Why do you smoke weed?

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Abyssinian, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Abyssinian

    Abyssinian Member

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    I considered posting this in Mental Health, considering the reasons that I myself am posting, but I'm expecting a wide variety of answers.

    I was having a chat with a friend of mine today and I'm officially worried about him. His job is incredibly stressful, and since his dealer has moved away a couple of months ago he's begun having nightmares about being at work, to name one of the less disturbing things I heard today! There are reasons that he cannot quit his job, but until now weed has helped him cope... and apparently prevented him from completely losing his mind.

    I've never liked the idea of anyone smoking weed daily, though I've accepted it by people in my life and honestly, who am I to judge? But in this case I honestly think it's a necessity.

    I mentioned I accepted it in my life, my mother managed to quit a long-term weed addiction recently due to an ADD diagnosis and the proper medication for it. So self medicating for ADD symptoms is a thing, turns out.

    Ahem, my stories are now over, promise.
    Why did you start? How did it affect you and your life (good and bad)? When and why did you stop (if ever)?
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  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    When it feels like a necessity to get through the day/week that actually seems one of the few reasons to get concerned about your daily weed smoking.
    I smoke weed for fun and relaxation. If I could not relax or have fun without weed I would definitely feel like I have a problem ;)
  3. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    Well as I think most people would relate, you start by just wanting to know what it is like to be high,

    but that was a much different motive than today. I like that there is something out there in nature that can make you happy, mellow, and fun and that it is easy to share with people. the social aspects of weed are incredible.

    I have come to the daily level now though and I do question sometimes why. But the stronger thought is "Why not?"
  4. kobechan

    kobechan Guest

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    I've been smoking daily for a few years now to help cope with stress.

    I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, it helps me keep a positive outlook on life, but I would probably have a car and health insurance if I didn't spend so much money on weed..
  5. Rivehn

    Rivehn Member

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    Beautiful rats btw! I have had a good amount of pet rats in my life! LOVE THEM.

    As for your question, I have to say it makes me appreciate things much more. I can honestly say it has changed my life. I'm 25 and i'v only started doing it last year. Use to hate anyone who did the stuff or anything related. One day i let loose and now i just do it while listening to music and thinking about how beautiful things really are.
  6. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    Why did I start?
    I was a kid looking for an escape, the high of weed more than satisfied that for a good while.
    However that's different than why I smoke it now.
    Nowadays I smoke just to chill out at home, watch TV, and be satisfied with not doing anything. It's nice on a rainy day:) Also, it really helps when i'm angry or depressed. It really helps me calm down and think about things instead of irrationally taking my emotions out. Or oftentimes as a social thing, with friends.
    How did it affect my life?
    Positive: Met many people through weed, aids me in meditation and looking at things from other perspectives, and helps get my creativity going when i'm at a block.
    Negative:The money i spend on it.
    I've stopped a few times for tolerance reasons but I'm back at it.
  7. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i have smoked weed pretty much daily for several years. so my answer is probably....because i have a habit of doing so.

    i enjoy it, i guess i use it when i want to relax..but i use it before a hard day's work too. there's really not many things i don't smoke weed before doing.

    going to the store? better get high first.
    watching a movie? might as well smoke first.

    i think i do have a little problem with weed. sometimes i think i wanna try quitting for awhile, just to prove i can...but then as soon as i run out of weed, i just get more. i buy it by the ounce so i only run out roughly every month.

    i've had legal issues because of weed. and i'm probably at the point where i have slight health issues too. like my nose tends to run a little after smoking...sometimes i have brown phlegm..you know, smoking is not healthy. it's also expensive like others have said, but i save money a lot of other ways. weed is a part of my budget, which kinda reflects how "addicted" i am to it.

    but after saying ALL that...it's like "how bad is it REALLY?!"

    i like it, it's my worst vice...i don't drink often or smoke cigs. sounds like a bunch of excuses, but there you have it.

    as far as positives from weed.
    it's fun, it's relaxing.

    it's shaped me in unknown ways, over the last 14 years (half of my life)

    my life is pretty good. sometimes i regret the amount of weed i smoked, but i don't know if i'd be the same person if i never did.
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  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    My parents make me.
  9. drawinginblank

    drawinginblank Member

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    I just tried it one day just to see what it was like.

    It was a nice feeling so I decided that it would be an okay thing to do every once in a while. I actually only get high about twice a month. Which a lot of people told me was not often. But it is enough for me.
  10. Abyssinian

    Abyssinian Member

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    I was just going to say thankyou for the comment on my rats, they are gorgeous x) But I do love your answer too!

    I agree on that front! You don't need an excuse. My vice is cigarettes, I'm 22 and I smoke a pack a day and it's part of my budget and I can almost feel it killing me some days. Cigarettes don't make me feel better in any respect though... I'm the same when I smoke as before I started, but NOT smoking turns me into a homocidal bitch at this point. I'd rather have your vice :p
    The rest of your response was awesome as well, I don't really want to clog this up with quotes though!

    All good answers. Weed negatively affected my mother in a few ways. She was never a bad mother, but she was an addict, and it did a number on her back from the amount of times she just couldn't help but fall asleep on the couch. It's good to know that it's not like this for everyone. I was a little worried when I found out my partner wanted to go back to smoking full time to cope with his life, but now that he has I've started to see how beneficial it can be. Thanks for the replies!
  11. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    I'm really glad to hear that you're accepting the legitimate beneficial uses of cananbis!
    Recreational is one thing, but I have a hard time understanding why some people are against legitimate medical use..
    I hope that weed is what he needs to cope with his ADD symptoms! If it helps him then it's great he's found a way to cope!
  12. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    To put it simply it just makes everything better. I really do not believe in the whole "just say no and if you don't then you have problems because you can not deal with reality" message of drug education. If I am somehow flawed because I like to escape from the boring worker bee world that is the accepted boundaries of reality then I am proud to be that person.

    For me using cannabis is a natural and healthy thing that allows me fresh perspectives on life. I can look at a problem from a new angle. Lucky for me I live in one of the few areas of the world where I can do this without fear of police.

    I also don't believe there is any real possibility for damage to the body or mind. Now smoking it can perhaps not be healthy long term but eating it or vaporizing is safe. I smoked for the first few years of my use and switched to vaping. And I do have to admit my lungs felt much better. And now I use less to get the same high. It is win win.
  13. puffed up in my ford

    puffed up in my ford Senior Member

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    Cuz the government says i cant
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Do you also base jump from skycrapers?


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    Been clean off weed for like a year, I still think about it sometimes though.
  16. cuddlefart

    cuddlefart Member

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    I only smoke occasionally but it just makes me so happy.
    When I'm high I just want to kiss and cuddle my girlfriends until I fall asleep. <3
  17. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    it opens up my mind and expands my consciousness.
  18. Still Kicking

    Still Kicking Members

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    It's good for you. Rick Simpson claims that if you use it long enough, you will get younger. Nice thought, but there is getting to be more and more evidence for the health benefits. I don't smoke it, but I do make my own capsules to control some health issues. It works very well for that. Sativa for daytime, indica for nights. It is very assuredly safer than prescription drugs, and works just fine if done right.
  19. atsizat9050

    atsizat9050 Members

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    In Turkey it appears that we don't have smoking weed culture. People who do illegal drugs go for synthetic weed mostly. Normal people drink alcohol. I smoked weed 30 times but I can't get high because weed is bad quality in Turkey. There seems to be no reason for me to smoke weed. I can get the same high on tobacco. Weed gives me the same high as Tobacco here.
  20. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    skip, will you please give us back the negative rep button?
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