God Non-Exist?

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by King Names, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. King Names

    King Names Members

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    It takes non-existence alive, and with drives which are sexual, to make existence work.

    I feel I have solved every thing in a shell. Feel free to inform me of otherwise.

    And sexual drives means God of more than one supreme being. Girl Gods accompany a Boy God. :bobby:

    U have to be a sower before you can sow.
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the likelihood of one or more gods or god like being existing, approaches 50%. the more we try to describe and pretend we know about it or them, the more the likelihood of THESE claims, approaches zero.

    (if you sow, are you not now and thus, a sower after the fact? is that not however meant to be something something other then a female porcine?)

    also i think the sex thing is overstated here. it makes the idea of a god sound like this big dick that is screwing everything that isn't itself.
    yes i know there are people who that really is what they are worshipping.

    boy gods and girl gods, yes that is one sort of answer. genderless gods is another, because what need would a god have to reproduce? and also, even among living organisms on our own earth, sexual reproduction is not the only form in which that takes place. don't get me wrong, i like and see nothing wrong with female aspected god-like beings. i even, do believe, well there is something very much like that, and certainly as much or many as male, herm or neuter.

    but for a being to be absolutely superior to all other things (not saying that any god would have to be, though again some people seem to) it would pretty much have to be both non-physcal and effectvely neuter.
    a god herm might be possible, but less likely then a neuter for a completely and absolute supreme.
  3. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    why would God require sexuality? God would not need reproduction, and reproduction does not implicitly require 2 genders (and by extension, could also involve an arbitrarily large number of genders).
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Ummmm..... What?
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    some things split in half and become multiple that way.....
  6. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    The one distinct difference I see between the general depictions of God as a creator and humans and animal sexual instincts is that humans and animals are trying to make offspring as where God is imbued with the capacity to create the world, which has a more far reaching consequence then sexual instincts.

    Now occasionally sexuality by God(s) is on display as well, particularly Greek mythology, but that worldly creator depiction makes the idea of God seem different and not bound to humanly notions of sexuality.
  7. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    What about the sexuality of commenting for the belonging within Civilization? True, in recent 'civilization' humans have referred the freedom of sexuality to the source of being created and, for God's purpose being put down on this Earth as the 'thing'. In the sexuality of such fear being overcome (God also determining much fear) humans are allowed the accomplished concept for Indifference of new externalizations

    In other words; God is an external vs. internal concept.
  8. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I don't know how to respond to the first part...

    Seeing as we are in the agnostic and atheism forum, I don't really care to pick it apart too much but wouldn't the theist suggest that god permeates external and internal ?
  9. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    i guess it depends on which dogma you like the best, which parts of it you decide to incorporate into your own convictions of truth.
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well truth is what is there without words. dogma, what a person actually believes, and truth, these are all completly seperate things. they may or may not overlap, but there is no hierarchy of dependence among them.
    a god or gods may or may not exist without any of them. that a god would have the slightest desire to be worshiped is an entirely human assumption, driven by entirely human motivations.
  11. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    It's an assumption supposedly based on personal experience, this is why I say the concept of god is external and internal. In the west, the organization and structure of thought and language leading to sensible and reliable assertions that can be made about the world.. (aka logic) are often suggested by theists to be a quality that god has given them.

    Furthermore, no matter what the beliefs it seems to me in a general sense, the whole concept of faith and religious practices suggests seeking to form an internal and external dynamic.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the probability of there existing things about which no one knows jack is 100%.
    the ego doesn't like this idea very much, but reality is not obligated to give a rats ass what the ego likes or doesn't.

    we experience things that are totally non-physical. in an effort to be objective there is a tendency to write this off as a purely emotional quality of experience.

    it is not science to reject out of hand, but only to avoid embracing fully a belief in the absence of evidence that can be replicated and observed by truly massive numbers of others, and/or in truly massive numbers of observed instances. truly massive numbers of people do experience truly non-physical things.

    the problem comes when we try to define something more narrowly then the possibility of its existence. the more narrowly we define something, the smaller a chunk of the infinite range of possibilities we're looking at, and thus, the lower its probability.

    i happen to believe that totally non-physical sapient beings really do exist. i also happen to believe that this owes nothing, to anything else, i, or anyone else, might choose to believe about them.

    i also don't believe, we'd be any worse off, if no one had ever come up with the idea, that any of them, would ever have the slightest desire to be worshiped.

    beyond internal and external, i see a kind of fascination with the unknown. that we are somehow connected with it.

    again though, the more narrowly we try to define that connection, the more that is rejecting the width of the range of its possibilities.

    so when someone says god, i say, yes, something that someone might or might not consider one, (or at least one) but yes, something not physical that exists, that we can relate to, without having to do all this over specifying it, the way western religions attempt to.
  13. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    dont agree, what if there is an alien race that is neither male nor female?

    lets say existance is a state of reality, weather or not there are sexual beings, reality will continue. the earth was lifeless for some time, doesnt mean that it just wasnt there.

    the rest of your argument depends on what your subjective concept of god, so you must first define what you mean by god.
  14. Lolli

    Lolli Visitor

    God has no gender. He does not need 2 reproduce. God can create anything He wants out of thin air. God has a son & His name is Jesus. only through Jesus can u be saved & get 2 God. look around u & all the little miracles every day. u wake up. u breath. without God this would not be possible. praise God 4 his many blessings!!!
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I praise god for his many blessings every day and when I look around I see all the little miracles indeed. So what do I need Jesus for?
  16. volunteer_tommy

    volunteer_tommy Elongated Member

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    You're wrong

  17. hickey

    hickey Member

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    "So what do I need Jesus for?"
    Wanna burn in hell boy?
    The message of Jesus was love, not of one's needs or beliefs. He was a teacher,rabbi, healer, servant but mostly he was a Galilean.
    So, "so what do I need Jesus for?" You don't, who questions needs? (needs cry out for relief-rarely is an explanation required). You should want him for filling the void and;
    1. saving you from having lost sinners looking at you, like, 'are you the one?'. 2. For understanding some rudiments of western civilization, 3. To explain for the Christians in the neighborhood. 4. The old 'son of the father with a virgin wife' excuse still has a few miles left on it...study it, could come in handy.

    If the God you want is a god you need then try this on for gospel:
    Who says God must be some sort of cosmic creator? There is definitely a God. Money is God. Money is worshiped, prayed for and is the principle for waging Jihad. This principle of faith is trusted by all denominations in a present world of economy (more so than environment). All except unreformed saints love money not for what it creates, but for the controls and powers it grants to those who wield it. Money providing the wealth that justifies living the labored life of suffering consumerism. Jesus died so that the future Sabbaths could be a sell-out on Sunday like everyday business hours. No business on Sundays? Heathenish.
    Sure, god is great (if anyone can be great...god probably first in line for that recognition, duh.) but praising god due your own observations is like an art critic who arts not in appraisal's fair appreciation.
  18. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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  19. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Is War sexy? Positively the at least rich don't die.
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    You're not making a lot of sense with your points. Are you really trying to explain why I or other people need Jesus? :p Maybe you're meaning to say it is handy to know who Jesus was in case of point 2 (understanding some rudiments of western civilisation) or 3 (to explain for christians in the neighbourhood) but we (non Christians) don't NEED Jesus for any of that. Point 1 and 4 especially make no sense. Let's hope you're just being sarcastic or something.

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