Diphenhydramine Tablets vs. Capsules

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by dxmer555, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. dxmer555

    dxmer555 Member

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    Is there any difference between thes two? The tablets I bout were 50 cents more than the capsules and yet had 100 tablets vs. 24 capsules. Also I looked and they both have Diphenhydramine hydrochloride as there only active ingredient. Also each tablet contained 25mg of the substance and the capsules contained 25mg of it too. So why it would be 50 cents more for 4x the amount?

    I colered the important parts as you can see, but I just want to know is there really any difference between these two other than once inside a capsule and the others a tablet? Tablets are ment to be sallowed not chewed im assuming?

    Just thought I'd ask a question while here ive heard of people taking high does everyday for long periods of times, but I was wondering do you build up a tolerance to this drug fast and do you also lose that tolerance fast? An if it helps I've always had a relitvily low tolerance to drugs and I'm happy about that.
  2. cdn

    cdn Member

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    brand name perhaps? or were they the same make?
  3. dxmer555

    dxmer555 Member

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    They were the same brand they were made by TopCare which seems to be a generic verison of Benadryl because on there packing it says qualitly is compared to then it says either the benadryl capsule or benadryl tablet. I think even the benadryl tablet one only had like 30 tablets. Anyways the tablets for tobcare had 25mg of diphenhydramine per tablet so itds just be like the capsule so im wondering what the difference is?
  4. dxmer555

    dxmer555 Member

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    I just opened the bottle up and there smaller bright neon pink tablets.
  5. dxmer555

    dxmer555 Member

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    So are they the same... its not that hard to say yes or no.
  6. dxmer555

    dxmer555 Member

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    ..anyone? -.-
  7. JahRed24

    JahRed24 Member

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    dude holy crap Dephenhydramine is the same whether its in a capsule or tablet form.... The only difference in the two is that the capsules may dissolve and be absorbed a tad bit quicker (meaning you'll feel them faster). But the difference will be so nominal that you won't notice a difference anyways so just get the cheaper ones... And if ur planning on 'tripping' on Diphenhydramine then ur in for a shitty experience, ive never heard anyone actually enjoy the experience of tripping on Diphenhydramine Hydrocholride..
  8. dxmer555

    dxmer555 Member

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    I didn't mind the experience the first time, but yes I would rather have a trip on shrooms or lsd but I don't have any money right now so I can't go get some.

    Also does 100mg make a difference? Because the first time i took this drug was in a capsule form and in about 2-3 hours i started trippin pretty good on 550mg and saw some crazy hallucinations.

    But the 2nd time i took em (only done it twice) it was a tablet and i look 425 or 450 mgs worth and it took a while to kick in but still had a good time i just had a logical thinking if you just slow yourself down for a second. Just was wondering because of that if even 75-100mgs can really cause you to lose touched with real and fake visions.
  9. guitarist621

    guitarist621 Guest

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    ha fuck u both take 40 of those little pink fuckers and tell me if u have evr tripped fucking balls like that evr before there r ways to control ur high and wen you learn how its actually a pretty fun and cheap way to get high fuck that triple C's or cough syrup shit ive had 4 friends die from that shit but not a single on out of 12 from benadryl as long as u can control it

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