CWE and inject Vicodin?

Discussion in 'Opiates' started by watson78, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. watson78

    watson78 Member

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    Can you cold water extract vicodin and then inject it?
    Thoughts, ideas, etc?
    so far Ive heard it's not good to inject, due to the tylenol and such. Is that the only reason? And if so, can I CWE or some other method to separate it well enough to inject?
  2. Oxyrisin

    Oxyrisin Member

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    No you can't, It dosen't work that way with Hydrocodone.
    Just eat them or CWE them
  3. SashaK

    SashaK Tangerine Skies

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    yea i agree with oxy JUST EAT THEM. and dont snort it., its just a waste of vicodin
  4. The Mushroom Man

    The Mushroom Man Member

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    Sorry to sound like a noob, but what does CWE mean?
  5. goofydrummer

    goofydrummer Senior Member

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    Cold water extraction
  6. Shocbomb

    Shocbomb Member

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    No you can not CWE inject Vicoden that question has been brought up on hear so many times in the past, Well Yeah there are ways to inject lower form pain killers that are not water soluble but I am not going to tell you how to do it becasue its so dam unsafe and not worth it at all.unless you want to die within 3 to 5 years from a whole list of nasty ass medical conditions then go inject all the non water soluble pills you want becasu it will fuck you up real fast. The CWE does not get out 100% all the binders and fillers will fuck up your body to no extent real fast aslo from injecting them. The Doctor at my Methadone clinic was telling us some fucked up Horror stories about people he treated who were IV users with a history of shooting up pills with binders and fillers in them so mae messed uop shit happens and it happens real fast. You are better off going out and huffing spray paint and model glue then you are shooting up low end opiate pills.Its buy fat the dumbest thing to do, Even doing it ounce can fuck up your body is possibly even kill you if the shit does not pass threw your heart or lungs or gets stuck or goes to your brain and gives you a aneurysm its not water solube and does not disolve into your blood so this is why it fucks you up.And like said those are just a few of about 1000 medical problems that can happen to you from it.Just go look up how bad it is to inject any pills with binders and fillers it opiate based or speed based pills on the net there is info on it ounce you read what it does you will never ever think of even doing it.
  7. watson78

    watson78 Member

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    I was just asking....I asked before I had done more in depth research-so, sorry it bothered anybody so much that Id asked. I understand that injecting pills is dangerous, and that you can ever make sure anything is free of all the extra crap they shove into them these days.
    Reguardless, why is doing a cold water extraction or any other separation tecnique better for injesting? I am only figuring that, that way you can take more if you remove a lot of the tylenol to help your liver and make you less sick.....true?
  8. deathofseasons

    deathofseasons Member

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    Shooting pills is fucking dumb. If your worried about your liver that much get some narcos or some other hydrocodone pill without acetamenophen in them and just eat them. If you want to inject go with heroin or if you HAVE to do it with a pill at least do it with oxycontin.
  9. Shocbomb

    Shocbomb Member

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    injecting all pills is not dangerous just pills that are not water souble and are filled with binders and fillers and those are usally lower end not powerful pain killers like Vicoden,Loratab,Hydrocodone,Demeral,Codeine,
    Percodan,percoset,etc. High end pain killers like OC's,Dilaudid,Morphine,
    some Ms Contins etc same thing with amphetamine type pills you should not shoot up lower end ones like Ritalin,Adderall,etc but the high end speedy pills that are powerful and don't have all the dam binders and fillers and are water soluble you can shoot like Desoxyn,Dexedrine,etc. so its not all pills are bad to inject only certain ones. And the bottom line is the lower form non potent pills are not even worth slaming its just so dam pointless.
  10. watson78

    watson78 Member

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    So, why is CWE vicoden from the APAP any better?(for injesting that is) Are the effects better?
  11. kil0

    kil0 The Rebel

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    not better, but not worse. The APAP destroys your liver.
  12. Oxyrisin

    Oxyrisin Member

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    It hits ya a little faster but the reason you do a cwe is cause you get most of the APAP out.. but you can't get it all out cause APAP is also soulable in water a little bit..
    You only need to do a CWE if you take more than 400mgs of APAP in a day..
    I take 2150mgs a day of APAP now for 3 years and my liver and kidneys are still in excellent shape.. I get tested every 6 months
  13. Verisimilitude

    Verisimilitude Member

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    to the OP:

    listen to Oxy. taking large amounts of acetaminophen(aka APAP aka Tylenol) is really the most dangerous part of the low end opiate pills (percocet, vicodin, etc) because taking more than about 2000mgs a day is dangerous, and taking anything exceeding 4000mgs a day is just plain dumb. If you are just taking a few vic's or perc's a day then don't worry about it unless you are going to be doing it for a long period of time, but if the total APAP content of your pills will exceed 4000mgs a day or so, do a CWE and save your liver and kidneys the damage. The last thing you want is to need a liver transplant five years down the road.

