Dropping Completly Out From The Society. - Revisited After 5 Years

Discussion in 'Camping/Outdoor Living' started by FlyingFly, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. FlyingFly

    FlyingFly Dickens

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    Wow, got back to check hipforums after long time and found my old thread:

    "Dropping completly out from the society."

    When I posted it I was 17 y.o. Now I'm 22.
    I decided to make some sort of update...

    [Edit: Wow again, quite a huge thread came out of this, I'll split it in few main parts.

    I - Intro
    II - What society lied to you about
    III - How to escape
    IV - My current thoughts on comments from the old thread
    V - My plan for future.

    <====== I - Intro =====>

    What was happening to me during these 5 years?

    My depression was getting worse every day, got on meds, finished highschool, went to uni. Abused the hell out of drugs, isolated myself completly to the point of near starvation. Pretty much the only place I was leaving my room was to get my weed from floor above. After a year of that it slowly started getting better. I still couldn't control my smoke, but did manage to smoke somewhat less. Quit meds. Went to binge on psychedelics. Dropped out of uni. My dad passed away recently.

    Now I'm here drug free, working on IT project which I hope will fund my future. Will I do drugs ever again? Sure. Just not the stupid way. Not fulltime. Responsibly. And not too soon.

    Did I change my mind?

    But you know what? That feeling... that need to drop out from society and live like a hermit. It never went away. It was always with me to some degree.

    In my previous post a lot of people wrote that this is rebelious phase. That people grow out of it. And I said that I hope I never will. And I didn't, so far... :) I guess it is not just a phase for me.

    After somewhat growing up and gaining more real-life knowledge, I see that this is possibile. Sure, you need money. Thankfully I have the possibility to make that money with some (a lot) of luck.

    Many people are afraid that they wouldn't manage to do it. How will they take care of food, building house and other things. I think some of them just like the idea of living this way, but would never actually do it. They don't have the NEED to do it, it is fantasy for them, not physical(mental) need.

    <====== II - What society have lied to you about =====>

    What society have lied to you about:

    Let's start with what it didn't.

    It is not for everyone. Most people need other people. Others need other people sometimes. Some don't need them at all.

    And with what it did.

    1) You are crazy

    Maybe... Possibly... Who knows? Who cares? It is your life.
    Define crazy. Now look at everyone around you...

    Hermits have been around since dawn of ages. It is just another lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing right with it. It just is.

    2) You will go crazy
    Maybe... Possibly... You get the point.

    If you are desperatly bound to people, sure it is not for you. If you are not, you might be really happy.

    Forced isolation with "bound-to-people" people have showed negative effects.

    Those who enjoy their own companionship benefit from living this way.

    3) You will get extremely lonely

    Sure, you might get lonely from time to time, but it will pass. The same way people get tired with being around others for too long, and it passes, and they go back again.

    4) It is impossible nowadays, you will most likely die

    It sure is possible. If you got strong enough will to do it and some functioning brain-cells.

    There is higher chance you might die. It doesn't mean you will certainly die. Are you willing to take the risk? Take the risk to be happy for once? (you will need those brain-cells though)

    To those that really want to:

    <====== III - How to escape =====>

    The plan.

    Red Pill basic How-To:
    0. Gaining required knowledge
    1. Full escape with having plenty money
    2. Full escape with having little money
    3. Communities
    4. Vans

    a) Knowledge

    This is a no brainer. If you are reading this post then you have access to internet. You know you can use it for other things than facebook and porn, right?

    Most, if not all knowledge is freely avaiable on the internet. If you are willing to spend required time, just read everything you can find that is related and search well.

    b) Experience

    While you are saving money, or already have the money. Go out into the wild. Learn to hunt, farm, build, fish, etc. Internet will be helpfull here aswell to find opportunities and people, but always you can go solo and learn on your mistakes. If you can't do something, re-evaluate, get some more knowledge in that.

    If you have a way to aquire larger amount of money, there is nothing stopping you from it than your own mind. Commit yourself fully to your work/project, reduce your expenses to absolute minimum and save untill you have enough to whatever it is you want to do. You don't need tv. You don't need to go to starbucks every day. You don't need expensive flat.

    Calculate your expenses. Very. Carefully. If you fuck up here, it might be over for you.

    Find ideal location for you.

    You don't have to limit yourself to your own country or even countries that language you know. After all you are gonna be all by yourself most of the time. To buy required stuff you can point at things or learn those few words that you need.

    Land is expensive in most countries. In some it is much cheaper. In some they give it for free. Google be your friend.

    What are the options?
    - farms
    - plains
    - forests
    - mountains
    - tiny islands
    - unique -> I guess no one wants to live in a canyon, right?

