i am proud to be a feminist. why are you feminist?

Discussion in 'Feel Good Feminism' started by junegloom, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. foresting

    foresting Member

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    i'm a feminist obviously but bored with the current movement ie; tumblr girl feminism
  2. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    yea there are alot of desk jobs where women really will get payed less. because in our society over the past 50 years for the first time in history we have seen the emergence of many, many, jobs that are beyond traditional gender roles.

    i think the whole damn system is stupid.

    if people would just stay away from that kind of work it wouldn't be such a big problem. i'd rather live in poverty than work a desk job.
  3. Rosehippy

    Rosehippy Banned

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    I have to agree with Desos here. The salary difference when doing the same job. That's not right.
    Let me say this tho in defense of the men, Some positions of power ie court judge should be occupied by a man. A woman is the victim of pmt and menopause which makes their judgement impaired and or bias. How many of us have been the prey of such a person. They are incapable of making rational decisions at certain times. This is a fact not an opinion. Therefore the future of a company may be compromised by this. Sad but true.
    Would you like to go to court and hear that judge judy was taking your case! lol. Other positions where women do not belong would be fire fighter, policeperson, carpenter, Business CEO.....sorry ladies...and yes, I am a woman.
    One last thing before I run and hide from receiving flack from the ladies.......a lot of feminists are unattractive man haters, the socially acceptable way to vent this is through feminism. I use to hang out with them, 90% fit this description. Just get into a conversation with them and ask about their relationship with their Dad's and men in general and you will see what I mean. Yes it'a a generalisation, but one I feel I can make after suffering these women in ugly clothes for years.
  4. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    LOL Bold statement Rose!

    Although I'm on the fence about a couple of those professions, I think it's true most women would admit sometimes they are not entirely in control of their emotions during(ahem)that time of the month.

    I actually worked with a carpenter-chick once on a temp framing job.
    She did her job well enough for the shit we were doing that day. Unfortunately, she was wearing ugly clothes...:rofl:
  5. calgirl

    calgirl Senior Member

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    See the red above. Yep, this is what I think is a fair generalization. I can vouch for it to a degree. The feminists in my life are very degrading of men. They see men as incompetent, and annoying, and inferior. The ladies themselves are undesirable, but then make themselves look hostile as well. I'm glad to say I will have none of it.
  6. Rosehippy

    Rosehippy Banned

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    Glad im not alone on that one calgirl.
  7. PlacidDingo

    PlacidDingo Member

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    Maybe the problem is the people you know, not the ideology.

    Bonus point for fitting a "the chicks r ugly!" into your point about why feminism is unneeded. +5 for casual irony.
  8. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    I'm a feminist because my body is mine and I will have no one tell me how to take care of it!
    I'm a feminist because "no" will always mean "no", even if our society wants to think "it's okay, she really wants it".
  9. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    It does go overboard. I do enjoy sharing some feminist material but try to limit myself, I use my blogs as my way of sharing most of this stuff.
  10. PlacidDingo

    PlacidDingo Member

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    The other way I've heard this kind of thing expressed is that 'consent is assumed as the default setting'.
  11. jamgrassphan

    jamgrassphan Get up offa that thing Lifetime Supporter

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    I was raised by women and as a result my respect for women is ingrained - it's part of who I am, and believe me when I say, I have suffered as a result of it. Now ask me if I wish I was any different. I've seen this paternalistic society from a woman's perspective from a very, very early age - the hypocrisy of it. I've seen how it has affected my mother, whose potential was never fully realized because of gender bias, and yet I've seen her persist and struggle and sacrifice and carve out a very difficult niche in life. And somehow, this society has tried to make me feel ashamed for admiring her for it - and I get the worst vibes from my my female friends and lovers. I don't get that - at all. Every woman I've ever been in a relationship with has had some kind of problem with the fact that I actually give a shit about the woman who single-handedly raised me, like I'm fucking Norman Bates or something. I've learned to completely avoid the subject of her around the women I know or meet, and for damn sure anyone I'm looking to get involved romantically with. It's like there's something wrong with the fact that I don't dislike or have some patronizing attitude toward my mother.

    So I'm the result of a man raised in a single parent home by his mother (and grandmother). A man who was raised with a healthy respect (not reverence) for women. I'm no fucking mama's boy, but goddammit I'm not going to abandon her in her final years because that's apparently the manly thing to do? The thing that really bothers me, is I've met and known plenty of women, who consider themselves feminists, but then chronically fall into traditional, paternalistic attitudes and behaviors at every turn. They resist and denounce gender bias in society at large, but perpetuate it by succumbing to traditional roles, behaviors and desires - and then have the nerve to point out gender inequality? Frankly, I find myself hating them for it, as much, if not more than the ass slappin' dickhead machismo's I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis.

