Copenhagen, Dk help needed! :)

Discussion in 'Denmark' started by Silbermond, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    This speech has been secret until now as it was not held in public but only for the socialist members of the parliament. The 80% of the Hungarian media says this is an excuse, and therefore he is a smart guy because of having been honest...

    This is the biggest lie of the Hungarian media, I think, because the content of the speech is the same absurd regardless of whether it was told to a few people or to the public.
  2. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Wulff can You help me for a minute?

    Yesterday I was searching for some videos on I saw the 3 min trailer of the film "Reconstruction" (I've been hunting for it for 3 months and it's impossible to get it.)

    And when I saw the trailer, I've got so upset, because I couldn't understand what they said in Danish, even though there were subtitles in English! But when I translated the English subtitles back to Danish, it was not what I heard!

    Could You be so kind to help me in completing the following short conversations:


    A: ....... at du er meget meget smuk! Hvis må jeg sige det.
    B: Jo ...........................................


    A:............. (somthing with lejlighed) Der er ikke nogen dør ......
    B: ............. jeg forstår ikke hvad De siger.


    A: something with huske
    B: hvad?


    A: Hvor tror du at du har set mig?
    B: Du er min kærste.

    5. Totally mixed


    A: Jeg vil vide mere. Jeg ved ingen ting og jeg vil vide alt.
  3. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    And this is the link - just if You have a few minutes. :)

    I often think that the most pleasant way to learn to understand Danish would be watching Danish films with Danish subtitles... The only problem is that it's very difficult to find Danish subtitles for Danish film, because they simply don't produce such subtitles as there is no need for that...
  4. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

    Likes Received:


    A: ....... at du er meget meget smuk! Hvis må jeg sige det.
    B: Jo ...........................................

    A: Det eneste jeg ved er at du er meget meget smuk! Hvis jeg må sige det.

    B: Ja, selvfølgelig må du gerne sige det.


    A:............. (somthing with lejlighed) Der er ikke nogen dør ......
    B: ............. jeg forstår ikke hvad De siger.

    A: Det er jo kun fordi… jeg kan jo ikke rigtig komme ind i min lejlighed… Der er jo ligesom ikke rigtig… der er jo ikke rigtig nogen dør deroppe!

    B: Det kan være at det er mig der er noget i vejen med, men jeg forstår ikke hvad De siger [spoken in a very snobbish north-sjællandsk accent].


    A: something with huske
    B: hvad?

    A: Jeg kan simpelthen ikke huske, hvor.. hvor vi skulle møde hinanden…

    B: Hvad?


    A: Hvor tror du at du har set mig?
    B: Du er min kærste.

    A: [Sorry – I can’t hear what she’s saying either, and I’m not sure she speak danish – maybe some weird Swedish accent! ;) ]

    B: Du er min kæreste.


    [Totally mixed]

    Jeg hedder Alex Davis, jeg har haft en meget, meget underlig dag…. [and I simply can’t hear the rest, unless I let the English subtitles help me - (and that’s no help to you anyway) – since it sound like some evil, evil acid trip nightmare! [​IMG]]


    A: Jeg vil vide mere. Jeg ved ingen ting og jeg vil vide alt.

    A: Exactly as you wrote above – perfectly spelled too! …(except that the word “ingenting” is one word, but hey, let’s not walk in small shoes!) [​IMG]
  5. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Tusinde tak, Wolf, det var meget sødt af dig!

    I går så jeg filmet - desværre ikke på Dansk. Men jeg kan sige at det var et fantastisk film. Det så jeg tre gange. :)
  6. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    filmen :)
  7. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Jeg har faktisk aldrig set den film, men efter at have set traileren (i dit link) er jeg blevet lidt nysgerrig efter at se den. :)
  8. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Hej Wulff, hvordan har du det? :) Jeg har ikke hoert fra dig for laenge! (?=for a long time?)

    Jeg glaeder mig meget fordi en af mine danske venner besoeger mig i Ungarn i to uger.


  9. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Hey Mad Scientist!
    Undskyld, at jeg ikke så ofte lader høre fra mig. Jeg har været meget spændt på at høre, hvordan den politiske situation i Ungarn er - og ikke mindst - hvordan du befinder dig i den?

