The philisophical buzz of a hippie

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by HashtagInterested, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    …. Ok, game on. Looking at the stars in the heavens as we lay on ground as if the earth is a backpack, what do you imagine the stars to be? Are they sugar? Maybe salt, or are they're snowflakes or maybe the beginning stages of a handful of cotton candy?

    I see something else, and to be real … I think they may be a trichome forest.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2019
  2. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Honestly, good medicine is good medicine - Anyone ever try to force turpentine down your throat? There's a huge difference!
  3. I can't lie on my back and look at the stars without having a panic attack.
  4. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I thought I was having a heart attack once. I went hospital and they told me not to come back until it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. It turned out I was in sinus tachycardia which caused me to panic … An irregular and rapid heart rate … Seriously, I thought I was dying. 10 to 15 years ago, but I remember it well.
  5. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Flowers in bloom sounds pretty good, a nice garden with herbs and spices, another a little beyond that one where the sugar cane grows in the wetlands, then forward still we go to meet an orchard of fruit trees just budding new fruit. A hut here and hut there and nary a tree cut to build them. The fragrance and ambience of it all is intoxicating … sometimes quite literally. As for solar panels and electricity … are they truly needed? I've thought of batteries to generate, but then I'm not even sure if I want them. So, and as a photographer I think, maybe I should just pick up some brushes and paint, maybe a few colored pencils too. Forget about the web, whether universal or not, but then I think I may still need them, so off to more thinking it out I go.
  6. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Two batteries, a convertor, and a solar panel to trickle charge the one not in use. Maybe a mi fi unit on auto pay too. Then I can do what I need to way back in the back woods … wherever I may go. I'm looking forward to my no cut tree hut hut.
  7. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Electric is needed to listen to my favourite music, or else I could live without it. But that's one invention there's no going back from. Otherwise I would just sit and read by the light of ten candles.
  8. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I feel the same. Free electric sounds pretty good too. Well, not entirely free. I've gotta buy the batteries and converter and trickle down solar charger to get it. Two deep cell marine batteries, a power converter, maybe 1000 watt, and a trickle down solar charger should give me what I need.
    Driftrue likes this.
  9. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I don't get it. Most of those bright shiny objects (stars) are suns like ours--exploding balls of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium. Others are planets--Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn--which are silicate rock and heavy metals like nickel and iron. of course, there's also our moon, made, not of green cheese but of regolith rock, with an anorthosite crust and an iron-rich core. Of course, that's all because I took a few science classes. Otherwise, they're just bright, shiny objects--very awe-inspiring.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2019
  10. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Me either but sometimes I still do. They say 20/20 hindsight is pretty good. What say you?
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    They're little holes in the sky roof.
  12. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Maybe lemon yellow suns and shooting stars where life was and is and will always be. What happens when the universe does a pendulum ebb and flow type swing? No stars until more are born ya know?
  13. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Aaarms raised in a V
  14. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    The stars are like pearls far out of reach

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