
Discussion in 'Home Schooling' started by HADLEYCHICK, Jun 29, 2007.



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    Organization has always been a weak point with me and I think, in worder to be a succesful homeschooler, one must conquer those tendencies. I endeavor to spend the weekend conquering the little tornados lying everywhere.

    I have been reading a Thomas Jefferson Education and considering the fact that I no longer challenge my brain. I don't stretch my reasoning to wrap itself firmly against philosophical treatises and I haven't since college.

    This week I quit my job- giving myself the time and permission to relax and deal in a systematic manner with all the things that I routinely neglect when my job at home is not my primary focus in life. I let the dishes go, the counters get cluttered. I put off the mental sorting that must be done to keep me functioning at an optimal level. And, I forget to pay attention to R. When I finally have the time to settle my efforts on spending time with R I am alway trying to catch up on something else at the same time. It is quite frustrating. like rushing and artist or artistic experience- being in a museum and swept past the Monets by an overly engaging crowd.

    With that restructuring a refocus on homeschooling should surge forth from the household.

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