    Cool at høre, at du har danske kontakter som kommer på visit. :)
    Jeg tænker selv på at folde teltet sammen & pakke det nødvendige grej, her engang i 2007, og så tage den på tommelen sydover. :)

    Jeg har været stucked alt for længe... Jeg trænger snart til at hitte the road.
    ...og til forår tager jeg afsted! :)

    [font=&quot]) / ) (""") ) * ("" @@ ’_) ("") ("”") (’’)
    [font=&quot]\/_( *)_( (_ */"" @@ (_) (_(* )_( .. )<, :)

  10. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Kære Wulff,

    jeg glæder mig meget til at høre fra dig!

    Det lyder spændende! Lad mig vide om du besøger også Ungarn tilfældigt! Jeg ville være meget glad til at snakke og drikke en øl med dig i Budapest! :)

    [font=&quot]Hvad Ungarn angår, jeg tror ikke at den ungarske statsminister går. Jeg har netop læst at en svensk minister må gå fordi hun har ikke betalt hendes tv abbonement... Det eneste jeg føler er at jeg lever i en bananrepublik... Alt kan ske i Ungarn - det er et land uden konsekvenser. [/font]

    Men det er stadig væk interessant hvad sker næste mandag. Der skal være den 23 okt. Det er en af vores største nationalfester. Den 23 oktober 1956, begyndede en antirusisk og anticommunist revolution i Ungarn. Den ungarske statsminister deklarede Ungarns selvstændinghed, Ungarn udtrådte af den Warsaw-traktat. Alle vestlige landene lod Ungarn i stikken, især frihedens største ven: USAen. Det eneste som hjælpede Ungarn var en dansk diplomat på UN (jeg kan ikke huske hans navn måske var han ... Jensen). Denne diplomat var dræbt i New York snart. Første gange sagde de at det var selbstmord, men historikerne siger at det var ikke selvmord men KGBen.

    Hvad nu kommer er ikke en normal 23 okt fest. Det er den 50ende årsdag af den 23 okt 1956! en styrelse fra det Ungarske Socialistiske Parti. Dette parti er den juridiske efterfølger af det Ungarske Socialistiske Arbejdsparti. Ungarske Socialistiske Arbejdsparti var det kommunistiske statsparti efter 1956 - partiet som kaldede russerne ind i 1956. USPs sidste statsminister (imellem 2002 og 2004) var en hemmeligagent efter 1956 og USPs anden statminister (1994-1998) var medlem af det politiske politi i 1956 - mange siger at han sparkede menneskers tænder ud efter revolutionen. Nu har de den unge statsminister der du har allerede hørt om. De er de ungarske "socialdemokrater".

    Jeg synes at det skal være interessant at fejre den 23 okt med denne styrelse og dette parti. Det er urimeligt og modbydeligt.

    Men vi må ikke glemme at de var valgt af de ungarske mennesker. Det er den største skam af landet!
  11. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Hej Mad Scientist!

    Interessant indblik du bringer der. Jeg ved ikke hvem denne danske "Jensen" er - måske fordi det i Danmark ikke er så populært at lære for meget om en politiker, som stiller sig imod de store magter? Måske...

    Jeg kan godt forstå frustrationen blandt den ungarske befolkning, hvis de nuværende socialdemokrater blot har arvet et despoti af det kommunistiske regime, som den selvsamme befolkning har lidt under indtil murens fald.

    Dette bringer min nysgerrighed frem...
    Hvordan betragtes venstre-højre-sondringen som politisk begrebsmæssig distinktion i Ungarn (og måske også andre øst-europæiske lande) ?

    Hvordan stiller de progressive sig begrebsmæssigt? Betragter de sig selv som venstre- eller højre-orienterede? Med andre ord: Betragtes de gamle kommunister som venstrefløjen eller højrefløjen?

    Det er meget vigtigt at få udredt de politiske begreber, hvis øst- og vesteuropa skal symbioseres. For her i vest-europa betragter vi progressive almindeligvis systemet og de mekaniske, robot-agtige markedsmekanismer som "højre-orienteret", mens vi betragter alt det menneskelige, kunstneriske og skabende som "venstre-orienteret"...

