for excessiveness, would have his psychological malady rectified. He would be deprogrammed using any of various compassionate means; many technologies and techniques exist that are suitable and effective in such an application. Currently they are used in malefic ways to coerce entire populations but, in the right hands, these tools can be used for good. However, first the ethic of free will would need resolving as any such means to an end may ultimately prove counterproductive.

    Absent any genuine indicator of imprudence, the same means of benevolent manipulation, be it radiological, chemical, biological, technological, hypnotic, psychological, or etcetera, may be employed in mass conditioning. Such methods could well be utilised to counteract the unnatural and injurious programme that currently holds dominion over the unthinking multitudes. Benevolence and compassion would, in effect, be forcibly instilled. However, it stands to high reason that merely removing the aberrant and wretched instructions of the past would permit the natural reinstatement of man’s default condition, a condition founded in beneficence and charity. Once the mind is unchained, freedom can be truly understood. Once a man’s thoughts are his own, he will be free. The individual within the death-culture of money is often made to cherish his servitude. With an awakened mind, the liberated man in his rightful paradisiacal place would undoubtedly feel joy as his dominant volitional emotion.

    Using such established methods of influence, the individual could easily be led to such things as self-disembowelment proceeded by a period of stationary rope-skipping, with his own entrails as the rope. However, should these techniques be used in the cause of universal harmony, in place of sadism, a new Eden would emerge with astounding expedition. If resorted to, perhaps this could well be the way to proceed.

    The system of money is begotten of pernicious minds and perpetuated by homogeneous fools and robotic imbeciles. It transforms Edens into cesspools. It is high time to break the chains, to emancipate the race from its malignant tyranny, and embrace the harmony of cooperative living.

    The salvation of the human species, as well as all others, lies in a return to nature. Our security is dependent not in a future of the destruction called progress, but in restitution of rudimentary living and ascetic desire. The current mass mode of living, guided by the dark light of money, is unsustainable and can lead only to oblivion, as it has already done so for countless lives and entire species. It is not a return to the insecurities and draconic struggle of how many perceive, rightly or wrongly, prehistoric man to have existed; it is a harmonic conglomeration between basic, rudimentary living and high technology. Post-money men would abide a beautiful merging of the finest elements of both worlds, rejecting all that is illaudable.

    True prestige lies within the bosom of nature and in simple living. This is what is important not the pretentious, vulgar, and ostentatious excesses of the over-moneyed and over-privileged. The prodigal ones, who are addicted to their overindulgences, would find that, once intelligence has returned to them, in a more natural world in which man cares for his fellow man such intemperate living would no longer be of appeal. Such greedy living, as well as the aberrant desire to conquer others, is antithetical to human nature - actual human nature, not that which the race has been duped into believing, and certainly not that which has been programmed into man by his artificial and inequable environment.

    Should it ultimately be shown that greed and corruption are indeed innate features of the human anima, any corrective effort may well be futile whilst the money system predominates. With the dismantling of its insidious hegemony would come the opportunity to redress such psychical inequilibria.

    The transition into the money-less model would not be without difficulties. However, they would not be insuperable but would require an appreciable period of time during which to overcome. Initially this period of transition would be more intensive and require more effort. Once the damage caused by aeons of living by money’s law has been corrected and stability reinstated, the required effort would be considerably less.

    With the establishment of the money-less society, human beings will be mindful of what they need and what they do not need. They will possess a clear understanding of the community model and will embrace their new independence. Any remaining transitionary work would be automatically undertaken; during the latter stages of changeover, and once implementation is complete, the system would be self-sustaining and self-progressing; the ultimate prize of a mature money-less world would occur as a natural consequence. Its continuation would advance unaided requiring no extraneous input, no leadership or enforcement from any centralised body, no outside supervision, no administration from any controlling regime, absolutely no officiousness, and certainly no government.
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  2. Ideologue

    Ideologue Member

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    Perhaps the most limiting aspect of modern life, that most powerful bond which holds the individual down and prevents him from attaining his true
    potential, is the unending insecurity and associated anxiety perpetuated by the hegemonic system of money
    A man emancipated from the disquietude of concern over his future needs is free to transcend the current ersatz mode of living and attain great heights of achievement
    Freedom from worry, and with the guarantee of fundamental requirements – food, water, shelter, and so on, makes clear the way for unbounded magnificence. The system of money obstinately precludes these things
    Money is a system of control. Not control of natural resources in order to ensure fair and even distribution, but control of the minds of common men; it is a means of mass coercion and a potent represser of the common man’s thoughts
    Money makes subservient the multitude to the whim of elite controllers, who use it as a leash, a whip, a stick, and a carrot