    I just read an article today about some university study that concluded that it was beneficial and okay for women to flirt at work! WTF? I don't think any woman, who considers herself a true feminist, would ever consider this to be at all acceptable. I see shit like this and it makes me absolutely sick. Honestly, I think feminism has failed miserably in the United States for certain and at this point, I'm not sure whose more to blame - women or men.

    In college, I lurked around the edges of the student organization Students Against Sexism in Society - it was a very prominent organization at the college I went to - in fact the school was known for it. I had a lot of female friends in that organization, and it was predominately female, not exclusively, but predominately - a lot of woman's studies majors and a lot of Lit/writing/poetry/art/drama majors. Hardcore feminism - you didn't hold doors open for these young women and expect not to get your ass chewed, or at least a dirty look. I respected the hell out of them, because they were fearless, organized and sincere about it - or so I thought.

    The college was in a kind of backward ass rust belt town and they'd literally storm the local city hall if some ordinance was passed that offended them and the college had (has) a lot of influence on that town and they took this student organization very seriously because these kids weren't affraid of using the media to draw national attention to issues like voting down little things, like an ordinance that would prevent employers from discriminating against prospective employees on the basis of sexual orientation.

    Then, to my horror, seeing a number of these young women dropping out before graduation because they nabbed some pre-law/pre-med cocksman, who thought Virginia Woolf was a minor league football team mascot and doing a complete fucking 180 when they saw their college loans looming up ahead. Five years later they're suzy yuppie fucking homemaker with two kids, "career hiatus", and an arts-and-craft blog. God damn, how many brilliant and talented young women have I known who went to college to change the world and wound up with a fucking fiance and little else instead.

    Point is, you either have and live gender equality or you perpetuate inequality. This tap dancing on either side of the line as it suits your life circumstances, peer approval or difficulty rating, at the moment is bullshit. It's all, or nothing ever get's changed and you sure as hell won't shatter the glass ceiling by using sex, and femine wiles to get ahead. Nothing is going to change until we stop training our daughters from birth to dream about marrying doctors at fairytale weddings and start training our daughters to dream about being doctors. We're wasting at least half of our potential to make this planet a tolerable place to live in. Ah yeah, but that's all passe' and corny in 2012 and I'm Norman Bates.
  12. PlacidDingo

    PlacidDingo Member

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    Hey Jam.

    I think though the opposite is true too, if you want to make your spouse the most important thing in your life, there's no reason you shouldn't, though it shouldn't be more ok for women than men.

    I think I'd have been a bit impatient with those feminists. I hold doors open if there's someone else who needs them, think most do. It's a silly thing to get loose over.

    But all up your piece was great and passionate and did a great job of expressing how feminism is a tool for fighting all forms of gender inequality.
  13. jamgrassphan

    jamgrassphan Get up offa that thing Lifetime Supporter

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    There is a very simple and rational solution to this: Give fathers the same amount of time for Paternity leave. It's also a male's choice to father children. I think this should be a federal mandate. I've witnessed "motherhood" discrimination with regard to hiring, add the male paternity leave into the equation and discrimination of this kind becomes a moot point. Of course you'd have to also make it illegal to ask about parental aspirations in a job interview. I could see nothing but good coming form such a policy.
  14. AmyBeachGirl

    AmyBeachGirl Member

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    The lines seem somewhat blurred now as to what a Feminist is compared to what a Feminist was during my mum's time, well that's what we have deduced.
  15. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i am proud to be a feminist because i am proud to be female and stand up for other females. i proudly support women's rights and i want to end discrimination against women.
  16. Draugr_Rekkr

    Draugr_Rekkr Members

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    I'm trying to learn about feminism so if some one can pm me or just message me who is willing to talk to me about it then please do it's so hard to find non troll infested forums/people that are willing to help me :/
  17. Bassline514

    Bassline514 Member

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    I'm proud to be a female and a feminist. I'm proud to stand up and speak up to protect my rights and claim new ones, for myself of course but also for every other woman. I'm also proud of my legacy as a feminist, I come from a long tradition of strong, fierce and fearless women (cause don't think these struggles were easy, many were arrested, imprisoned and killed while they were fighting for the rights that I now benefit from). The struggle isn't over yet, sure things are better than before but many other things need to be improved. This is why I strongly believe our job is NOT done and why I'm a feminist, because I'm still a second-class citizen and want that to change.

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