    Er begreberne vendt om i Øst-europæiske lande? For hvis det er tilfældet, mener vi egentligt det samme, men anvender bare modsat sprogbrug (håber du forstår) :D

    Det ville nok være bedre, hvis vi bare kalder det "human-wing vs. system-wing" i stedet for "left-wing vs. right-wing"...

    Jeg håber ikke hele denne begivenhed er endt i destruktiv vold i Ungarn. Jeg synes ikke det er godt, hvis demonstranterne er fascister. Men jeg synes det er fint, hvis demonstranterne er folk som ikke gider at finde sig i et system som røvrender dem...
    Jeg har hørt at nogle demonstranter tog en gammel sovjetisk tank, som de kørte mod politiet. Er det rigtigt? Så du det?

    I 2007 vil jeg se hvor meget tid jeg får til at rejse. Hvis jeg får nok tid til at besøge dig i Ungarn, vil jeg benytte mig af lejligheden. Det er meget rart af dig! :)

  12. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Kære Wulff,

    tak for dit svar - jeg er altid glad at høre fra dig. Jeg er ankommet hjemme fra et værtshus lige nu. Efter nogle øl føler jeg at jeg kunne have problemer med at skrive om politiken på dansk - derfor ville jeg hellere skrive mit svar på engelsk nu. :)
  13. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    That's okay, mate! :D
  14. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    So, I am here again. I will reply in parts.

    Part no1:

    The meaning of left and right is totally different in Hungary than in western-europe. The primary idea that keeps the right wing together is anti-communism: they are the ones who want to get rid of the heritage of communism: e.g. publishing communist secret agents' names and reports and so on.

    The main speciality of the hungarian right wing is that they cannot really be called conservatives. Why? Because conservativism means sticking to traditions. But what is the tradition in Hungary? 40 yrs of communism. That's why it is impossible to be conservative and anti-communist at the same time. They simply exclude each other.

    Even though the hunarian rigth wing sells itself as being conservative in its marketing - if You examine the situation deeper, You can recognize that they are the least conservative political party in Hungary. The mere fact that the right wing has to be called as conservative is just a matter of marketing which is not real in my opinion.

    The hungarian left: they are the ones who really follow a conservative behaviour (even though they call themselves socialdemocrats) because the status quo (communism) is connected to them.
    The main idea of the Hungarian left is mainly based on negative aims: "to save the country from the right-wing-danger". They look at themselves as a guarantee of saving the country from the right wing and their media is always busy with the right wing danger. The core of their policy is to threaten people from the right wing and make them vote to them "for safety reasons".

    The biggest difference between the to wings is that the right wing has positive aims to carry out (e.g. supporting young couples to buy flats or grow children) whereas the left wing's programme is only saving the country from the danger that their media associates to the country. When they are in government, their governing is pure improvisation like how we can see it nowadays.
  15. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    The biggest bluff of the Hungarian "socialdemocrats" in connexion with the right wing danger was confessed by their actual prime minister.

    Before the "socialdemocrats" won the 2002 elections, one stupid and rude politician of the hungarian right wing said the following when he campaigned for hungary's application for organising olympics:

    " if we have no dreams/high ambitions about our future than we had better go down to the cellar hang ourselves up."

    This was said in a small election assembly.

    Some days later the left wing media (which is otherwise almost the 80% of the Hungarian media) told it to the public that the hungarian right wing sent ropes to the hungarian left wing and they wanna hang up everyone belonging to the right wing.

    And people believed it and voted for them against the "right-wing-danger". And they won.

    It was obvious that it was a bluff and the original sentence (even though it was rude) didn't contain any agitation against the left wing people. It was clearly about avoiding hopelessness and realizing our dreams. But as the left owns the 80% of the hungarian media, they could make people believe it. Than 4 years later, their actual prime minister confessed "yes, it was definately a bluff, I was the one to find it out."

    If a country is lived by stupid people who eat any demagogy than it simply cannot be helped.
  16. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Too many mistipings: :)

    Instead of:

    I wanted to write:

    "Some days later the left wing media (which is otherwise almost the 80% of the Hungarian media) told it to the public that the hungarian right wing sent ropes to the hungarian left wing and they wanna hang up everyone belonging to the left wing."
  17. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Uh, my eyes are about to stick together so I had better go to bed now and go on with part no.2 tomorrow.

    Good night and sleep well You too!

  18. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Nu kommer stykket No. 2.

