
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Dude111, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I was at a boarding school in the San Bernardino mountains when I was in my early teens. At the top of the highest hill on campus there was a microwave tower. I climbed it once or twice. We weren't allowed to, but when you're sent to boarding school the time lends itself to delinquency. Anyway, I have seen a microwave tower before.


    Looks like something out of Cloud City from "The Empire Strikes Back"!

  2. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    They are the smart ones Dave.... They know how bad they are;how they ruin food,etc...

    David0301 likes this.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Like crazy indeed. Its ok not to use one, of course. Convincing yourself that no educated people, doctors or scientists use microwave ovens and try to make yourself sound more right with that faulty argument on an internet forum is... well, kind of weird.
  4. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    I am perfectly aware of the fact that microwaves are not good for you. Even without the studies it only makes sense that they aren't good.
    I still use them to heat up my lunch when at work or for certain foods at home.
    The thing is...i don't care.
    If living healthy made people live forever then I would think about it. If it means I live 5 more years when I am 80. Fuck that.
  5. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    that is great dude111, you are on the right path,
    microwaves destroy the atoms that make up any food (also water) ,
    do a simple test : water your plants with microwave treated water and see what happens---> THE PLANTS WILL DIE ! !
    here is the video where you see plants dieing when watered with microwave water.

    @Moonglow181 please also watch this
    Joyce Martino and Dude111 like this.
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I know, David,. I don't not have a microwave in this house....
    Dude111 likes this.
  7. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    So, I don't have a microwave and I do miss the convenience sometimes. There are times when I need to heat my food quickly but have no choice but to heat it up in the oven, which can take a while. On the other hand, I like to think that I am making an enlightened choice by not having a microwave.

    I have done a bit of research into this topic due to my current situation, and it seems as though some food's nutritional value is damaged by microwaving, and some foods benefit from microwaving.

    Anecdotally, there are certainly some things that taste way better when reheated properly instead of microwaved (pizza or anything else with melted cheese or eggs comes to mind).

    But there are some things that just aren't conducive to reheating on the stove--baked potatoes, roasted vegetables, etc. I miss heating water for tea in the microwave, or reheating hot beverages that have cooled off (like coffee).

    Anyway, I probably won't buy a microwave any time soon, but I have found no compelling evidence that they are harmful, per se.
  8. Not in my life and I've made 82 yrs and to heat something on the stove, good grief, don't have the time? How did my parents and their generation make long good lives and no microwaves? ummmm
    Dude111 likes this.
  9. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Stuff tastes better when cooked in an analogue fashion :) (Stove/Oven)
  10. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Just burn it with fire.
  11. Deemed as Normal

    Deemed as Normal Members

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    That's what I wanna know!
    Dude111 likes this.

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