    Aberrant Unwanted departure from an
    accepted standard

    Abrogated Abolished; ended

    Acute Extremely great or serious; crucial; critical
    Ameliorate Make better

    Anima Innermost part of psyche

    Antithetical Directly opposite

    Ascetic (ally) Abstention from all forms of indulgence; austerely simple

    Begotten Created or generated

    Beneficent Generous or doing good

    Benevolent Kindly; serving charity

    Commensurateness Corresponding in amount, magnitude, or degree; proportionate; adequate

    Commodification To turn into a commodity; to make commercial

    Conglomeration Grouped together into one

    Defilement To make impure; unclean; pollute; debase

    Deracinated Uprooted

    Disquietude Uneasiness; anxiety

    Dissolution A bringing or coming to an end; the breaking up of an assembly

    Draconic Rigorous; unusually severe or cruel

    Edification Moral improvement; enhancement of knowledge

    Emancipate Set free

    The intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another

    Enfranchisement To set free

    Ersatz An inferior substitute

    Exigent Requiring immediate action or aid; urgent; pressing

    Extirpation To remove or destroy totally; do away with; exterminate

    Hegemonic Leading; controlling; ruling; predominant; monopolistic

    Heirloom Natural variety; non-hybrid

    Homogeneous Uniformity; all of the same kind; essentially alike; not heterogeneous

    Ignominious Degrading, disgraceful, dishonourable, shameful; despicable, ignoble

    Illaudable Unworthy of praise

    Immured Imprisoned; enclosed; entombed; confined

    Impolitic Unwise; failing to possess or display prudence

    Imprudence Lacking discretion; incautious; rash; careless

    Indolent Having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful; inactive

    Inequable Unequal; unfair; not-uniform

    Inequilibria Out of balance

    Inexorable Unyielding; unalterable; relentless

    Infecundity Infertility; barren; unfruitful

    Iniquities Gross injustice or wickedness

    Iniquitous Characterised by injustice or wickedness

    Injurious Harmful, hurtful, or detrimental

    Inordinate Great in number

    Insidious Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects

    Insular Detached; standing alone; isolated; narrow-minded

    Insuperable Cannot be overcome

    Intemperate Excessive or immoderate indulgence; unrestrained

    Malady Disease

    Malefic Productive of evil; doing harm; baneful

    Mephitic Noxious; pestilential; poisonous

    Nefarious Extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous

    Obstinately Stubbornly refusing to change

    Odiousness Deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable; highly offensive; repugnant; disgusting

    Officiousness Domineering authority, especially with regard to trivial matters

    Ostentatious Characterised by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others

    Paradigm A pattern or model

    Paragon Regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality

    Pecuniary Of or pertaining to money

    Penchant A strong inclination for something

    Pernicious Causing insidious harm or ruin; deadly

    Preclude To prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of; make impossible; to exclude or debar from something

    Prestige Reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank or other favourable attribute

    Prodigal Wastefully or recklessly extravagant

    Proletariat Industrial workers; working class

    Psychical Of or pertaining to the human soul or mind

    Puissant Powerful; mighty; potent

    Rapacious Given to seizing for plunder or the satisfaction of greed

    Rationalised To invent plausible substitutes for actuality

    Replete Abundantly supplied or provided

    Represser Restrainer, preventer, or inhibitor

    Requisite Required or necessary

    Restitution Restoration to original state

    Satiety Satisfaction

    Stygian Dark or gloomy

    Subjugation The state of being under complete control

    Unadulterated Uncorrupted; pure; absolute

    Unwonted Unaccustomed or unusual

    Verdurous Fresh green colour of lush vegetation
  3. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Read it.Understood it.Don't have much to say about implementation of such ,because those with true economic power have not and will not let the masses of human society even begin to acquire the understanding and knowledge of a utopian existence that would ensure equity regarding even the minimum esentials for humanity.Killed ,committed or ridiculed would be the result for anyone that attracted any serious attention and was taken seriously by enough people relative to utopian ideals.Human societies,regardless of geographic locations in time and space ,have allowed the characteristics that are and have been inimical to the values espoused in the treatise to rise and flourish.In other words--"you can't get there from here". Calamitous situations ,I believe,will arise and if enough humans are eliminated and a small population was left to decide what method would be the best method of "running" the earth thereafter and decided on the principles as stated above-------uh--maybe. It's almost too fantastic to even contemplate that such a process would be considered by my "straw man survivors" when the lust for power,property and so-called filthy lucre seems to be hard-wired into the human psyche. Ipso-fucken facto.
  4. TheMadcapSyd

    TheMadcapSyd Titanic's captain, yo!