    De gamle (og ikke så gammle) kommunister af det Ungarske Socialistiske Parti betragtes som venstrefløjen. Mest af dem var ledere også på diktaturen før 1989. Deres unge premierminister var også en ung kommunist i 80erne. Og nu siger de at de er de moderne europæiske socialdemokrater. Jeg er meget ked at Poul Nyrup Rasmussen tror på det. Han skulle have vidst lidt mere om hvad sine venner sagde og gjorde før 1989. Fordi det 90% af dem begyndede karrieren før 1989 i diktaturen. Eftersom 1989 har de haft 2 premierministere i Ungarn før den aktuele premierminister: en af dem var en bøddel af AVO (det ungarske hemmeligpoliti) i og efter 1956. Den anden var en hemmeligagent i diktaturen. Jeg synes at det er den største skyld af de vestre socialdemokrater at de godkender det Ungarske Socialistisk Parti som socialdemokrat. Vi er ikke Tjekkiet, hvor ledere af diktaturen fik ingen lov til at tage del i politiken efter 1989 for mange år. Derfor er deres venstre ikke postkommunistisk. Men Ungarn er forskellig og det Europæiske Socialistisk Parti kan desværre ikke forstå det...

    Nej, vi mener sikkert ikke det samme! Og nu skriver jeg en meget vigtig ting der kunne være svært at forstå. Det ungarske venstre (som betragtes "socialdemokrat") har kommunistiske politikere fra diktaturen, men deres nuværende politik er næsten det samme som du skrev om de vest-europæiske højre (at forsvare mekaniske, robot-agtige markedsmekanismer etc..) Deres politik er virkelige ikke socialdemokratistisk og nu vil de nedrive de vigstigste ungarske sociale stiftelser: den frie højere læreanstalt og det frie sundhedssystem. De er i virkeligheden neoliberaler. Og det er fordi den Ungarske Stats formuer gik til dem og til deres familier og kammerater i 1989. (Og du må også vide at næsten alt var statens formue før 1989!) Vi kan godt sige at prisen af 1989 var at de tidligere kommunister fik statens formuer, og derfor blev de største kapitalister af Ungarn... Håber at du forstår nu, hvorfor er de neoliberale og kapital-orienteret i stedet for at være virkelige socialdemokrater...

    Hvad den ungarske højre angår, den har mange problemer. Det er allerede sket at deres politik var i virkeligheden mere socialdemokratistisk end det Ungarske Socialistiske Partis politik - selv om er det ikke deres opgave at være socialdemokrat. Kan du se hvor absurd den hele situation er i Ungarn? Det ungarske højre i virkeligheden er ikke kun et parti, men det er et andet system. De er alt som er antikommunistisk. Og jeg synes det er et problem og det skal også være et problem indtil det Ungarske Socialistiske Parti forsvinder fra den ungarske politisk liv. (Som er meget usandsynligt nu.) Det ungarske højres politikerne er så forskellige fra hinanden at de skulle ikke være i det samme parti i et normalt land... Det er umuligt at et højre-orienteret parti er kristen-konservativ, socialdemokrat og liberal samtidigt. Men det må de desværre gøre indtil der er postkommunister og antikommunister i landet...

    Det er desværre rigtigt. Jeg var også i Budapest med min danske ven når det hele skete, men det så vi kun på fjernsynet. Heldigvis kunne de køre kun cca. 200 meter med kampvognet.

    And now I temporarily switch to english to avoid misunderstandings.

    On 23 Oct. there were cca 200.000 people on the streets of Budapest, out of whom approximately 300-500 belonged to the tank-hijacker fascists or to the pure football hooligans. These violent people carried out their acts at one certain place whereas the other 199.500 civilized people stood at an other certain place where the right wing opposition party held its memorial celebration at the same time. The police's duty should have been protecting the 199.500 quiet legally celebrating people from the violent ones and to keep them far away. However, they did exactly the opposite thing: they chased the hooligans towards the legal and pre-announced assembly of the big right wing opposition party, and practically pushed the fascists into the quiet crowd. They definately did it because they, in fact, wanted to dissolute the quiet and legal right wing demonstrators. Good idea isn´t it? If You are in goverment and dont know what to do with a legal opposition demonstration then just push 500 nazis into the crowd and then treat the whole crowd of 200.000 as nazi rebels. That´s what they practically did. It was definately a goverment intention to show: You still have to be afraid in 2006 even if You only go to a legal demonstration or if You want to go to the parliament to put a flower to the 1956 monument. The government wanted to show if You have an intention like this, You have to assume the risk of being beaten up by unidentifiable policemen, getting tear gas into Your face and being shot on the eye with plastic bullets. This is the anniversary of 1956 with the "modern, european socialdemocratic" hungarian government.

