In God we trust

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by Sign Related, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. Sign Related

    Sign Related The Don Killuminati

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    Do you trust in God? How do you feel about "In God we trust" being on our monies then? Should it stay there or not? And why so or why not? Think it'll be taken off one day?
  2. FreakerSoup

    FreakerSoup Stranger

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    No, and I'm against it. I think it is unrepresentative of the spirit of our country and unacceptable on our money.
  3. rebelfight420

    rebelfight420 Banned

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    It is a establishment of religon which is forbaded in the bill of rights
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i trust in diversity being the nature of reality, and not in anything that demonizes everything that refuses to kiss the ass of little green pieces of paper.

    as for money, that is a concept that has as finite a life time as any mortal being. by that i don't mean that some idiology will succeed in putting an end to it, but rather its obsolescence will come about in the natural course of events, just like anything else.

    certainly i have more faith in what i can't see not stabbing me in the back then i do in anything that i can. not an absolute faith in either case. but if you think about it a little, it does seem like a perfectly reasonable one.

  5. taxrefund90

    taxrefund90 Member

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    this slogan on our money isn't the real problem, the real problem is biblical absolutists here and abroad. and to an economist the problem is its worth, not what it says. and to others, they'd rather read it more often than never see it in their lives. it's honestly not that offensive to me. it's like atlas at the Rockefeller, if that is an appropriate analogy.
  6. Eugene

    Eugene Senior Member

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    the only reason that they put it on money in the first place was to show how much better we were than the communists. i'm pretty sure god doesn't like that (something about using his name in vain).
    so... in the remote possibility that there is an afterlife all those god-fearing american christians will (hopefully) burn with the rest of us rotten sinners. :)

    i say keep it.
  7. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    Im not exactly certain why it was put on the money in the first place. Were I around during the time the decision it was made, I would definitely have to ask, "why?". I would then propose that we instead put something like, "in the wizard of oz we trust". And see how they responded to that.
    You know what? personally I dont care if you want to put in the wizard of oz we trust on our money. It still works the same way. You can get away with this because simply putting those words on the dollar doesn't interfere with our freedom of religion rights. I can't think of any reason why putting "in the wizard of oz we trust" interferes with our freedom of religion. I cant think of any reason why we should fight against anything so ridiculous and absurd.
    We could also try to get andrew jackson taken off the 20 dollar bill for being a fucking asswhole and exterminating the natives in the trail of tears. What good will that do us? There are still many natives in this country who have to everyday look at his face on the 20 dollar bill. Perhaps they need to start a campaign to get him removed.
    Problem is if we keep wasting our time and efforts on how the nation's currency looks, we are going to do so at the expense of more important issues.
  8. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    It certainly doesn't belong on our money. Hasn't always been there, either:

    "In 1956, the nation was at a particularly tense time in the Cold War, and the United States wanted to distinguish itself from the Soviet Union, which promoted state atheism.[17] As a result, the 84th Congress passed a joint resolution "declaring IN GOD WE TRUST the national motto of the United States." The law was signed by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, and the motto was progressively added to paper money over a period from 1957 to 1966.[14] (Public Law 84-851)[18] The United States Code at 36 U.S.C. ยง 302, now states: "'In God we trust' is the national motto."

    Anyhow, while I don't think it ought to be there, I'm not going to be one of those people who makes a huge stink about it and tried to protest. But I certainly wouldn't mind to see it eliminated.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    in god we trust. all others pay cash!

    and not in what anyone thinks they know about whatever they call "god" either.
  10. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    I think it is just the trust that God exists, like the difference between matter making sense as different in a physical explanation from material reality, in a legalized cops being out there capable of arresting you way. The French legal tenders, I think, have a different representation.:biker:
  11. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    The slogan originated during the war of 1812 (in one of the stanzas to the Star Spangled banner), and was first put on coins during the U.S. Civil War. Apparently, war, Cold or hot, is an occasion when Americans want to show that God is on our side.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well i think it is a sacralige of any belief to print anything about belief on money.

    in god we trust, all others pay cash.

    do i trust god? i trust there are things greater then ourselves.

    i don't trust the ego that tells us to pretend we know what they are.
  13. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I trust in God, but I don't think the sentiment should be on our money. As others have said, it violates separation of church and state under the First Amendment, but beyond that it violates Jesus' teachings about public displays of religiosity. Politics got it onto our money. Mixing money (Mammon), politics and religion is a perversion of faith--ultimately blasphemous and sacrilegious.
  14. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    .... come on, accept for one thing. From the Secular point of view, money does act as the maintaining means for "secularism" appropriate. It permits the independence of church action from state action by not having churches at taxation. What exactly realizes sharing will in the commonwealth? Is it possibly not the context of a reserve fund for failures in the economy to receive support from the religions to go on supporting one another.

    I don't know. How does communism per christianity really work? "In God we trust." is out of date for the concept of liberty and equality.:sunny:
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    it isn't just 'jesus', its EVERY religious belief. aside from that technicality, i completely agree with you.

    its basically calling every dollar bill the same thing christ, mohammid, budha, krishna, lao tsu, and every other source of religious belief.

    its basically saying, here is money, this is the official religion of the state.
  16. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    If I had to put a slogan on my money, it would be:
    "Redeemable for ten hours of Chinese labor or one small coffee".

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    For me:-
    God / Goddesses of choice, are there for and to Aid and Assist - Taking charge of ones self-driven ambitions, goals, aspirations etc. is a fate within our own hands :)
  18. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    ive always thought it's more like "In money we trust"
  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    the almighty dollar, eh? lol
  20. celebrating

    celebrating Member

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    I read the phrase "IN GOD WE TRUST" will no longer be on the Dollar Bill.

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