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    A society without money is an equal society, an equally crappy society for everyone. Do you have any idea how much easier money makes trade.
  5. Tsurugi_Oni

    Tsurugi_Oni Member

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    I'm with TheMadcapSyd on this one. I don't think it's money that's the problem, it's people and the way society molds us. If I only bought bread and butter with my money then how is there any corruption? There is none.

    So you see, the issue is more about man than money.
  6. Zorba The Grape

    Zorba The Grape Gavagai?

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    I agree with the two above.
  7. gEo_tehaD_returns

    gEo_tehaD_returns Senior Member

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    If that piece was well-written to begin with you wouldn't need a glossary.

    Are you trying to spread a message or just impress with the size of your vocabulary?

    If you're writing some contrived academic article intended to be read only by other pretentious academics, this is fine. If you're trying to spread the word about something, however, you need to trim the fat and use everyday language, because words like aberrant, comensurateness, puissant, extirpation, and so on are going to alienate half of your potential readers right from the start - and are completely unnecessary.

    This could have been 1/3 as long and much easier to understand.

    For the record, I think I mostly agree with your general ideas about money. But I got maybe 1/4 of the way through before I stopped reading because I got tired of trying to pick the little bits of information out of that sea of verbal jism.
  8. Aristartle

    Aristartle Snow Falling on Cedars Lifetime Supporter

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    I enjoyed the read.

    The problem with going back to a barter and trade system is taxation for social services that are rendered critical at this advanced state of humanity, people need hospitals, running water, and to be able to share vital resources at an equal cost.

    Also, the reason why we created a currency was to prevent spoilage in the natural world. If you trade 20 apples for 5000 acorns, you managed to trade something that will not spoil as readily, and thus you have an intrinsic higher value than a good like an apple. In a barter and trading system, people can still accumulate wealth as much as they want and hoard it. A community doesn't have to trade their mangos for another city's tomatoes - and without vital resources human security systems tend to break down trade networks needed for survival.

    Anyway, it's a little too idealistic but I'm sure I won't need money in heaven.
  9. Zorba The Grape

    Zorba The Grape Gavagai?

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    Not to mention that obvious advantage money had over barter in being a universal standard. This had its pros and cons. In small communities barter can and does work. But in a society the size of ours, it would be impossible to get by if we had to find someone who had what we wanted and needed what we had every time. You trade what you have for something universal, and trade that for what you need. It would be brilliant if it hadn't been so misused.

    Oh, and I could write for a while about the problems with the OP's writing, but I would refer people instead to 'Politics and the English Language' by George Orwell, in which these problems are summed up very well.
  10. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Money is an idea or agreement. The insidious effect of "faith" in the money system is the idea that we cannot live without it, that you are of no value unless you earn it, and that if it does not have a monetary value it doesn't have any value.
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  11. Zorba The Grape

    Zorba The Grape Gavagai?

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  12. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    Geeze we have a new Balbus on the board. I am not sure my computer can scroll far enough to read it all.

    That said money is simply a tool of our species used to categorize and benefit certain individuals. This will occur in almost all species in some form. It's part of the mating ritual. More so now than ever.

    Fact is wealth is not genetically linked but rather protected through societal regulation. There you may have a point.
  13. Ideologue

    Ideologue Member

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    >5.5-years later, are you people still so clueless?
  14. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    No. Not all. Being conservative (even in the most left of organizations), preclude at present, a major change in the way the earth is actually run. The re-education of humans would have to be agreed upon (first hurdle) from cradle to grave-- (second hurdle).

    Those for whom money is ALL--are the ones that COULD bring about change, but will not.--(third hurdle). Why should they change--they have most of the method of exchange for labor now? Never mind morality.
  15. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    A money-less society exists on the Island of Cuba, its a coupon economy.

    Seems though, that the rafts only travel in one direction; to Miami.

    Why don't more people want to emigrate to Cuba?

    I know Robert Vesco and Angela Davis live there.

    wondering why more people don't pick up & go?

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