    Build house.

    You don't need a mansion, you most likely will spend most of the time outside.
    One room with fireplace and bed will do.


    A lot of freedom here.

    You want electricity?
    - solar panels
    - wind mills
    - generators (fuel/wood)

    You want meat?
    - hunt
    - inbreed
    - fish

    No meat?
    - farm
    - forage (learn your plants first)

    Worried about healthcare?
    - Have a trusted person you can call with your emergency phone
    - Have emergency phone to call nearest hospital, let them know what you are doing beforehand

    Use imagination, be creative.

    Obviously, your options will be greatly limited here.

    Depending on what you want to do, you might learn some extra skills, learn to chop down a tree, prepare wood, build without nails, etc.

    Land will be the biggest problem here. You could just go somewhere where nobody wants to go, if you don't mind of possibility that people will eventually come find you and throw out, or they gonna build mcdonalds there together with highway in future, you can go to north canada, syberia, mongolia, deserts.

    The positive thing of succeding this way will be the extreme joy you get when you manage to establish yourself from nothing.

    Most easy solution. Find commune. Join. Work for food and roof over your head.

    The only possibile problem: people

    This could be an option if you want to travel and sometimes have contact with people. You will need some money, you most likely will need to work from time to time to buy fuel, food, etc. (if you don't have savings)


    Always, always have back-up plan. Even if you fully commit to it, have figured out what you will do if it won't work out.

    <====== IV - My current thoughts on comments from the old thread =====>

    apparently there is limit on how many quotes you can post, the format will be:




    Oh, no! I'm 16 and I feel the same way now. I hope I don't grow out of it! As of now, I'm completely dedicated to it and am preparing. I don't think my problem will be committing to the idea, though... although maybe I'll grow out of the dedication, too.

    It seems like everyone grows out of the rebel of society phase. God, I hope it doesn't happen to me.:/ I WILL get old, though.

    If you are still here, let me know if you grew out of it. ;)


    hilarious lol shitt man i honestly dont think it would be hard at all living out in wilderness by yourself or whatever but itd probably just get boring after awhile and youd want to connect with other people

    If you don't pursue other people at all or pursue very little, why would it change?


    You should help me destroy the world....

    You should help me colonize mars...


    That is how I feel about society, I fucking hate it...but i have not found a way to totally drop out from it. Honestly I am kind of hoping the system collapses then there won't be a society just ruins of a society that had to come down...because what goes up must come down. But for now I have no real way of surviving without income which I don't even have as is I probably have to borrow money for my dad till I can find a job...so I am going to settle for seasonal or part time work and do what I want to on my free time.

    But I would love to become self sufficient and not have to depend on this society for anything.


    Well, you have basic guide now. It sure can be daunting at first when you are figuring out how to do it all. But if you'll keep doing it, you will realize it is not that bad.

    Jack Daniels

    Well, I'm glad I finally found this thread.

    Society sickens me. It's disheartening to watch millions of people hand their brains over to big business, television, obsessive shopping habits, pharmaceuticals, and more (I could go on, but there are too many to list). I've been researching into alternative lifestyles, coming across this forum in the process.

    My goal is to live off the grid in a tiny house on wheels. Not an RV or motor home, one of these bad boys. http://www.ecojoes.c...-under-tree.jpg Tinies are more affordable, more energy efficient, and you don't need to pay property taxes or even have a building permit.

    I figure that once SHTF, I'll need mobility. And what better way than to turn the ignition and drive your house into the sunset?

    Into the Wild was an awesome movie, by the way.

    Haven't talked with you for ages, dude. How are you doing?

    Jack Daniels

    If only more young people had the desire to escape/destroy/fuck the system. Society would become over 9000 times better.

    Well, for that to happen those young people would need to be smart, have some knowledge and, well... not be young. Unless we are talking about sticking with the idea untill you meet the requirements.

    Mason Grey

    lots of people have amazing ideas and possibilities in their minds...
    that is a great thing, but
    until you do it - WHO FUCKING CARES.

    Just do it! It is all in your head!

    Seriously. You can do anything. You will have to commit to it and work for it, but that doesn't mean you can lie to yourself that you can't do it.

    Instead of thinking 'I can't do it', think: 'how can I do it?'


    Society is equal to your relationship to the person standing next to you.

    Very good point.
    - be alone -> no society
    - create environment of great people that you go along with well and isolate yourself from bad people

    by being around people you will always come across assholes

    if you want to create great personal circle, you are risking being hurt, a lot, many times -> most people don't care about this too much, for others it is dealbreaker.


    if it was as easy to survive outside of 'society' as you seem to think it is, many more people would be doing it.

    except for those brainwashed, those scared, those uninformed, those addicted to human contact

    so except majority people

    also, are you willing to choose easy way out and regret it for rest of your life, or work for your dream?


