bandwidth my ass

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by themnax, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    having to reboot three or more times to delete all of my emails, every day.

    every time i sign a petition it puts me on a list. that's fine.
    but every list i'm on asks for donations.
    i don't send money over the internet.
    this would not be a big deal.
    i get between 100 and 200 emails every day.
    99.999% of them are requests for donations.
    some of them are also links to interesting political news.

    i can get on here, to hips, just fine,
    my fur affinity page i upload my art to just fine,
    i can even watch something on you tube or vimeo occasionally,
    though i understand that does eat bandwith allotment,

    but going through my daily email overdose, trying to keep it on a daily basis,
    from jamming up entirely, every ten or so deletes, yahoo claims no internet connection,
    or in other words, cuts off itself from mine.

    i call that conspiracy, and i doubt i'm the only one this ever happens to.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    If you drive to work every day and get stuck behind a tractor, their is no point in going out and buying a sports car. The same is true of the internet. If you can post on this site OK, their is nothing wrong with your internet speed. Few people understand how it all works, but comparing digital data with a paper office should help. If someone asks you for some documents, you collect them together, put them in an envelope and send them to the post room for posting. If you are too busy to collate them until after lunch, or the post room leave them on the desk until the next day, it is not the postman's fault that your client gets them a few days late. Likewise when you are watching a video online, the senders client server does not just dump the data into the abyss of the internet. The server puts data into a packet correctly addressed to your computer, along with instructions for use. This packet contains about 20 seconds of video and a page number. You can start watching as soon as page 1 arrives, but if page 2 is delayed, your computer will buffer while it is waiting. If a page is corrupt for any reason, the system can not bypass it or accept further pages and the video will crash, To give you some idea of the quantity of data in transmission, take You-Tube as an example. People UPLOAD videos at a rate of 400 hours per minute. If someone had to look after them in real time, You-Tube would require an additional 20 million staff. The Google servers that deliver You-tube throughout the world have a combined electricity consumption that is equivalent to the output of a nuclear power station. When the video that you are watching leaves You-Tube, it finds the fastest rout via hundreds of servers to your home of office. At busy times every page will come via a slightly different route. If page 3 arrives before page 2, again your download will crash.
    Back to your email problem, Public domestic email servers are not designed to handle 200 emails a day on webmail. It would help if you installed outlook on your computer. This would download the emails to your hard drive, from where you could swap between them as much as you liked without any delays or losses. However you will need to delete them from yahoo's server every week or so, otherwise it will become so blocked that your daily download to outlook will take for ever.
    The other email solution is to install your own email server, but this will require a static IP connection and running your own domain. In addition you will only be able to access your emails from the server, unless you network all of your devices via a cloud service
    Regarding other internet speed problems, the root of the problem lies with the television companies who are overloading public servers with catch up television. This is now a worldwide problem
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  3. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    or just do what I do, use outlook for personal important e-mail, and yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc, for the obligatory e-mail addy needed to sign up to places like HF (or signing petitions) and after getting the e-mail you actually need, never log into it again.
    I am always astonished at the number of people who use insecure, very hackable and junk email services like yahoo, gmail, hotmail for important and personal stuff.

    also in outlook it's easy as pie to set up rules and sort the mail before you ever even open it, and have the junk mail trashed before you even see it.
    the very best solution is setting up your own server with a good pro level router like a SonicWall and then that junk never even gets downloaded at all, just gets refused right away.
    that isn't what I've got going, but it is the best.
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  4. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    You obviously have a good understanding of the internet. I always use the files in the office comparison to help people understand how systems work. We use Microsoft business web-mail which runs on outlook software. We download to our own outlook file daily and sort the rubbish out, before filing most of what is left what is left into separate files such as utilities, family and a few for regular suppliers. We then delete 99% of the emails from the web system, leaving just the few that I may need to access from my laptop. A few months ago, a friend who had followed my advice complained that it did not work for him. When I looked at his system, he had simply forgotten to empty the deleted files from the webmail, leaving more than 5000 still active. A few clicks and the problem was resolved. Once again I used the paper comparison, telling him that he had binned his junk every day, forgotten to put the rubbish out and his office was stacked to the ceiling with rubbish sacks.
    Most junk comes from a small handful of senders who run mailshot businesses. When I start getting a spate of rubbish, I take the time to use the 'block sender' function on the webmail. I do not know if this function exists on the free email companies such as yahoo.
    Like you, I have a google email account, used entirely for opening accounts on sites such as this, where a confirmation email opens the account. People simply do not realize that websites make a lot of money passing these details onto the marketing spammers. I have just had a look at my gmail and it appears that Hip Forums have not passed any of my details on. This seems to be a great site that is relatively troll and idiot free. Their system of having quite a few volunteer moderators among us really seems to work. I have already noticed that a lot of new members vanish after a few hours when they realize that us established members are not here to troll and insult each other
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Dude, seriously

    2 or more email accounts eh?
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    aren't mp3 servers just as vulnerable as web mail if not more so?
    (or whatever you call what mail clients run on)

    actually the last time i started a seperate account to walk away from one that was too jammed up, was when i started the one i'm using now.
    what you say does make sense, and i probably will eventually.

    i like hearing about some of these things, and not watching tv or bloggers, this is the only way i ever do.

    my complaint with with my current webmail server, and possibly carrier, is cutting me off,
    from being able to clean my e-mail box out, other then at some very odd times of day,
    that are themselves something of a moving target.

    the reason i'm calling conspiracy is an appearant ideological bias.
    i am way over to the "liberal" side, if that's what people who hate logic want to call people who refuse to.

    and this seems like a way to attack people who share my perspective.
    if its something else that's going on, well that could be too,
    but these providers, i don't get to choose the isp the wifi where i live connects to,
    but they 'charter' and yahoo do seem to have gained a rep,
    for that bias that claims to conserve, but only does so, if at all, in an utterly logic defying manor.

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