Odd things you've done while tripping

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by la Principessa, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    One time I watched one of my favorite movies, A Clockwork Orange, while tripping. I waited until I started to feel it coming on, turned on the film, and relaxed. After a while I started to think "WHAT in god's name is wrong with me? This is fucked up. I can't believe I like this movie. What kind of sick disgusting person would I have to be to think this is a good movie. There's rape and violence all over this." It's kind of funny that I have to be fucked up to see that it's not normal to have this be one of my favorite movies. I mean usually it's when people are fucked up that they think strange things are awesome.
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I was convinced I was dead on some LSD once. I was tripping alone so I had no one to talk to and I got into these thoughts of realizing there was no way to prove I was alive, I just thought I was. Then I thought I was one of those people like in the Sixth Sense who didn't know he was dead. But I was not afraid I thought well I enjoyed my life and I don't think I am in "hell" this place is not too bad wherever I am.
  3. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    Very interesting. That trip could've easily gone from peaceful to scary.
  4. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    Drove on the interstate during a blizzard, going 30 mph, with broken windshield wipers, so me and the passenger were hanging out the windows, using our arms as windshield wipers.
  5. crewcut

    crewcut Member

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    I've got a couple but one is the weirdest... I was living on an organic farm, kind of like WWOF but not through that program. Found the place and asked if I could live there, "sure for $50 and a couple hours work in the garden everyday this hut is yours". come Halloween night, this couple I was cool with and me got to tripping. I started getting heavy mental overlays of this evil, laughing pizza-face moon and orc-people beneath it dismembering victims. That and I was pretty sure the little shin-dig w/ the couple was an elaborate plan to get me into a threesome and then hurt me somehow. Said something to the dude like "Hey man, hope you got your negativity suit on." He told me to chill and eat some pizza. I flipped out and cursing at everyone there, ran into the woods. Part of the farm was being rented out that night by a boyscout troop, it was like 11pm maybe so they were probably telling campfire stories as I erupted out of the brush. My little hut was along the way, some scout leader came out to confront me but I kept a bee line to my hut. I eventually passed out beneath the fell glow of the cackling, blood-eyed pizza God. Tone, if your out there... sorry man, I was a rookie those days.

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