    You know a few years ago I would have cautioned someone your age not to be impulsive. My injuries have made me change my outlook on things. You never know what will happen tomorrow so you have to live for today and do what will make you happy. The only person who knows what is right for you is you. The only thing I would caution is to make sure of your skills before embarking on your journey. Life in the wild can been tough. Perhaps before droping out compleatly try living on the fringe of socity. Than gradualy got further out as your skills improve and you are confident in your surival skills. Remember he died in the end of that movie. Finally, I am sure you could find like minded people to got with. Your maybe find being alone to be the hardest part.

    "The only person who knows what is right for you is you."

    Thats what we as a whole forgot. Now it doesn't matter what individual cares about. They are brainwashed into wanting things they don't really want by media, ads, people around them.

    'I wish i had that car'
    'I wish i had that mansion'
    'I wish i slept with different person every night'
    'I wish i had those fancy clothes/toys/tools/insert random shit here'
    'I wish everyone liked me'
    'I care what random people think of me'


    you're 17.. you hate life now because you're 17.. it's a teenage thing.. once you're 18.. and your parents have no restraint over you.. life is what you make it.. i was once told that hell is what you're given and heaven is what you make it.. get into either the work place immediately or go to college.. do one or the other.. don't be a bum.. if ya work hard.. by 25 you can be living a happy life.. im 30.. there's things i love about my life.. there's things i hate about my life.. i have things i can do to "get away from it all" other than drugs.. i go camping when i really need to get far away... i work a job(~140hrs a month).. that is getting tiring on me.. that pays well for what i do and it keeps enough cash in my pocket to keep a roof over my head.. clothes on my body and shoes on my feet.. stomach full.. vehicle..pay bills and spend frivolously... a good chunk of the rest of my time is away time... fishing.. hiking.. camping.. spending time with my gf.. working on the garden.. whatever i make of it... I'd like to be somewhere else right now.. but i'm waiting for the gf to finish up her nursing degree so i do what i gotta do to get by... and that's life.. things i love.. things i hate.. things i don't like.. things i like.. yin and yang

    Well, it seems it isn't just a teenage thing. It gets worse every year. More responsibilities, more shit starts to happen. I understand that it is not for everyone, but I still believe, being alone and self-sustainable would be right thing for me.


    As a person who lived in the Alaska bush (wilderness) for many years, I can say it is the hardest, but most rewarding lifestyle anyone can choose. Let me know if you have questions.

    No need to comment on that one.

    I might have skipped some people... I'm quite tired writing all of this...

    <====== V - My plan for future =====>

    Maybe I will change my mind. Maybe I figure out how to cope with living in society. Maybe I will learn how to care about what people usually talk about. Maybe I will find people that I will tolerate enough to not want to drop out from society. Most likely not, but maybe.


    Raise money, work on my projects. Develop skills, gain knowledge, pursue spirituality. Get healthy.
    I have the luck of choosing career path that I enjoy, that I can do from home and which can yield a lot of money. Or at least enough money.

    When I will figure things out, have cash, decide how to tell my mom I'm going away forever without hurting her too much, I will:

    Buy tiny island in pacific or plot of land somewhere where it is cheap. (found island for 250 000$ that is relatively low sum [for an island that is] you can find them even cheaper but obviously they dissappear quickly)
    Forest and water source are a must.

    Figure out best way to get supplies.
    Figure out how to get help in case of emergency.

    Build some cabin, install solar panels. Possibily get some generators.
    I need electricity for single light bulb, powering laptop from time to time (cheapest satelite internet), water purification, possibily other minor things aswell.

    Get chickens. For start. Plant some vegetables. Fish, hunt.

    The closer I will be getting to my goal the more intensively I will be figuring everything out. I don't claim to know it all at the moment, I claim to know much more than average Joe.

    If I ever manage to do it, I might start a blog. :)


    Thanks for reading!
    Follow your dreams, whatever they are.
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  2. SaltyDawg

    SaltyDawg Members

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    The bottom line is that it takes money or some form of value exchange to buy your complete freedom which is to do what you want when and where you want to be.
    The worst part about living on this planet is that all the good spots on this planet have been bought up and locked with expensive costs to keep the striving and needy out.
    You have to settle for what's left and make the best of it of what a twisted interpretation of what happiness is.
    It won't be long until the majority of people will be living in boxes called condos stacked up until they reach 20 stories with the cheap ones on the bottom with a view of a center courtyard to remind you what the weather is like or what season it is.
    The future looks bad the then next couple of generations.
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