So the next dominant race after humans....

Discussion in 'The Future' started by dudeman99, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. dudeman99

    dudeman99 Member

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    Eventually the world will be non existant and the humans inhabiting it will all be gone. (unless we colonize new planets.) Humans are probably going to be extinct someday. In Millions of years after humans are gone what kind of beings do you think will inhabit the earth. There will be living creatures that evolve after us. Do you think smart creatures will rule the world again someday. I wish i could go into the future and find out. Peace.
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    nothing is carved in stone, save some hand carves it. of course if we hadn't become human some other form that looked a little different would have.

    we've been arround a few hundred thousand, the rocks a few billion. figgure it out.

  3. peaceful_son

    peaceful_son Member

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    hmmmm that's a good question man, the first species that comes to mind would be a species of ape or monkey, depending on if they still excist. If not them then possibly dolphins or a species of whale. But it's tough man, maybe we under-estimate a lot of species, given enough time any one species could evolve to be dominate. This is an awesome thread by the way, something i'm really interested in.

  4. Glen_Quagmire

    Glen_Quagmire Member

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    Actually supposedly squids are supposed to be the next animal that will supposedly achieve near human intellect. According to some scientists, some squids will migrate onto land and live there.
  5. peaceful_son

    peaceful_son Member

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    Hahaha man you could be right, from what documentarys i've seen a lot of octopie and cuttlefish species display a great amount of intelligence. And the people working with these animals were raving about the discoveries they had made while working with them.

  6. Nicksteckler10

    Nicksteckler10 Member

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    whoa I saw some show the other day called "The Future is Wild" and it pretty much showed possible answers to this question and it showed this one sea creature that they expect to exist in like a couple hundred thousand years and its called the "Ocean Phantom" and it was a combination of like 10 different organisms and animals and they were just like a badass team of killers and spiders and stuff! yeaH!
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what sort of creature will evolve to fill the niche we leave vacant when our own finally bites it, will depend on what sort of conditions we will have left for it to evolve into.

    yes there are a number of now living species that might be prime source stock, but by the time that time comes, they'll be no more recognizable from today's living ancestors of their future, then we are, from the protohominids of our own ancient past.

    it really just depends on the specifics of what particular kind of mess we leave behind in the proccesss of doing ourselves in.

    i love to think of a world with intelligent beings prettier then us half ugly primates, and still covered in our own floofy fur. but that's just what some of us dream of. what natures does, consists partially of rolling dice. more specificly rolling dice every time a stray cosmic ray partical passess through someone who will subsiquently mate, and then keeping the die rolls that work.

    that's how they say, we got here, whatever may have set the proccess in motion and wrote the algorythim for it in the first place.

  8. Suib

    Suib Musical Journeyman

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    This is a great thought, i couldn't really come up with a prediction due to the fact that when humans do finally go extinct, nature will have no through so many evolutional changes that no one can say for certain.
  9. Naoki_ninja

    Naoki_ninja Bruce Lee's hero

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    i say cows......
  10. stigmerica

    stigmerica Member

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    If human beings somehow reappeared... otherwise I don't think there will be one; everything else will always be part of the circle, and we will always be outside of that circle unless we wake up in a major way, which is unlikely.

    Just think Smith's line from The Matrix.
  11. nakedtreehugger

    nakedtreehugger craaaaaazy

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    i think it'll be the dolphins.
  12. zilla939

    zilla939 Thought Police Lifetime Supporter

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    i'm down with the dolphins, there's certainly a great deal more salt water than fresh. it's possible we'll run out of land before they run out of water, what with the ice caps melting and all ;)
    i suppose it's survival of the fittest. the dominant species on this planet will prevail and evolve to suit their surroundings. whether humans will be able to adapt is up for debate as we seem to have a habit of making our surroundings (and ourselves for that matter) adapt to the reality we create. we are like this essentially because we learned to create excess - agriculture created surplus which led to population increase and trade and made language necessary - and i believe this quality of us has the potential to doom or save us. if we survive, it will probably be at the expense of multitudes of other species of living things on this planet... it's already happening.
    in any case, we seem to be evolving much more rapidly mentally than we are physically... maybe one day we'll just be brains and eyes in a robot body [​IMG]
  13. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree the Dolphin will reign supreme [​IMG]


  14. dudeman99

    dudeman99 Member

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    Cool thoughts.
    Yea if humans do survive for a long time we will change so much. Like we might just lose our sluggish bodies and become super smart brains.
    But i think most land creatures will die soon with the sun changing and all. It will be too cold or hot. But miles down in the ocean where they are totally dependant from the sun something will evolve i think. I had oceonography last year and we studied cuttlefish and they are supposedly wicked smart.
    Wouldnt it be cool if they became sentient and created cities and aircraft and spacecraft and migrated onto earth and could talk with us. They would have such vast areas and recourses in the sea.
    I think if we ever find creatures from another planet they will be underwater creatures.
    I wish humans had gills...
  15. WanderingSoul

    WanderingSoul Free

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    About the dolphins....... did you guys ever see that Simpsons episode?
  16. dudeman99

    dudeman99 Member

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    lol they take over and then everyone in springfield is just chillin in the ocean
  17. zilla939

    zilla939 Thought Police Lifetime Supporter

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    cuttlefish might need hands and a larynx first
  18. dudeman99

    dudeman99 Member

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    they have long arms with tentacles which are way better at hands.
    they can change the color and texture of thier skin to blend in.
    they have a large arm that can shoot out to grab fish like a frog.

    they can also communicate with thier brains and move objects with thier minds.
  19. drew5147

    drew5147 Dingledodie

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    Squid People!
  20. CloudFlower

    CloudFlower Member

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    Have you ever seen planet of the apes?

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