How can god not exist?

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by nephthys, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. veinglory

    veinglory Member

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    Open it is Paint (comes free with windows) and use the 'stretch/skew' function.
  2. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Since you know absolutely nothing about me or my life, I consider this to be just an indication of the obvious ego problem you are manifesting here in this forum. Money doesn't buy knowledge, and I am fortunate enough to live in a country where one doesn't have to pay exhorbitant sums to attend university.

    Even so, the fact that one has taken this or that course or has gained a particular qualification does not in my quite varied experience of life, neccesarily equate with any real understanding of anything beyond a narrow academic field.

    As for 'what I intend to do with my life' - for all you know I could be 70 years old and have already lived it. I think you should engage that so expensively educated brain of yours before posting.
  3. J_Lazarus

    J_Lazarus Member

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    I didn't finish reading the first page. By a quick glimpse at the last pages it seems the topic has shifted from the original - and the point I make here might already have been addressed.

    When an atheist says "A God does not exist" - they do not mean it to say that a "God does not exist in a person's imagination" but rather, "A God does not exist externally in reality". Certainly a person can imagine "God" (in numerous subjective senses) - but that is not relevant to the atheistic position, nor really to the theistic position.

    The god-question is not concerned with dumb inquiries about what someone can conconct in their minds - but whether a particular concept exists as something in external and objective reality.

    - J Laz
  4. Pablo

    Pablo Member

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    You are right, god does exist in the same sence that cap'n crunch exists. But if cap'n crunch told me to kill, i don't think i would listen...hmmm. Or to anything else he told me to change about my life for that matter.

    now if you'll excuse me, me an the cap'n are gonna make it hap'n.
  5. Warisfortheweakminde

    Warisfortheweakminde Member

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    Hey um I'm a little late but heres my fifty pence,

    As you said God exists in our minds as do concepts, however all Ibeleive as an atheist is that, while the concept of god(s) exists within the human imagination, an external or palpable God does not in our reality exist, only in the form of concepts and imagination.

    So yes the concept of god exists , as (one of my atheist peers pointed out) does the concept of santa, the tooth fairy andm indeed Elvis Presley. :rolleyes:
  6. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    Doesn't those gossip/trash papers at the store check-out lines have stoies about seeing Elvis or Kennedy alive sometimes? Seems like I've seen stories about people having alien babies too, and "the Ark" surprised I can't remember a story about seeing Moses with the ark. So maybe they can (or may have already) write a story on how GOD and the Easter bunny can really exist, so we can all buy that...story & the paper.
  7. Razorofoccam

    Razorofoccam Banned

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    Occam would dearly love to hear the story of how Noah got 2 million species+ and their food for 40 days and nights. Into a wooden craft his family built.

    Or why god created the world to look like it was not created.

    Or why a hell is required.

  8. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    anything and everything we are capable of immagining
    is capable both of existing and not existing and quite likely
    in at least some cases both at the same time.

    such are the paradoxes created not by reality's diversity
    but by the imperfect mechanics of language

    one thing that i never feel i can or have expressed often
    and fully enough is my dissaggreement with the notion that
    anything HAS to exist in order to do so!

    there is certainly no natural requirement for nontangable
    forces and beings to not exist

    and just as certainly none for them
    to resemble in any way shape or manor
    anything anyone has ever believed or immagined
    about them

    i do not believe we know or are even capable of knowning:
    the limits, if any, of what can or cannot exist. if indeed
    it is even possible for anything to be either incapable of
    existing OR required to do so.

  9. yazzi

    yazzi Member

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    wow, most arguments FOR god were never convincing to me. it seems to me that your beliefs and ways of thinking are incredibly intellectual. most people who do believe in god are *ucking ignorant.
  10. dna

    dna Member

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    :) You would?
    check it out!

    Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his/her heart,There is no God.
    Psalm 10:3,4 The man greedy for gain curses and renounces
    The Lord. In the pride of his countenance the wicked does not
    seek him;all his thoughts are,"There is no God"

    I often wonder what the atheists think of the laws that are
    going to be passed against those who cannot tolerate the
    religious beliefs of others,and what are they going to do when
    they are forced to become part of the religious system when all religions are united together?
    Most will no doubt conform. Have you known many atheists
    who will die for what they claim they believe?
    Atheists love sin,and they know it. No secret there,duh!
  11. dna

    dna Member

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    :) No,I think it would be awful hard to beat you and your lil'
    side kick!
    you little friend means the Lake of fire,not hell.
    Yes,there is a price to pay for sin.
    You need to face that fact,or keep on getting deeper
    into you miserable life of nothingness.
    One day,even your knee will bow. Thats a promise!
  12. LuciferSam

    LuciferSam Member

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    Sheesh... you don't seem very tolerant of atheists yourself. How is it at all tolerant to force people to join a religious system? I'm curious as to how you predict the fate of agnostics like myself. And my God but you have some real batty predictions for the future, I'm sorry but you do. All religions united together?? What in the world leads you to that conclusion. I'm guessing you're assuming everything will be united under the aegis of Christianity or something too.
  13. dna

    dna Member

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    :sunglasse Hey,as long as you are going to mix paganism with God's
    word,you are no different than Constantine and it's wrong.
    It was the pagans who added christmas,easter,ect.....
    not the true christians,but your problems are way bigger
    than that. Atheists are losing the fight because religious
    tolerance is growing and it's the new trend today.
    You have to be tolerant of everyones religious views and
    soon laws will be passed to support it.
    study history alot better and learn what the truth is.
    yes,the religious system today has gone back to being
    pagan like in the days of the power of the roman universal
    church,but it's totally ignorant to blame that on true christians. The only true holy days are in the bible,but we are
    no longer under the laws of the holy days,we do not have to
    do them any longer,it is Jesus Christ who saves us and our faith
    in him.We change naturally as our faith grows,so we do good
    willingly not forcefully.
    You are not omni present so you certainly cannot say God
    doesn't exist.
    The fool says in his/her heart that there is no God!
  14. dna

