Precession of the Equinox

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by Zhyppers, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Zhyppers

    Zhyppers Member

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    I heard that the Precession of the Equinox was important in Astology. How does it effect us with our daily lifes?
    Also, when does the Age of Aquarius begin?
  2. taurusNate

    taurusNate Member

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    It's not all that important to western astrologers, it just means that the signs are out-of-sync with the starry constellations that gave them their names.

    If I where to consider what constellation my Sun was in when I was born, I should have been a strong Aries, but that is SO not me :rolleyes: In western astrology we divide the path of the sun arbitrarily to 12 equal measures starting with the point of the vernal equinox. In sidereal they divide it more closely with the locations of the constellations....

    It's interesting to know, but really inconsequential to our work
  3. Enlil6

    Enlil6 Member

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    It's important if you practice traditional astrological techniques. When you are talking about signs, houses, and the placement of planets you use tropical signs. If you do anything with fixed stars, and one often does in traditional, then you use the true placement of the stars. Tropical signs only really affect the signs and not the planets. So you can have a tropical sign chart with Jupiter in a tropical sign but have it conjunct a fixed star sidereally.
  4. Bl4ck3n3D

    Bl4ck3n3D Member

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    The Age of Aquarius began Friday, March 21st, 2008.
  5. taurusNate

    taurusNate Member

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    By most calculations the age of Aquarius is to begin sometime around 2600
    The vernal equinox is currently in Pisces, so we are still in the age of Pisces - religion matters, self-sacrifice (terrorism), suckling on the fantasies of television and other virtual realities....
    Approximate location of the vernal equinox:
  6. radareyes

    radareyes Member

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    Some say that as the influences of an astrological age begin to subside, there's a resurgence of the cultural themes that characterized it. I believe much of what you describe, TaurusNate, is simply indicative of this period of "darkness before dawn" that most likely always precipitates the advent of a new age.

    What's more, I think one could make an equally compelling argument that the characteristic traits of the Aquarian Age are becoming more and more prevalent. The internet represents the establishment of an unprecedented level of global awareness, cultural influences that used to be confined to specific regions of the Earth are becoming more and more intermingled, and humanitarian efforts intended to equally distribute our collective resources are now much more commonplace.

    Perhaps more important than pinpointing an exact date of the onset of the Age of Aquarius, however, is taking into account the fact that astrological ages last for a couple of millenia, and as a result transition over the course of at least 100 years or so. Whether or not that 100 year period has already occurred or is just now beginning would probably best be answered by the psychically attuned.

  7. taurusNate

    taurusNate Member

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  8. radareyes

    radareyes Member

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    Yes, but like I said, we are in a transitional period. 1/5 of the world's population could easily be consistent with an early phase of the Aquarian Age's influence. Nor does that statistic detract from my other two examples, either.

  9. taurusNate

    taurusNate Member

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    I'm afraid that there may still be an end play to the Piscean age.... there's so much religious resentment in the world :(
  10. Zhyppers

    Zhyppers Member

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    From the last few age transitions

    Gemini to Taurus - Flood
    Taurus to Picies - Jesus
    Picies to Aquaries - I don't know but the Christian doctorine is sort of scary.

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