    And then I still haven´t spoken about many many government/police actions against the medias even after the 23 Oct! If I were the EU I wouldn´t invest a cent to such a country... Such a country should be somewhere in south-america or in the post-sovietunion but not in the EU.

    Den sidste gang, mente du alvorligvis at du skulle rejse på tommelen? Er du ikke bange for at det kunne være farligt? [​IMG]
  19. wolf_at_door

    wolf_at_door Senior Member

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    Hey Mad Scientist!

    Thanks for the information - that I agree on fully! Communist dictatorships has always been state capitalist dictatorships, and as they try to get into "the good company", they'll turn into "socialdemocrats", which - in a logical sense - will turn into reformist state capitalist dictatorships - I couldn't agree more!!!

    Thanks for all your information. It's very interesting to get an insight on what's going on in the hungarian society, and I'm sure that you're a valid source on objectivity.

    Your analysis on hungarian police behaviour during the recently famous demonstration in Budapest is chocking (and valid+plausible), but unfortunately it's not exceptional compared to the reality of the police brutality going on in western Europe every single day - just think about how deeply the french police has been embedded in political hegemonic structures, now - as well as during the famous riots last year.

    Same here in Denmark - just in a smaller scale. Christiania is occupied. Half of this countrys police-forces are locked on Christiania, which is really absurd. Next target is Ungdomshuset at Nørrebro (that you probably know). It's deeply political to allocate ressources in such a biased way!!!
    So I'll take the conclusion (eventhough it's a doubtful conclusion, more like a framework for debate?) a little bit further: It's not a totalitarian steered police, because the government is pseudo-socialdemocratic - it's a totalitarian steered police, because the socialdemocracy is just another variant of capitalism - just like communism was state-capitalism, and had nothing to do with the human-oriented left-wing at all...

    I'll take it on the thumb some of the way... but if I feel to unsecure to hitch, I'll take trains, busses, etc... I'll see how much holiday I'll have in spring - and which direction to take (but if I'll have have enough holiday to go to Hungary, I would love to drink a beer with you over a good chat!). :)

  20. mad_scientist

    mad_scientist Member

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    Hi Wulff,

    to be honest, I have a bit of bad conscious when a topic called "Copenhagen, DK help needed!" is full of my stories about the hungarian postcommunistic nightmare. :) So now comes my last (and craziest) story in connection with Hungary and then I will turn back to Denmark.

    Some days ago I was walking around in Budapest after a seminar. I decided that I go to have a look at my apartment in the downtown that I actually don't use for different reasons. When I turned into the street where the apartment lies I saw that some big dark thing is parking on the pavement in front of the house. When I arrived at the gate the only thing I realized was that I couldn't go in because the big dark thing was a T-34 tank!! For the first glance I felt I had gone helplessly crazy: that's the end, I have halluciantions and imagine hijacked T-34 tanks even on peaceful streets, I had better call for an ambulance that immediately takes me to the psychiatry department. :& Then I went closer, touched the tank and it was really there so I realized it is not a halucination at all! Then I started to laugh like hell feeling that I ended up in an absurd drama: whom should I call now and what should I say? Shall I try the police or the self-government and say: "Good afternoon, Madam, sorry for disturbing You but there is a tank in front of the door and I can't enter the house, so could You be so kind as to help me in pulling it just 0,5 meter away from here?" Finally I decided to walk forward on the street to collect some information. It turned out that they only needed the tank to make some 1956 film in my street...

    Me too! :) So take advantage of the exceptionally long Danish holidays! :party: (I don't know if it is true, but one of my friends told me that even the youngest full time employees are entitled for a holiday of 5 weeks every year! Is it really true? Because then it is really marvellous - not only according to the USA but also to Hungary where they get only 3 weeks at the beginning if I remember correctly... )

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