Wisdom Falls on Deaf Ears

Discussion in 'Hippie Wisdom' started by Spiritchalist, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Spiritchalist

    Spiritchalist Member

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    I feel I maybe too wise for my body's age.

    I feel and know I have so much wisdom to impart upon people who need it that I will meet somewhere in this life, but the people I know now are deaf to it save for a select few. Nobody cares about anything but getting their hair dyed, or buying those shoes they saw in the window, or cashing their cheque (that's how we spell it in Canada).

    Should I try anyway, or what's the point in playing music for a deaf man.
  2. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    Sometimes I struggle with the same thing.

    Perhaps noone is listening to you for a reason. When we've reached the point that we are frustrated that no one will listen to our great and important message, we have reached a point where we are back to square one. Perhaps the universe is telling you that it is time for you to listen rather than speak.

    Even the greatest teachers still learn.
  3. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    There are those of us who are willing to listen. I find it interesting that even with my vast knowledge of religion older folks continue to look down upon me when I discourse in that area and say that I know nothing.
  4. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    There's an old adage - The first step to wisdom is admitting that you know nothing.

    Most people think that they are wise and know a great deal. Realize that you are not special; and the odds are that if you feel the need to proclaim your great wisdom on a forum, you probably aren't as wise as you thought you were to begin with. The braggart is often the opposite of what he claims.

    People listen to example, not mere words. Prove your wisdom by action, and people will naturally be interested in what you have to say. Stand on a soapbox in a mall, and people will ignore you, as they rightly should.
  5. neim

    neim Member

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    read up boys
  6. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    I find that speaking from experience, using what you have learned from your life and help someone get over a hump by relating your experience with it may help with insight and the knowing you are not unique unto this, may help bring light to the subject.

    Atho the experience may have helped you, it may not be what is or resonates with someone else experience. It's what we need to gleen from an experience that will help us understand the others experiences more clearly.

    I cannot say, this is the way for all to follow, it's just my path. If we meet on the same path, cool, we can help each other along the way.

    Bright Blessings on your journey
  7. Tisha Mc

    Tisha Mc Banned

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    You sound just like a teenager.
    Very good advice. Like they say. It's better to stay silent and let people think you an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Open your ears.
    All of McFuddy's post is good advice.
    All teens feel that they have all the answers. And they all feel underappreciated and unheard. Very soon you will realize that you have no idea. At 23 I'm just getting to that point. I still have my know-it-all moments. But when you've been challenged by someone with real wisdom, you will either reject what they have to say and debate them into the ground with circle rationality or you will close your mouth and learn from great masters.
    Have you ever seen an older adult that seems to have learned nothing from their years on earth? That was once a teenage boy who never realized that he knew nothing. And if you keep up the attitude you have now, one day you will be him.
  8. zencoyote

    zencoyote Member

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    Friends of mine who are deaf love music. They can FEEL it!!! Knowledge baby!!!

    I must say I'm quite curious as to what pearls of wisdom you're trying to impart.
    Could you tell us? I for one will make no judgment.

    I tend to think the word "wisdom" is misunderstood. According to Websters wisdom is; "the power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action based on knowledge, experience and understanding."

    Wisdom is not something you carry around with you. Wisdom is USING your knowledge, experience etc. at a specific time and place for a reason.
    I mean you no harm....that statement of yours show a lack of knowledge. AND a bit of an ego trip. The wise have learned some humility and do not speak of it.

    Learn and observe...that will make you wise. But lose the "I have great wisdom to impart" thing.

  9. Spiritchalist

    Spiritchalist Member

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    I guess this thread is only another step onto the path.

    I apologize for my self-proclaimed wisdom that I see now I don't have. I am young, in fact, and glad I'm learning this lesson sooner than later.

    Perhaps what I meant to say, rather than not having a fellow soul to impart wisdom upon, is that I don't have a fellow soul to reap wisdom with.

    Thanks everyone, I think I've already heard what I needed to.

  10. zencoyote

    zencoyote Member

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    Now that shows some wisdom! You're on your way.

  11. NotDeadYet

    NotDeadYet Not even close.

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    Most people have to learn by their own experience. You want to help them, but you really can't, because they are not ready to listen. There is nothing that you can do about it. Just embrace your own life experience, feel joy from it, and do not consider yourself selfish when circumstances prevent you from sharing it in a meaningful way. Opportunities will come to you, in their own time.
  12. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

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    I hope that your ending statement doesn't mean that you have stopped looking or listening.

    To me, life is about learning...there is always more to learn no matter how much you know. Those whom I have learned the most from are those who show me their lessons rather than those who tell me.
  13. Kathryn O

    Kathryn O Member

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    i started working with the Law of Attraction many decades ago and attracted that what I seek into my life, including types of people I needed.
  14. Varuna

    Varuna Senior Member

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    Keep doing it. The real challenge is communicating your wisdom. The wisdom may not change, but the expression of it certainly does.
  15. dormouse

    dormouse Member

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    so okay, ya get humbled out a little. every self honest person needs help with that now and then. but hey! that doesn't mean you don't truly have wisdoms to impart. lay em on us, kiddo and let us relate to your groove.
  16. white dove

    white dove Member

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    can you still see with ur eyes closed, or talk with out a mouth shut, its not fair to impair ur self with such a bourden, Wisdom is wise but can lead to ur demise, im diging you want to help ppl, but you cant help thoes who dont help them selfs, when its time you will see, just dont get stung by that killer bee, let life take shape and fall into place , trust ur self man, peace
  17. bearfeet

    bearfeet Member

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    we're all wise...it's in everyone of us, but there are always two sides to a whole...the "deaf" arn't all they seem, they subconciously are choosing not to listen, theyre protecting themselves...sometimes lying to yourself is the easy thing to do

    clothes, looks, popularity;false fulfillment is numbing to the reality we all must one day accept

    this earth is a test for everyone of us, why are you here?...

    I like the buddhist philosophy that when you truly accept that you know nothing, you know everything. instead of talking, try listening and you will learn from the "deaf"

    humility is key
  18. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    "When knowledge is desired ,a teacher will appear."Carlos Castenada.--Simple,but so true.From both directions.
  19. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    Here's my 2 cents worth. Only volunteer your wisdom when asked. I know it's ironic since nobody asked me.

    "To know that all of our knowledge is ignorance is truly a noble insight,"
    -Lao Tzu
  20. Lemongait

    Lemongait Member

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    Deafness falls on wise ears.

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