    Get High - Be Safe,

  14. watson78

    watson78 Member

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    besides the whole tylenol and your liver thing being a reason to extract it....
  15. Huser

    Huser Guest

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    i just buy some kodone pills(7.5 mg of hydrocodone and 325 of APAP) what are the effects thats pill are suppossed to do? i just get nausea and drowzines, are those effects produce by the APAP? if i do the CWE, what effects hydrocodone have? how many pills will be safe to crush? when i get the bitter liquid and after i drink it, what effects it will produce?
  16. AcidConspiracy

    AcidConspiracy Member

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    hydrocodone is water soluable, APAP is not.
    Hydrocodone is injectable.
    oxycodone is better.
    the process to injeect your vicodin would be to get about 20 of them, crush them up, do a cold water extraction, evaporate, then do a warm water extraction with a filter. you may have to evaporate and filter AGAIN after that to get the 200mgs of hydro to fit into the syringe and by this time you have wasted so much time you might as well have just ate the pills or drank the CWE water.

    don't try to slam your vicodin.
  17. Shocbomb

    Shocbomb Member

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    hydrocodone should not be injected at all its just as dam dangerous as injecting other lower form pain killers like vicoden,Loratab,Darvocet,etc. I don't care if you use the Cold water extraction and run the shit threw a wheel filter 20 times over its still not safe and its going to have binders and fillers in it which no matter what which totaly fuck up your liver,lungs,Heart etc. Jesus how many times are we going to have to say on hear that shooting up and kind of dam pills that are not water soluble is fucking dangerous and should not be done. Shit for those people who are shooting up shitty low yield opiate pills and can't wait until you get a bag of dope or some higher end opiate pills to shoot your ass needs some major help and should check into the nearest Rehab asap !!!! It just makes no sence to me and is pretty much funny at this point becasue if you want to Fuck up your insides like most of your main rgans and lets also mention they eat threw and blow out your veins and if you miss forget about it will give you a real nasty infection,well thats the least of your problems then shooting pills with binders and fillers considering all the major problems they casue that can lead to death in a short period of time if not death some major health problems that will stick with you for the rest of your life. And another thing thats makes no sence and I always have wondered why people don't see this its a shitty dam high/rush. I still could not see doing it if the high and rush from shooting them was like the best Afghan dope ever but its not even a 2 on the opiate high scale and there is no rush at all. The end result is Just eat the dam things. UNREAL that people keep brining this up time and time again on hear and other forums.
  18. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Injecting a CWE of Hydrocodone just seems like a horrible idea. Injecting pills to begin with is a risky practice, and injecting the leftovers of an extracting seems even worse.

    If you are going to waste your veins injecting something, inject something that is worth something that has a LOW bioavailaibility. Hydrocodone/Oxycodone/Methadone all have very high oral you are better off to take them by mouth or the intranasal route, then by injecting them.

    Hydromorphone/Morphine and some others, have HORRIBLE bioavailability when taken orally or the intranasal route, so when you IV them you are going to get quite a rush...but not so much with others like Oxy and Hydro.

    CWE is to take the tylenol/APAP out so you can take them orally, it's not a practice that you should do so you can snort/inject the remaining substance.
  19. Guitar

    Guitar Senior Member

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    ^ Isn't only 60-70 percent of oxycodone absorbed when snorting oxy? With shooting it it'd be like 95-100 percent? So thats a pretty big difference.
  20. Guitar

    Guitar Senior Member

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    I wouldn't even bother doing a cwe on those, from reading your posts you seem unexperienced with opiates. The nausea and drowziness is from the hydrocodone, thats some of the side effects. Only do a CWE if you plan on eating more than 10 at once.

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