    dna Member

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    :) to assume makes an ass out of "U" and "ME" whoever your
    me is at the time.
    "Holy so called War" is about what?
    The religions are already talking about uniting together for
    Global peace. If you are not tolerant of the religious views
    of others,you'll be arrested by the law. Thats really gonna
    happen. These are not my words. I didn't create it.
    I am not making any predictions here.
    The NWO and the Global religious system are already under
    way now. "They will have a form of Godliness,yet they denie
    the power". These words are really coming true today.
    I didn't say it would be the true church at all. It will be a
    false church united all religions together to form one global
    church.I guess it's the churches so called efforts to promote
    peace and religious tolerance. The Pope is all for it,so Mother
    Harlot and her daughters are going to reunite back together.
    If you cannot accept religion,you'll be seen as a threat and a
    possible terrorist. Hey,I won't be accepted either just because
    I believe Jesus is the "ONLY" way to God. The Global church
    will be saying that there is many ways to God.

  15. dna

    dna Member

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    :cool: You could be a victim of a crime if you keep going the way
    you are. Who cares who attacked who? This is your life man!
    Do you want the Government to be your boss?
    The I.D. chip is already being used on mexicans in Mexico.
    Lighten up and learn whats goin' on!!!
  16. dna

    dna Member

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    :H God lives,and you can also see that by nature and the design in everything on this earth and the Heavens.
    BTW,christians don't say the earth is flat,they say it's
    round just like the bible says,and just because the word
    sphere isn't in there doesn't mean squat!
  17. dna

    dna Member

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    :sunglasse Excuse me,but you are not all knowing or omni-present,and
    for you to make that statement,you'd certainly need to be.
    Creation is proof of God,and the fact that prophecy is happening
    every day now,but you'd know that if you knew the bible.
    The bible said that Israel would be a nation again,but many
    of the christians from a little past 50 years ago and before that
    thought the bible meant it spiritually,not literally,yet Israel did
    become a nation again,and it did it in just one day under some very strange circumstances.

      1. Israel
      2. The war between the children or Sarah & Hagar.
      3. Babylon and the war with Iraq
      4. Pagan religion growing faster
      5. religious freedom and tolerance
      6. war against terrorists
      7. the cry for global peace
      8. Globalization
      9. I.D. chip and tracking devices
      10. camera's everywhere you go
      11. The plan for a New World Order
    If you look on a one dollar bill,you'll see that this new world
    order plan was started long ago.
    you'll see the words under the piramid with the all seeing eye
    written in latin,:new world order.
  18. dna

    dna Member

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    :sunglasse The conflict with Israel is no accident for all these years.
    God is using this nation to show the world who he is.
    The wars with Israel are ancient. This war is between the two
    1/2 brother's Ishmael and Isaac. Son's of Abraham. One was the son God promised (Isaac) and one by the flesh( Ishmael)
    The hatred of the jew's was no accident. Yes,they did stray from God,some of them,but many religious groups who didn't really
    understand the bible thought that the jew's killed Jesus. Only
    some of the jew's did,not all of them. Thats one of the excuses
    Hitler used to kill so many of them and the true christians.
    Hitler was into occultic practices,but he also claimed he was a
    true catholic.
    Satan of course hates all jewish people because Jesus come
    through their race and people,and so did the Gospel.
    The hatred towards the jews was no accident.
    The romans actually did the killing of Jesus on the cross,but
    only the jews were blamed. Thats not right. Many Jew's did
    believe in Jesus and many still do.
    look at the world now,people are not sure who to side with.,
    the jews or the Palestinians,and we see the world is growing
    more and more violent,so now there is a new peace plan to
    attempt to get the world to be a peaceful place.
    People said Iraq wouldn't literally rise back up in power again.
    They said it was to be taken spiritually,yet now we hear that
    some people want to help rebuild Iraq,which includes Babylon,
    though Saddam has rebuilt much of it already and threw some
    big parties there. The bible says it will one day be destroyed.
    That is going to happen one day.
    They say they also want Iraq to be a place for tourists,and
    Iraq controls a great deal of the oil.
    This ancient battle with Israel is really going to end as the
    bible says it will. People today want a literal interpretation
    of the bible,and we understand the bible more than we ever
    did before.
    I just hope that more people will listen and be saved.
  19. LuciferSam

    LuciferSam Member

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    Yes, it's so obvious that the Muslims and Jews and Christians all want to forget their differences and team up!:p You are nuts, I'm sorry. Even if some dingbats actually said those things, you're crazy if you believe it. Sure, there are parts of the worlds where religion wields a disproportionate amount of control, but you make it sound like every religion has some massive military force hiding undergound or something getting ready for a takeover.
  20. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    Religeon is used and abused .(by all the religeons that fight each other)..when actualy all men and women want is money and power . Religeon is used as a scapegoat for hate in all its forms. ... I feel sorry for the true believers getting caught in the middle.

    dna (this question is for all realy i guess)you would not kill for your beliefs would you ??? you think your beliefs and codes of practice are 100% right ??

    If the answer is NO then you can and should believe (in what you want) and accept the beliefs of all the people you meet.

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